Chapter 278 One Baby, Two Baby  

However, her problem was easily solved by Gu Yechen.

"It's okay. We can buy both."

He Xinyan blinked a few times, "Then that's such a waste!"

Gu Yechen obviously didn't care. He had more than enough money to waste!

He Xinyan blinked a few times and gulped, "Should we. . . maybe just ask about the gender?"

Gu Yechen looked around the shop and shrugged, "Sure, it is all up to you."


So, the two of them left the shop without buying anything and decided to wait another month until the next check-up so they could ask about the gender.


"What is this?" He Xinyan asked, scrunching her face up.

Xu Mengya smiled excitingly, "This is the magic medicine I'm talking about! I know it doesn't look super good, but it is good for the baby!"

He XInyan stared at the bowl of what looked like black goo and gulped, "Are you sure it is supposed to be like this?"

Xu Mengya took a look and thought for a few seconds, "That seems to be a little. . . thicker and darker than what I had, but it should be right."


This only made He Xinyan more scared and she laughed nervously, "Ha. . . ha. . . Thank you, mom but I don't think I need it. The baby is very healthy! The doctor said yesterday that the baby is very, very healthy!"

Xu Mengya did not buy her attempt, "It doesn't matter. Trust me. That is how Gu Yechen is so smart! Drink up, drink up."

Very reluctantly, He Xinyan lifted up the spoon and slowly scooped up a very, very small amount. She lifted it up to her nose and took a sniff. It smelled disgusting.

"Don't worry. I know it doesn't taste really good, but it will definitely help!"

He Xinyan gulped and finally slowly put the spoon into her mouth. She had to use her tongue to get the contents of the spoon off because it was so thick, and immediately, she felt like throwing up. Part of it was because of her pregnancy side effects, but it was mainly because the "medicine" tasted way too disgusting.

She immediately ran over to the sink and spat out the medicine and began gagging. Since she hasn't eaten anything yet, she could not throw anything up.


Xu Mengya gasped and ran over, "Oh my, are you okay? It shouldn't be that bad. Did I do something wrong?"

Xu Mengya went over to the bowl and took a spoonful herself, a spoonful much bigger than the one He Xinyan had.

Immediately, her face turned green as she ran to the trash can and spat everything out, tears beginning to fill in her eyes because it was so bad.

"That tastes disgusting!!" Xu Mengya immediately threw the entire bowl into the trash can, including the bowl itself.

"Xinyan, I'm so sorry! I didn't know it tasted like that. I must have done something wrong. . . When Hanyu made it back then, it didn't taste like this."

He Xinyan smiled weakly, "It's okay. . . I should just stay away from medicine."

Xu Mengya chuckled awkwardly and scratched her head before also tossing the entire pot she had been brewing up.

Over a week later, Gu Yechen finally returned to work although he did not want to. He Xinyan made it clear that they would have a lot of money to spend on the kid after it was born, so he had to go and make money!

Although they both knew there was no way Gu Yechen wouldn't have enough money, he still listened to his wife and returned to the company because his workers were all suffering.

A month after the last check up, they entered the private hospital again for another check up. He Xinyan's stomach had gotten much bigger during this one-month period, and they all thought that it was a little weird.

Her 5-month old stomach looked almost like a 9-month old stomach ready for labor, and it was so uncomfortable she couldn't even sleep on her side anymore.

They entered the hospital and began doing the ultrasound again.

A few minutes later, the doctor gasped.

"I think. . . you have twins!"

He Xinyan's mouth fell open in surprise, ". . . T - Twins?!"

Knowing that this couple wasn't random people, the doctor checked again to make sure she didn't make a mistake. After a few seconds, she nodded her head again, "Yes. If you look here, you can see two embryos."

She pointed at the screen and traced out the two little babies so He Xinyan and Gu Yechen could see, "This should also be why Mrs. Gu's stomach is much larger than normal pregnant women at five months!"

