Chapter 140 Evil witch  

"Come on, Liam. It would be fun. Stop scrunching your face like we are going to bomb a train." Lucas said commented seeing his brother's face.

"Argh, I spend so much time organizing my closet and now look, you're ruining it."

Liam whined staring at his brother blankly as he peered his head from the closet smiling sheepishlyy.

"Well, you should hire a maid to do these things for you. Also, you can't blame me. I don't want you to dress like an old businessman at the club. You're just twenty-three you should start dressing like your age. Not like an old granny."

Lucas said as he flung an outfit on the floor, muttering Liam's bad taste in clothes.

"What is wrong with dressing decently."


Lucas ignored him as he focused on finding clothes for Liam. Suddenly he exclaimed in excitement.

"This is perfect! Try it. Hurry."

Liam stared at the clothes as he pursed his lips in a thin line.

"Dude, you should loosen up. No wonder Miss Baddie doesn't want you." Lucas smirked. He knew the moment he mentions Ying Sheng's name his brother would agree.

Liam glared at his brother before taking the clothes. "Only today." Liam mumbled

"Yes Sir." Lucas grinned.



Lucas gasped, his hands pressed against his chest in mock hurt. Liam rolled his eyes.


"Time to find some bitcheesss!" Lucas exclaimed excitedly as he hopped out of the car. Slamming the door shut, he made his way towards the entrance of the club.

Liam rolled his eyes and followed his brother. Looking out the crowd lining up the streets, Liam sighed. He was starting to regret coming here.

"Liam, here!" Lucas waved at his brother making people turned to stare at Liam.


The bouncer at the entrance nodded at Lucas and let them in. It seems Lucas was a regular here.

The moment they got in, loud music assalute Liam's ears making him


He wrinkled his nose in distate when he saw the women battling their fake lashes at him

"Relax mate." Lucas slappd the back of his brother excitedly when he saw his sullen mood.

Liam gritted his teeth when women tried to touch him or rubbed their back in his front.

Fortunately, Lucas lead them to the bar. He raised his hands at the bartender and he poured them a shot of whiskey.

"Those girls are checking you out bro. You should hook up with one of them. It would help you loossened up. Trust me. Sex is addicting, one taste and you're a goner!"

Lucas whispered in Liam's ears since the music was loud.

Liam brows bumped together and he shook his head.

Lucas chuckled and he took a sip of his whiskey. He flirted with the woman sitting beside him.

Liam sat casually at the bar without touching the glass of whiskey and let his eyes roam in the club.

Suddenly someone caught his eyes. She was dancing in the middle of the dance floor holding a glass containing a red liquid. Her hips swayed in an alluring way attracting men hungry gazes.

Liam felt a surge of possessiveness through him as he stood up abruptly and made his way towards her.

He increased his pace and rushed through sweaty bodies when he saw a man approaching her. He breathed in relief when he reached her earlier than the man.

Liam tapped her shoulders and she turned around.

"Yo, it's my cutie pie!" Ying Sheng said excitedly and Liam knew she was drunk.

"Oh my! I nearly didn't notice you. You look….hot and sexy!"

Ying Sheng said as her eyes roamed Liam's body.

He was wearing a black skinny jeans with a black T-shirt which hung on his frame and a black leather jacket.

Liam felt his heart speeding and he blushed.

Ying Sheng hugged him before giggling. Liam froze and he felt his blood warming up his cheeks when he felt her breast poking his chest.

She was squeezing him tightly.

Liam pulled away and cleared his throat.

"Let's get you home. You could use a bed rest."

Ying Sheng blinked and scrunched her face.

"Home?" She hiccupped.

"H-O-M-E" Ying Sheng spelled the word and busted into a laugh.

"Ok...ay. Let's go. Cutie."

Liam placed Ying Sheng in the passenger's seat before he got in the car. The moment the car started, she started singing a random love song which made no sense.

Liam heaved a sigh but said nothing. He knew she was hurting from the look in her eyes.

"Liam…" she suddenly called him.

"Hmm?" Liam glanced at her.

"I think I'm going to puke.". Ying Sheng's pouted.

Liam suddenly stopped the car and she puked in the grass on the side of the road.

Liam took water from his car and he gave it to her.

Ying Sheng shot him a grateful look and she took the water. She washed her mouth with the water.

"Let's get some fresh air before we go." Liam suggested.

Ying Sheng nodded. She sat on the hood of the car and Liam leaned against the car staring at the sky.

"Are you okay?" Liam suddenly spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"Hmm...define okay." Ying Sheng said, sounding dramatic.

Liam heaved a sigh.

"You...need to find me a hotel. An expensive one. I'm going to spend their money. After all, is all they gave me."

Ying Sheng chanted.

Liam raised his brows when he heard her.

"Hotel?" He asked.

Ying Sheng nodded.

"Yeah...the witch she….slapped me and I...walked out on her. She told me not to come...back"

Ying Sheng shrugged. Liam's eyes widened and he looked at her face.

He didn't really pay attention to her face because he is afraid she would tease him. Now that the moon was on her face he clearly saw the red print on her face even though she had used make up to hide it.

"The witch , she is…."

"My mother."

Ying Sheng finished for him

" ….an evil witch."
