Chapter 220 Can't hide

[WARNING: This chapter contains sensitive content. If uncomfortable, please skip.]


The room was dark--despondent of any human life other than the woman locked inside the room.

Feng Mei felt warm as she curled into a ball, her wrists and her ankles wrapped in cable ties. Her lips slightly parted, her eyesight covered with a blindfold. She knew she was there for a long time, but she was unaware of the time as it was always dark and silent.

The room was so silent, a person inside could even hear the water drops coming from the ceiling. Feng Mei could also feel and hear her heart throbbing in her chest.

Feng Mei wondered how long she was here in the room since her kidnap. Deep down, she hoped that one of the people she knew would come to look for her, but alas, there was still no one.


The moment the door creaked open, Feng Mei bit her lip as her body trembled. Her fists tightened, and she huddled in the corner of the room as if to escape from a monster.

magic "Did you miss me, little kitty?"

Feng Mei cowered in fear as his words echoed in the room. His resounding footsteps stopped in front of her. It made Feng Mei release some of her tears that pooled in her eyes.

'Go away, you psycho... go away!'

Feng Mei begged in her thoughts as if praying to any god that could rescue her right at this moment. In her silence, the man maniacally laughed as he landed a finger on her face, stiffening her whole body.

"Why so silent, little kitty?"


Feng Mei didn't dare to make a sound. She knew that once she does, the psycho would mercilessly hit her. She felt cold sweat trickle down her spine when she felt the man play with the ends of her hair, his breath fanning over her cheek.

"Do you know how long you've been here, little kitty?"

Feng Mei still stayed silent. The man laughed against her ear, Feng Mei jerking her head away as she felt uncomfortable with what he was doing.

"It has been three days, little kitty. Are you hungry? Thirsty? You've grown thinner."

The woman didn't dare make a move. She knew she was hungry and thirsty, but she knew more than not to trust the man before him. How could she trust the person who kidnapped her?

Whatever he gives her--food or water, she would gladly decline them even though she knew her body is slowly weakening.


"I-I..." she was stammering on her words. "I wouldn't want to eat or drink anything that came from you," she said, almost in a whisper, but it was enough for the man to hear.

With that, he chuckled as he got the take out that he got from behind him. He opened it, teasing Feng Mei with the smell of fried chicken from KFC and the sweet scent of the red iced tea.

"Oh? Are you sure?"

Feng Mei had to admit that the scent of the food was inviting because she knew that she didn't eat even a single crumb for three days.

She even forced herself not to drink water. Only when the psycho forced the water down her throat will she only be saved from her dehydration.

"I'm treating you nicely. Why decline my hospitality, hmm?"

Even with the fear Feng Mei had, she had the urge to scoff as she found what he said so stupid. She even had the energy to retort, immediately provoking the psycho.

"Would a victim want anything from his or her kidnapper?"

With the psycho scoffing, he got the drink from the paper bag, opened it, as he aggressively pulled Feng Mei by the hair, making her wince in pain as she felt some of her hair pulled from her scalp.

"I'm already saving you from the brink of death! And you dare decline my kindness?"

Feng Mei gritted her teeth. If only her wrists and ankles weren't tied by cable ties, she would have done her best to punch or kick the man before her!

"Feng Mei."

Feng Mei's body stiffened when she heard the man mention her name. He laughed evilly beside her ear as he whispered things that shook her judgments.

"Do you think you're so important in people's lives?"

Feng Mei's body trembled as he felt the man getting some chunks of the chicken and shoving it forcefully in her mouth.

"It has been three days, but no one is still looking for you!"

Feng Mei felt her eyes watering. She slowly chewed her food as she knew that if she spat it out, the psycho would just force more in her mouth, punishing her.

"Feng Mei, Feng Mei, Feng Mei... you are such a delusional woman, thinking that you would be capable of doing something big on your own!"

Despite being blind folded with a cloth, she felt tears escaping in her eyes as the cloth in front of her eyes also dampened. The man before him chuckled once more, his voice traveling through Feng Mei's ears to send shivers down her spine.

"You think you're so important, but you're worthless. Remember this: that even though there would be a time that you're out of my sight, I would hunt you down and make you remember every moment you had right in this very room."

Feng Mei already started sobbing, making a sound even though she tried her best to stifle her cries. Seeing her reaction, the psycho laughed as he tucked some of her hair at the side, his last words chilling her to the very bone.

"You can run, little kitty... but you can never hide."



Yan Mei screamed at the top of her lungs as she crouched on the ground, her head hung low as she covered both of her ears. Her head was shaking furiously, making her therapist stand up in an instant to approach her.

"Mrs. Lei--"

"No, no! Go away! Don't touch me!"

At the same moment, the door of the office banged open. Lei Zhao rushed to his wife as he bent down to touch her, but the moment he did, Yan Mei hit his hand harshly, surprising him.

"Yan Mei, it's me. It's me!"

When she heard Lei Zhao's words, Yan Mei slowly raised her head, showing her messy hair and distressed face. Not wanting to trigger her more, Lei Zhao slowly extended his hand towards her.

Yan Mei seemed to be in a daze as tears continued flowing from her eyes, watching Lei Zhao's hand coming towards her. The moment his hand landed on her shoulder, Yan Mei daren't move.

Lei Zhao then pulled her in an embrace, Yan Mei wailing against his chest once more as the memories of the past continued to hunt her.

"The psycho... he's coming. He's coming back. He's coming!"

Author's Note: Hiyo…. hope we are all good. we are now revealing stuffs about YM's past so every chapter from now is interconnected so patience if it seems slow. Heheeh also please don't jump into conclusion so soon. We should know by now that conclusion doesn't get along with this book hehehe.

Remember to check out my sis book since she has been writing all the chappie this month hehe. The Soul Eater's possession.
