Chapter 124 Is he alive?  

"Hey, is everything okay? Who was that man? Why did those men take him way?" An Qi asked snapping Ye Xing from his haze.

"Can I get a mobile phone?" Ye Xing asked ignoring her questions. He needed to call back up. Whoever took Lei Zhao they needed to find him first.

"Yes." An Qi said and removed her phone from her purse and gave it to Ye Xing.

"Thank you." An Qi nodded and walked out of the room.

Ye Xing dialed a number. After a single ring, the call was connected.

"It's me, Ye Xing." Ye Xing said weakly.


"Team leader!" A voice greeted respectfully.

Ye Xing furrowed his brows as a wave of pain hit his abdomen.

"Trace this number and find my location. Boss…" Ye Xing took a deep breath because of the pain before he continued.

"We had an accident and when I woke up, Boss was not there. Send backup here and call Mr. Wu; Boss's friend to help you. He would know what to do!" Ye Xing barked orders in one breath.

If anyone can help them find Lei Zhao fast it was Mr. Wu.

"I will do that right!" The man respectfully replied without any questions.


"Make sure none of this is a leak." Ye Xing commanded.

"Yes, team leader. We will find you soon!" Ye Xing hung up the call and heaved a sigh.

Suddenly a dangerous light passed through his eyes. Before the accident, he remembers that Lei Zhao was poisoned. The only suspicious person was Mr. Andre.

But how did he poison Lei Zhao? This whole attack wasn't simple and whoever planned is a very dangerous person. The sooner they find him the better.

The door opened and An Qi came in, holding a tray containing porridge. She placed the food on the table and near Ye Xing.

"Eat, you need energy. You have been sleeping for three days now. Ye Xing stiffened.


"What? Three days?!"

An QI nodded this time she didn't get scared from his harsh tone.

Panic hammered in Ye Xing's chest. So, Lei Zhao has been missing for three days? Where did they take him? Was he even alive at this time?

Terror ran through Ye Xing's veins. He needed to find Lei Zhao fast. If something happens to him. He wouldn't forgive himself.

Ye Xing tried to get up but the moment his feet hit the floor, he staggered. If An Qi hasn't quickly held him he would have fallen on the floor.

"Where do you think you're going?!" An Qi scolded him as she helped him sit down on the bed.

"I need to find the man that was with me." Ye Xing said anxiously.

An Qi frowned, "I don't think he is even still alive. From the way he looked and the way they were carrying him, he looked pretty dead to me."

An Qi stepped back in fright when she saw the dangerous light n Ye Xing's eyes. Dead silence fell in the room. The words of An Qi echoed in his ear.

'Will Lei Zhao have died so easily?' Ye Xing didn't want to believe this. How can Lei Zhao die so easily?

"Even though you want to find him, you need to eat first then take your medications. After that…..we can find the man."

Ye Xing brows knitted together as e stared at the woman in front of him.

"What?" An Qi asked with a confused frown marring on her face when she saw Y Xing was staring at her with a deep frown on his face.

"Why did you save me?" He asked Ye Xing asked. All his life he has been trained to be the one to do the saving. Now that someone saved him, he felt weird.

An Qi shrugged, "I think if anyone was in my shoe they would have done the same thing. Now eat before the porridge gets cold. I will dress your wound after."

Ye Xing raised his brows, "you took care of me?"

An Qi nodded, "Ah yes. I'm a doctor in this small town. Ye Xing didn't say anything. He stared at the porridge and his stomach growled.

"Are you afraid that I have poisoned you?" An Qi asked as she rolled her eyes.

"If I wanted you dead, I would have killed you when you were in a coma."

Ye Xing looked up at her and looked at the food on the table.

Yes, she was right, if she wanted to kill him she would have done it earlier. Why wait for him to wake up? Also, he needed the strength to search for Lei Zhao.


Edward Wu quickly called his pilot and his men once Jun Mo sent the address to him and quickly left for New York. He kept looking at the address Jun Mo sent him and his brows furrowed in deep thought. Where did Yan Mei get the address and why was she so sure that he was there?

