Chapter 281 The Twins  

"Mr. Gu, do you want to be present during childbirth with Mrs. Gu?" The nurse asked.

Without any hesitation, Gu Yechen nodded, "Yes."

The nurse blinked a few times, a little surprised that Gu Yechen was willing to go in and see the bloody scene. Wasn't he the CEO of the Gu Corporation? Since this was a private hospital, the nurse had seen a lot of rich or famous women and men come over to go through labor.

Most commonly, the rich husband would choose not to enter the room, and the nurse wasn't surprised. After all, most men did not want to see the. . . scene.

The nurse was slightly surprised and forgot to react for a quick second. She cleared her throat before opening the door again, "Please follow me."

Although Xu Mengya and Gu Hanyu really wanted to enter as well, they were forced to stay outside and wait.


Gu Yechen entered the room and immediately saw He Xinyan laying on the bed with her eyes closed and sweat running down her face.

He immediately sat down in the chair next to the bed and grabbed onto her hand. Feeling the touch, He Xinyan blinked her eyes open and almost started crying when she saw Gu Yechen.

"I'm here, I'm here." Gu Yechen ran his fingers through her wet hair and held onto her hand tightly, "It is almost over, okay? You can do it." He said, although he had no clue how long this would take.

"Ah!!" He Xinyan suddenly screamed and her grip on Gu Yechen's hand tightened as the pain from below suddenly shot up to her brain again.

The nurse turned back and looked at the doctor, "I think it is time!"

The doctor bent down and took a look before nodding her head, "Okay, Mrs. Gu. We are going to start monitoring your labor, assessing your contractions and your baby's heart rate. On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is the pain of the contraction right now?"


He Xinyan resisted the urge to say 10 right away and carefully thought about it before saying, "6.5. . . 7?"

The doctor nodded her head, "Okay. We gave you an epidural about 15 minutes ago already, and it should take another 5 minutes before it will go into full effect. For now, just try to relax and take deep breaths. Do not push for now, because that will actually make your labor harder and longer. Okay?"

He Xinyan nodded her head and closed her eyes again, tightly furrowing her eyebrows together.

The next five minutes were incredibly long for everyone inside the room, especially under Gu Yechen's impatient remarks, asking why his wife was in so much pain.

Finally, after a long time, the doctor asked for He Xinyan's pain rate again and after a few seconds of consideration, decided to start the process for labor.

She bent down and took another look at the cervix opening before walking over to He Xinyan, "Okay, Mrs. Gu. Now, I want you to start pushing. I know the epidural should be in full effect now so you might not feel the need to push, but I need you to try, okay? There might be some pain."


He Xinyan scrunched her face together and began trying to push. It hurt a lot even with the epidural and she started to scream from pain as she pushed.

This lasted for a very long time, so long that Gu Yechen had begun to sweat with her. He tried to encourage He Xinyan frequently but he himself was also extremely nervous.

Hearing her painful screams, he couldn't help but wish that he was in her position or even that she wasn't pregnant. It was fine if they didn't have kids. . . He had always known that labor was long and painful, but without experiencing it, he did not know that it would be this bad.

He couldn't bear watching He Xinyan go through this pain, and her screaming was like torture to his ears. With no one and nowhere to get rid of his anxiety and frustration, he could only scream at the nurses and doctors.

The nurses and doctors were also sweating even though it wasn't hot inside. Nothing could go wrong with this couple, or else they would definitely be in big trouble! All the workers inside this room were the best in the entire hospital, but they still couldn't help but be nervous.

The screaming and the urging to push went on for several hours, and all of the workers and Gu Yechen were getting nervous.

The doctor gulped and asked for He Xinyan to try and push hard one last time and if they still don't see the baby's head then they will have to prepare for a C-section.

"C-section?!" Gu Yechen's eyes widened and he wanted to stand up but he couldn't let go of He Xinyan's hand, "Is this all you can do?!"

He understood the negative effects of a C-section on a woman's body and he could not have his baby go through a C-section! No way!

