Chapter 146 Secrets and Affairs  

"Sir, we are here." Mr. Ying's secretary voice snapped him out of his thoughts. The words of his daughter has been echoing in his head ever since he left the hotel.

He never thought his negligence would make him nearly lose his daughter. He was really ashamed of himself.

Rubbing his temples he got down of his car and walked towards the house.

When he entered,he saw his wife lazily flipping through the magazine with an apple in her hand.

'Her daughter didn't come home and she doesn't even care?' Mr.Ying thought as he shook his head.

Su Cha looked up when she heard footsteps in the room.


"Oh, you're back." She said this nonchalantly and looked back at the magazine.

Mr. Ying heaved a sigh and sat down facing his wife.

"We need to talk." He said as he loosened his tie.

"Hmm? I'm listening." Su Cha said as she took a bite of her apple. For this husband of hers, she tried. Really tried but sigh…

"Where is Ying Sheng?" Mr.Ying asked bluntly.

Su Cha shrugged, "I don't know. I'm not her bodyguard."


A slash of irritation slashed through Mr.Ying. He took a deep breath to calm down.

"Yes, you're not her "bodyguard" but you're her mother! So tell me woman, where is my daughter?"

Mr. Ying snapped angrily. Su Cha looked up meeting her husband's fierce glare.

"Oh, you suddenly remembered that you have a daughter? I thought you have forgotten."

Mr.Ying furrowed his brows as anger roared through his veins.

"I don't know where your precious daughter is. She left yesterday and she never came back. I'm sure she is busy doing something that would disgrace us. It's the only thing she knows how to do!"


The servants suddenly dispersed. They knew their masters were going to fight and they didn't want to witness it.

"You…! You're not afraid that something happened to your daughter? What kind of mother are you?"

Su Cha chuckled when she heard her husband, "Seriously? If she was dead I'm sure we would have heard by now."

Mr. Ying clenched his fist as his chin trembled. He has never hit a woman before but for once he wanted to hit the woman in front of him.

"Don't act like you are any better than me, Mr. Ying. You were never home. Too busy with your company and that woman. Don't think I don't know about your affair!"

Mr. Ying widened his eyes.

"All those nights you're not home, you were with her. It has always been her. Not me or my children." Su Cha continued.

Mr. Ying heaved a sigh, there was no need to hide the truth.

"I-I'm sorry." Su Cha snorted.

"Too late for that. Don't you think?" Su Cha bite her apple as her lips curved into a sardonic smile.

"She is pregnant isn't she?"

Mr. Ying bowed his head and nodded.

"Yes, she is."

Su Cha hummed.

"Even though this marriage was a business marriage I tried to make it work. I really did. But you made it so difficult. Also, the shadows of the past kept haunting me."

Mr. Ying looked at the woman he had been married to for years. Even though they have been married for more than twenty years he never loved her.

For him,she was the devil who separated him from his love. And for her, he was the monster who shattered her perfect life.

"I thought you hated me. That's why I was never around. I thought you needed space, seeing me would remind you of that night…"

Mr. Ying trailed off.

"That's why you don't like Ying Sheng right? Seeing her remind you of that night. Of that disgrace. " He continued.

"Yes, I hate her! She was a product of my biggest nightmare what makes you think I can love her? I tried when she was a child. I tried to be a mother to her but I can't."

Su Cha roughly wiped the tears that was trailing on her cheeks.

"You know...when she was a kid. I-I tried to kill her. As long as she was no more I wouldn't be reminded of that night. Her existence is the clear proof of my misery!"

Mr. Ying felt like someone was pulling the string of his heart. He never thought he has caused so many people pain. When did he become such a monster?

"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken you out that night. It's all my fault. We were once best friends but I messed it up didn't I?"

Su Cha looked away as tears run down her cheeks.

"You can hate me but you can't hurt Ying Sheng. She is innocent in all of this. Do you know she tried to kill herself?"

Mr. Ying said as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

Su Cha widened her eyes, "What are you talking about? Why? I thought she was…"

Mr. Ying shook his head, "I know. We haven't been the best of parents. We have ruined our daughter."

Silence fell between them.

"I know you have met him. You have always loved him, haven't you?" Mr. Ying finally spoke breaking the silence.

Su Cha avoided his eyes and nodded.

"Hmm. Let's divorce. Being together we are going to continue to hurt each other. This marriage was doom to end from the beginning. The moment…"

Mr. Ying shoulders slumped. "I'm sorry Susu. I never meant to hurt you. I thought being Mrs. Ying was enough but I guess I was wrong."

Su Cha looked at the man who she has been married to. They were once best friends but one night ruined everything.

"Ying Sheng…..what are we going to tell her? Do you think she hates me? I tried to be a mother to her but….I failed her."

Mr. Ying forced a smile, "I don't know. But I hope she understands. We would make this work.

Suddenly Su Cha face paled, "My father, he would never allow me to be with him or agree on this divorce."

Mr. Ying nodded, " We will keep it a secret for now. First, we need to find a way to make it up to our daughter. I know it's difficult but she is your daughter after all."

Su Cha nodded. Even though she hates Ying Sheng, she doesn't want her to die. Ying Sheng is her daughter after all.

Author's Note

Okiee guys lemme know what you think their story is.

Hint: Like all typical arranged marriages haha