"Sir, we have reached." His assistant's voice snapped him out of his daze.

"Let's go." Edward Wu ordered. Currently, they were at the address Yan Mei gave to them.

The moment he stepped them from the car; his phone rang. Edward Wu ignored the call but it seems the person was persistent.

Frowning he removed his phone from his pocket and looked at the unfamiliar number.

"Xx11087" The person recited a series of codes the moment Edward Wu picked up the call.

It was a code to give a person's identity in the military. Edward Wu narrowed his eyes when he heard the code.

"What's the emergency?" He asked coldly. Edward Wu was in a hurry to find Lei Zhao and he didn't want to deal with any problems right now.

"Reporting, I got a call from Nightmare. There has been an accident. We seek your help to find our captain."

The man said directly without beating around the bush. From what he said Edward Wu knew who he was talking about. Also, he realized Ye Xing was not with Lei Zhao.

"Copy, find Nightmare first. I would take care of the rest."

"Alright, sir."

Edward Wu hung up the car and turned to look at his men.

Find him. Make sure you leave no stone unturned.

"Yes sir!" They chorused and began their search.

Half an hour later they didn't find anyone.

"Did you find anything?" Edward Wu asked in the mic.

"West coast is clear, sir."

"East coast is clear."

"North coast is clear."

Edward Wu pinched the bridge of his nose. His anxiety was increasing by the seconds.

"I found him!" Suddenly an excited voice said in the mic.

"Where?" Edward Wu asked anxiously.

"Sir in the south coast."

Edward Wu quickly rushed there. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Lei Zhao lying there.

He couldn't bring himself to move a step. Looking at his pale face with blood all over his face.

"Is….Is he alive?" For the first time, he knew what real panic was.

"Yes, he has a pulse, but it's extremely weak. We need to hurry or we might lose him."

Edward Wu nodded and turned to look at his assistant.

"Hurry we have to transport him to the mansion." Edward Wu immediately ordered his men to lift Lei Zhao and carry him back to his mansion here in New York. He had already fixed a hospital inside before coming here.

Now a team of best doctors was waiting there to treat Lei Zhao.

Because Edward Wu didn't want to risk Lei Zhao's life, he didn't take him to the hospital.

In less than an hour, they arrived at the mansion. Even the doctors were surprised that Lei Zhao was still alive.

They immediately started treating him.

Edward Wu sat on a chair and tapped his feet. He was currently waiting for the doctors to report how Lei Zhao was doing.

While waiting he couldn't help but think about all of this. What caused this accident? From his investigations, he knew a mysterious man visited Mr. Andre the day before they signed the contract. So that man was highly suspicious. Also changing from Lei Zhao's blue lips he knew Lei Zhao had been poison.

Moreover, only a few people knew Lei Zhao by his real face when he was in the military so it was definitely not an enemy from his work in the military.

Edward Wu's phone ringing snapped him from his thoughts. He saw the caller ID and realized it was Jun Mo.

"Did you find him?!" he asked the moment Edward Wu picked up the call.


Jun Mo frowned on the other side. Now Yan Mei's condition had been stabilized.

Fortunately, she didn't lose a lot of blood. The doctors said she was stressed out and he had to take care of her.

Jun Mo could still remember the doctor's harsh scolding. He heaved a sigh.

"What's wrong? He is okay right?" Edward Wu raked his fingers through his hair.

"I don't know." Edward Wu said flatly.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"The doctors are treating him. I'm still waiting for their report."

Jun Mo removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"Okay, update me."

"Okay. How is she?" Edward Wu asked about Yan Mei's condition.

"She is stable now. She will wake up soon."

Edward Wu leaned against the chair, "Don't tell anyone about this yet. I don't want to give them hope and snatch it later incase…" Edward Wu trailed off sighing.

"I understand. Please call me when the doctors come out."

"I will." Edward Wu said and hang up the call.
