Chapter 120 He is dead.  

days: 10 minutes: 40secs after Lei Zhao's accident.

"Look who decided to finally come home." Grandpa Yan announced when Yan Mei entered the living room.

"Grandpa." Yan Mei said as she approached him and gave him a hug. Yan Mei loved her grandfather very much, he was the closet thing she has to her mother.

"Grandpa, I miss you." Yan Mei chuckled as she planted a kiss on the old man's cheeks. Grandpa Yan snorted, "You shouldn't overwork Yan Mei. Look at the time you're coming home." Grandpa Yan frowned as he reprimanded her.

Yan Mei scratched her nose, "Sorry, Grandpa. I had to take care of an emergency."

Grandpa Yan shook his head helplessly and sighed, "Yan Mei, you're now married. You can't work late like you used to. As a woman, you have to come home early."


Yan Mei smiled and nodded, "I know grandpa. Fortunately, Lei Zhao is very understanding."

Yan Mei's eyes sparkled with affection as she said. The light in her eyes dimmed a little as a frown contorted her face. Lei Zhao was supposed to come home two days ago, but he didn't and she has gotten no call from him. 'Maybe something came up?' Yan Mei asked herself. She couldn't help but feel restless.

"Let's go and eat." Grandpa Yan's voice snapped her from her thoughts.

"Alright, grandpa. Let's go." Yan Mei forced out a smile and helped the old man to the dining table.

Yan Mei sat across the old man as they ate. They made small talk about Yan Mei's business and the old man asked a few questions about Lei Zhao, which Yan Mei happily replied.

After dinner, Yan Mei went to the backyard and took out her phone. She sat on a chair and checked for any messages or missed call, but there was none.


Yan Mei's brows furrowed, and she looked at the moon. It was exceptionally beautiful tonight, but Yan Mei was in no mood to appreciate it. Yan Mei heaved a sigh, 'Was everything okay? Did he encounter an enemy that he has to lie low for a few days?' Different thoughts were running in Yan Mei's mind, but she had no answers.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Grandpa Yan said as he took a chair and sat beside Yan Mei.

"Is it Lei Zhao?" Grandpa Yan asked straightforward.

Yan Mei turned to look at her grandfather. The moon reflected on his face showing the wrinkles in his forehead and under his eyes.

"Hmm." Yan Mei said as she looked at the moon in the sky.

"Do you want to tell me what's wrong? I thought everything was going well between the two of you. Tell me if I need to beat the crap out of him." Grandpa Yan urged.


Yan Mei let out a deep breath, "No, he has done nothing. It just I haven't heard from him for two days now. He was supposed to come home the last two days, but he didn't and I haven't heard from him. When I call him, it says it cannot be reached." Yan Mei finally said.

"Grandpa, do you think something happened to him?" Yan Mei heaved a worried sigh as she asked.

Grandpa Yan brows knitted together, "We can't be too sure. If you're worried about him. I can ask someone to check his whereabouts tomorrow,"

Yan Mei nodded, "I will visit my mother-in-law tomorrow, maybe she has news."

Grandpa Yan smiled, "My, my you have really fallen in love!" he exclaimed and he chuckled.

Yan Mei rolled her eyes, "It's normal."

Grandpa Yan chuckled, "I'm happy that you have fallen in love. You deserve to be happy, XiaoMei." Grandpa Yan said as he looked at Yan Mei.

Yan Mei smiled back at him, "Grandpa, how did you meet grandma." Yan Mei asked suddenly.

She wanted to know the love story of her grandparents.

A nostalgic look flashed through Grandpa Yan's eyes, and his whole features softened.

"I met your grandmother in Paris. She had run away from her wedding and was hiding there. The moment I laid eyes on her at a coffee shop, I felt an instant pull. I was a Casanova back then, with my good looks and charm." Grandpa Yan grinned.

Yan Mei rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"That moment I felt like she was the only person at the coffee shop. I didn't acknowledge that it was love at first sight back then. I found out about the hotel she was staying at and faked an encounter one day."

Yan Mei raised her brows, "Faked an encounter?"

Grandpa Yan coughed, "Yes. I intentionally bumped into her and got the chance to strike a conversation with her. We became friends from then. I knew I loved her more than a friend, but I was too egotistical to admit it. Until her family found her and forced her to marry the guy, she was originally going to marry."