He Xinyan grabbed onto Gu Yechen's hand excitedly, but also a little nervously. She did not know if she should be happy about having two kids at once or scared.

After all, giving birth to one kid was hard enough. . . Two?! She couldn't imagine.

"Doctor, can you tell if it is two boys or two girls?" He Xinyan asked cautiously, a little nervous to hear what gender the babies were.

The doctor nodded her head, "Since you are five months pregnant already, it should be easy to tell. Let me take a look."

The doctor turned around and looked at the ultrasound for a very long time, making sure what she saw was definitely correct. If she made a mistake, she did not know what this couple. . . especially that man, would do to her.

After careful examination, her eyes lit up and she turned around, "Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Gu! It looks like fraternal twins, and it is a boy. . . and a girl!"

He Xinyan's eyes lit up when she heard the word boy, thinking she had won, but she was definitely not prepared for the next big news.

"A boy. . . and a girl?!" He Xinyan sat up slightly, taking a look at the ultrasound herself.

The doctor nodded, "If you look here, this one is the girl and right here, that is the boy."

He Xinyan patted Gu Yechen on the hand excitedly, "Did you hear?! It is a boy and a girl!"

Gu Yechen nodded his head. Of course he heard! He was already extremely surprised at the news of having twins, and now words couldn't even describe how excited he felt!

Having twins was already very rare, much less having a girl and a boy!

After the rest of the check-up, He Xinyan and Gu Yechen quickly left the hospital to go spread the good news to Xu Mengya and Gu Hanyu.

He Xinyan really hoped that the boy would come out before the girl. She had always wanted an older brother, but since she wasn't lucky enough to have one, she could only hope that her daughter would be able to.

Xu Mengya and Gu Hanyu were both extremely shocked by the news, and even Gu Hanyu, who was always calm and cold, couldn't help but smile and clap his hands together in excitement.

"Oh Yanyan, it will be hard on you. Two kids. . . at once!" Xu Mengya suffered greatly when giving birth to Gu Yechen and Gu Yebei, so she understood the pain and difficulty of going through labor.

Although she was excited to get two grandchildren at once, she also couldn't help but feel a little nervous for He Xinyan.

"Don't worry, mom. It won't be too bad. . . hopefully."

For the rest of the four months, He Xinyan was forced to stay inside all the time unless she was going outside for a walk to get some exercise in. Even so, she had to be under the accompaniment of either Gu Yechen or Xu Mengya.

All of the sharp edges in the house were covered with soft cushions, and Gu Yechen was seriously considering building an elevator inside the house, but He Xinyan said it wasn't necessary.

All of the ingredients and food they ate were completely organic and their diet was extremely well-balanced. He Xinyan could not watch her phone or the television for too long each day in fear of the UV rays hurting the babies, so her only source of entertainment was reading books now.

"Hmph! You care about the babies more than me," He Xinyan said sourly one day when Gu Yechen refused to buy her cake when she asked for it, but then when she said the babies wanted it he changed his mind.

Gu Yechen chuckled softly and hugged onto He Xinyan, gently kissing her on the cheek, "I want the babies to be healthy and happy so you will be healthy and happy. Hopefully that way, when you go into labor, it won't be so tiring and hard."

He Xinyan was obviously not convinced as her pregnancy attitude appeared and she angrily tilted her head to the side. The babies weren't even out yet, and Gu Yechen was already treating them like this!

What would happen when they actually came out?! She would become the least favorite of the family! Although on the outside He Xinyan was angry at the babies, internally, she was still happy that Gu Yechen liked the two of them so much.

Gu Yechen liked seeing jealous He Xinyan and he lifted one hand up, pinching her cheek. He Xinyan immediately swatted his hand away.

Gu Yechen then bent down and placed one hand over He Xinyan's gigantic stomach, "Look at you two. Your mother doesn't like you!"

He Xinyan immediately blew up, "Who said I don't like them?! I like them! I don't like you! Hmph!"magic