The doctor shook in fear and walked over, bending down towards her, "Mrs. Gu, can you hear me? Can you hear me?"

He Xinyan nodded her head weakly.

"Stay awake, okay? I want you to push as hard as you can one last time. I promise this is the last one, so make it your best, okay?"

He Xinyan could barely make out what the doctor was saying, but she still nodded her head. The doctor grabbed onto He Xinyan's other hand and gulped.

"Okay, ready? One, two, three, push!"

This went on for another half an hour and He Xinyan was getting more and more tired, and she was on the verge of falling asleep when she suddenly heard a voice that sounded like it was very far away scream:

"I see the head! I see the head!"

The doctor let go of He Xinyan's hand and ran over to take a look. She immediately let out a breath of relief but then ran back over to He Xinyan again, "Mrs. Gu, Mrs. Gu! We can see the baby's head! Please, you're almost there! You can do it! Push one last time, okay?"

All He Xinyan could hear was a buzzing noise, but maybe it was her brain's natural reaction, but she tightened her muscles and tried one last time.

The nurse almost felt like crying when she saw the baby's head, "I see it! Mrs. Gu, you're almost there!"

Gu Yechen grasped on tightly to He Xinyan's hand and lifted it up to his lips, kissing it gently.

About a minute later, the room was filled with the noise of a baby crying. Then, about another minute later, the sound of another baby crying filled the room.

From outside, Gu Hanyu and Xu Mengya had been waiting for several hours already, and the two of them were also extremely nervous.

Finally, they heard the faint sound of the babies crying. Xu Mengya immediately jumped up from the chair, "Did you hear that?!"

Gu Hanyu's eyes widened and he nodded excitedly, "Yes, yes."

"Oh, I want to go in!!" Xu Mengya jumped up and down excitedly and her heart that had been resting in her lungs the entire time finally fell back down.

"It's okay. Wait, wait. We will be able to go in soon." A smile appeared on Gu Hanyu's face as he also began pacing around the room. No matter how calm and cold he seemed on the outside normally, he was also extremely excited. After all, this was his first grandchild. . . grandchildren.

Right after she heard the sound of the crying, He Xinyan immediately fell asleep without even waiting for another second to even get a chance to look at the two babies.

Gu Yechen fought the urge to cry after over 20 years of not shedding a tear, and he leaned forward, kissing He Xinyan on the forehead several times.

"You did it. . ." He ran his fingers down the side of her cheek, pushing her drenched hair to the back of her ear. After this experience, he was certain he would be extremely careful not to get her pregnant again. He definitely did not want her to suffer this pain another time.

She had to go through this for him. . . He couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart when thinking about all she had to go through for him, and this only added to the reasons why he would love her and spoil her for the rest of eternity.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu! It is a boy and a girl. Do you want to take a look at them?"

Gu Yechen lifted his head up and didn't let go of He Xinyan's hand as he looked up, taking a quick glance at the two babies.

He smiled happily as he looked at the two small creatures, both whining uncontrollably.

After a few seconds, however, he turned his attention away from the kids and back to He Xinyan, who was motionless on the bed, her breathing unusually weak and soft.

Seeing that Mr. Gu didn't want to look at the babies any longer, the nurse brought them outside for their grandparents to take a look before they would have to go to the NICU because they were premature babies.

Upon seeing their grandchildren, Xu Mengya and Gu Hanyu couldn't help but jump up in excitement.

"Look, look. The girl looks like Yanyan, right? The boy looks like our Yechen!" Xu Mengya said excitedly.

Gu Hanyu chuckled, "How can you tell already? Look at them, you can't even see their features properly."

Xu Mengya scoffed, "I can tell! Oh, the two of them look so cute!"

Although they wanted to play with the baby more, the nurse had to bring the babies over to the NICU, so they were forced to just look from outside the glass window and into the NICU.

As they watched, Xu Mengya suddenly remembered something very important.

"The babies don't have names yet!"magic
