Chapter 126 Taste no mercy  

Author's Note: Please this chapter was brought to you by my sister. MysticAmy. She is such a good fantasy writer( I envy her skills! lool) Please support her book The Soul Eater's Possession here please please. Thank you!

Yan Mei stood up from the bed, an ominous aura emanating from her. She crossed her arms in front of her chest as she raised her chin, giving the doctors a condescending look. Seeing a sinister smile on her face, the doctors stepped back in fear, their eyes widening in fright as Yan Mei's eyes turned red, her veins marred on her face.

A powerful gust of wind blew in the room, making the lights flicker on and off. The hairs on their body started to stand in attention as if they were soldiers. With annoyance coursing through Yan Mei's body, the current in the light exploded, the glass shards falling on them and on the floor.

The doctors rushed towards the door but the moment their hands landed on the handle, the door was closed shut, not giving them a chance to escape. With a mocking laugh, the doctors looked at Yan Mei as they cowered in fear. Her voice was heard echoing inside the room, asserting her dominance.

"I told you…," she trailed off, her smirk disappearing from her face, her eyebrow arching up to intimidate them. "I will bury you with him if he dies."

Wanting to let them know how serious she is, with a flick of her finger, she raised one doctor effortlessly in the air without touching him. The moment she put her finger down to her side, the doctor's body slammed hard on the floor, making him cough out a little blood.


Seeing that she was dangerous, the doctors scrambled to rush to the door for their escape. She laughed at them mockingly as she watched how frantic they were in wanting to escape. Her laughter bellowed even more when she saw how the doctors realized that the door was locked.

The doctors turned to look at her with fear in their eyes. When they realized that they were trapped, for the first time since they worked, they started regretting their occupation.

"So... shall we start?"

Yan Mei asked, her left hand twirling her hair playfully. With her right hand, she pointed a finger at them as if choosing her target—her prey. When her finger stopped on one doctor, he urinated himself in fear. Yan Mei chuckled when she saw how the doctor cowered in fear.

"Humans... always pathetic," she said as she shrugged, disdain etched in her voice.

A loud scream echoed and sounded in the vast room, making Edward, who was outside, feel unsettled. With that, he rushed to the door and knocked on it anxiously.


"Miss Yan!?" There was no answer. Only screams and painful moans could be heard. He tried to open the door, but he couldn't.

With adrenaline rushing through his veins, he called his men to open the door, but even with their attempt, it wouldn't budge. He didn't know why... but there is a bad feeling that he felt in the pit of his stomach, his expression turning sour with uncertainty.

Yan Mei nonchalantly tilted her head to the side. She looked like a bored child who was forcing herself to play to look entertained. When her eyes landed on another doctor, she yawned as her eyes turned red. Without making any effort to lay a finger on them, she raised her right hand, her index finger slowly drawing a slash on thin air. Little did the doctors know that she was already making a cut on their colleague's forehead.

"A-ah, no!" Feeling that there was some liquid tricking down from his forehead to his nose, to his lips... the moment he tasted the iron, he realized that it was his blood. In sheer fear, he fainted, making the others cower in front of the merciless woman in front of them.

When she was about to look for another doctor, the other doctors in the room also fainted, making Yan Mei roll her eyes feeling exasperated.

"Tsk... you're no fun!" Yan Mei smirked and turned to the other doctors who aren't unconscious, making them stammer as they speak.


"P-please... spare us. Please, w-we beg you!"

Shaking her head and with sarcasm in her voice, Yan Mei crossed her arms in front of her chest then spoke,

"Why should I spare you? Did fate spare me from his cruelty?"

With that, another chilling laughter echoed in the room, making the other doctors silent. After a few seconds the moment she stopped laughing, her expression turned deadpan serious, as if she hadn't laughed a few moments ago.

"Do you wanna hear a story?"

The room fell into a deafening silence. The doctors' eyebrows were furrowed, the others hunching and latching on to each other for protection as they still felt fear coursing throughout their bodies. Without expecting any replies from them, she started narrating her tale.