Anger contorted Grandpa Yan's face. He looked at Yan Mei and continued.

"When I found out, I was beyond angry. I felt like my heart was being ripped out from my chest. My older brother was the one who talked to me and we planned to stop the wedding. That was the best decision I have ever made."

Grandpa Yan smiled and turned to look at Yan Mei, "You have to hold that boy tight if you really love him."

"I will, Grandpa." Yan Mei promised as she leaned back in the chair. She looked at her grandfather and saw that he looked happy. Yan Mei knew he was thinking about his dead wife. Yan Mei wanted a life like this. One day when she grows old, she hopes the mere mention of Lei Zhao would bring happiness on her face.

Before he stood up, he patted Yan Mei's shoulder. "Don't stay up too long." He uttered, then left.

Soon after Grandpa Yan left, Yan Mei stood up and went inside. She needed to sleep. Tomorrow she would visit Lei Xiao Tong.


Lei Xiao Tong paced back and forth in the living room. After that incident, she called Lei Zhao's number the whole day, but it didn't go through. Feeling anxious, she had called her husband and told her what had happened. Mr. Lei knew the hidden background of his wife's family, so he believed in her instincts. Their son was in trouble and they needed to act fast.

It's been two days since they had sent people to go to New York to check what had happened, but they haven't brought any good news.

The hotel said that Ye Xing had checked them out, and they were headed to the airport, but they found no surveillance of them at the airport. It's like they never went there. Lei Xiao Tong knew their son was a responsible person if he was going to delay his flight for a few days, he would have called them.

Mr. Lei had dispatched all his forces to search for Lei Zhao, but they didn't find any news. He even had to call the rest of Lei Zhao's friends for help.

Edward Wu, who is the oldest of the group looked at his friends and raked his fingers through his hair. Everyone was busy on the phone barking orders, clearly agitated.

A phone ringing sounded, alerting everyone. Everyone's eyes fell on Edward Wu as he answers the phone. He was the most powerful one with links throughout the world, so if they believe anyone can find Lei Zhao it was him.

"Boss, I found something." A velvet voice sounded the moment he picked the call.

"What?" He asked clearly. He wasn't in the mood to beat around the bush.

There was deep silence before the man finally spoke, "A car accident occurred on the remote area to the airport. I believe is Mr. Lei's car from the surveillances at the hotel."

Edward Wu abruptly stood up from his seat. He was the closest to Lei Zhao, and he knew Lei Zhao always takes remote areas to avoid surveillances from his enemies.

"What did you say?! What happened?!" He bellowed, causing people's hearts to leap. Edward Wu was the calmest person in their circle no matter what happens he never loses his cool for him to act like this they knew it was bad news.

"B-boss it's bad, the car is totally burnt beyond recognition. I had to pay some locals before I found out where they took the car. They said they found no one. They came to find the car burning. Also, I found a watch in the car. -I—I think Mr. Lei ….he –is dead."

The air in the room dropped as the phone fell from Edward Wu's hands. His fingers trembled.

He staggered and turned to look at the other people in the room. Lei Xiao Tong looked at the pale look on Edward Wu's face and she shook her head.

"No-no-no. Don't tell me-" She shook her head aggressively like a mad person as she whispered. She felt as if she was slowly suffocating.

"You have found Lei Zhao, right? He is okay. Yes, he is. Nothing would happen to my son." Lei Xiao Tong chanted. She felt like her throat was tightening up. She could feel her stomach turning in fear; fear of losing another child.

Lei Xiao Tong's body was trembling in fear, her heart was racing and her mind was spinning. Mr. Lei quickly pulled her wife in his arms

Jun Mo and Henry Liu exchanged glances and looked at Edward Wu at the same time. The look in Edward Wu's eyes was something they have never seen before.


"His car was in an accident and erupted into fire." Edward Wu mumbled cutting Jun Mo off.

"No! NO! Lei Zhao-Lei Zhao-" Lei Xiao Tong couldn't finish her sentence as her tongue got heavy and her vision blurred. Panic flushed into her body as she felt herself losing control. She could feel her body fell into Mr. Lei's arms as darkness evaded her mind.

To be continued.magic