"Once upon a time, a princess lived in a castle. She was doted on but the King and Queen since she is the only child. Because of her parents' love and protection, the princess grew up to be quite naive, you see. She believed in the good of humanity. However, there's no good in humanity—this she learned the hard way.

"Once she reached a marriageable age, a prince from another country came to ask for her hand in marriage. Her father didn't agree, but since she was madly in love with the prince, she went on ahead and married him."

Yan Mei started walking slowly as she continued narrating. She stopped in the middle of the room and her voice continued to echo, making her story resound even in the doctors' mind.

"The moment she stepped her foot in her husband's house, she went from a princess in her parents' house, to a lowly servant." Yan Mei sighed as she shook her head, disappointed.

"Because of her husband's love, she swallowed all the abuse from her mother-in-law and never complained."

Yan Mei rolled her eyes then continued narrating; annoyance etched in her voice.

"One year after the marriage, the villain of the story finally appeared. She took everything from the princess and she mercilessly killed her parents.

Two years after her marriage, precisely on her wedding anniversary, her husband threw her on the streets and accused her of cheating without any explanation." Yan Mei raised her chin up, with a tint of malice present in her eyes. "That night, she lost everything, even her innocent child.

Five years later, she found her happily ever after again... but fate snatched him away from her. That broke the last sanity she had, turning our beloved princess into a cold-blooded demon!"

As she finished narrating her story, Yan Mei clapped her hands as she laughed out loud, as if hearing a joke that had tickled her at her sides.

The doctors' eyes hadn't left hers as they watched her laugh, with tears escaping from her eyes. Their eyebrows furrowed when they couldn't decipher if the tears were because of her laughter... or was it because of the sad story she had told them when her eyes also glistened sorrow—a contrast to her display of jovial mood.

"Did fate spare her," Yan Mei asked them and without even waiting for their reply, she continued talking, now anger etched in her voice.

"No! So why the hell should I spare you!?" Yan Mei felt irritated as she threw her hands up in the air to express her frustration. In large three strides, she walked up to one doctor and picked him up effortlessly by the collar, lifting him up from the ground, slightly choking him.

She chose the doctor who announced that Lei Zhao wasn't breathing. Remembering how it was announced to her, her eyes glowed red as she threw him aside like a trash. Possessing an inhumane strength; the moment the doctor's body hit the ward's wall, his bones cracked, the other doctors hearing how it crunched.

Hearing this, it sent shivers down the other doctors' spine. Having the courage to fight back, one of the doctors behind her grabbed and IV stand beside him then attempted to hit Yan Mei on the head.

But the she was quick on her toes—her senses were doubled; she is aware and she is unstoppable. Instinctively she turned back and gave the foolish doctor a mocking smirk.

When the IV stand was raised against her, Yan Mei held the rod, the doctor's eyes widening in shock. 'How is she this strong,' he thought and in a blink of an eye, Yan Mei got the upper hand as she got the IV stand from him then hit him with that, his attempt counterattacked.

After countering the doctor's attack, Yan Mei looked back at the bed which supported her dearly beloved. Her eyes mellowed as she walked over to Lei Zhao slowly, the doctors backing away to give the mad woman space.

Sitting on the bed, Yan Mei placed her hand on Lei Zhao's face, her thumb caressing his cheek as she whispered to herself, her lips trembling.

"Oh, Lei Zhao..." Carefully carrying her husband in her arms, she embraced him—cradled him and rocked back and forth, no longer able to keep her tears at bay. She did this for a minute until she remembered that the incompetent doctors were still present, making her open her eyes, revealing her scarlet red pupils.

'It's their fault!' Gently, she placed her husband down back on the bed, then stood up as she looked at them with malice.

"You shall taste no mercy!"


I read a comment saying the worst-case scenario for an accident plot is coma i hope I have broadened your perspective hahaha.

anyway, I have given lots of clue from chappie 120 to this chapter. Let me know what clue you found out. Also, what's Yan Mei's identity? Any thoughts? hahaha

Is LZ really dead? What would happen next? Let me know your thoughts!

Don't forget to check out my sister's book: The Soul Eater's Possession. Thank you!
