Chapter 212 Our Child   magic

He Xinyan looked up, "Hm?"

Gu Yechen put down his chopsticks, "You are always so tired and you barely have time now. . ."

His tone was a little sour as he said the end of the sentence, causing He Xinyan to chuckle.

"So, I was thinking that you don't actually have to take care of the company by yourself. I can have someone I trust to help take care of the company for you if you want."

Gu Yechen gulped, "Of course! If you don't want to, then it's okay. I. . . I just see that you are so tired all the time now."

He Xinyan grinned, "I think that is a great idea!"


To be honest, she never thought of spending the rest of her life leading a company, and she didn't want to either. It was only because she was forced into this situation, so she had to take on the mission for the time being.

However, that didn't mean she was going to spend the rest of her life being a cool female chairman.

He Xinyan also wanted a normal life. Get married, have kids, take care of kids, and get old. . .

However, from the looks of it, she wouldn't have much time for that if she continued to lead the He Corporation.

"Really?!" Gu Yechen was a little surprised. He only brought up the idea, not thinking she would actually agree. He just couldn't bear seeing her so tired all the time.

"Yes. I trust you, and I trust that you will help me. Plus, I think that whoever you find will probably be able to help lead the company better than I will."


Gu Yechen smiled, "You are doing really good. I just don't want to see you so tired all the time."

He Xinyan chuckled, "Aww, my little Chenchen is so considerate!"

A slight blush spread across Gu Yechen's face, and he embarrassedly looked away.

"However, the He Corporation will still have to stay He because my mom and grandpa worked hard for this company." He Xinyan said as she began eating again.

"Of course! It can go to our child in the future too!" Gu Yechen said as he leaned forward against the table.

This time, He Xinyan was the one to blush as she hid her face inside the bowl.


But then she realized something!

"If our child has to take care of the He Corporation and the Gu Corporation, he would be so exhausted!"

Gu Yechen chuckled when he heard her say "our child".

"Who said we can only have one child?"

He Xinyan gulped and focused on eating again. Right. . . right. . .


The next few days were also very tiring for He Xinyan, because they had to work on "changing chairman" again.

Besides that, the He Corporation would also be under the Gu Corporation's care as well.

For the He Corporation, this was very good news. It was the dream of almost all companies to be able to work with the Gu Corporation, because that basically promised growth and more money.

He Xinyan returned home happily after her last day of work and bought a cake on the way back. She went to work in her own car today because she was going to leave early as well.

When she left the bakery, she didn't go home right away. Instead, she made several extra turns before finally returning to the main route to Gu Yechen's house.

He Xinyan looked at her back mirror again and let out a breath of relief when she didn't see the black car that was following her anymore.

In fact, she recognized the black car.

It belonged to Su Zhiming


When she returned home, He Xinyan saw the pile of mail for the week on the doorstep, and she brought it into the house as she walked in.

She quickly scanned through all the mail, and her eyes landed on a small envelope that listed the receiver as He Xinyan.

Who would write her mail?!

He Xinyan put the other mail onto the table and opened the small white envelope. Inside, there were two sheets of paper.

She unfolded the first one and saw that it was a short letter.

'Hello, Xinyan! Congratulations on winning the battle against Bai Jiawei. Please check the other paper for my small gift. - Yi Shao'

It took a few seconds before He Xinyan finally remembered who Yi Shao was.

He Xinyan opened the other paper and saw that it was a shares transfer agreement.

That's right! Yi Shao was a large shareholder of the He Corporation. He Xinyan saw that he had signed his name onto the agreement already, and she just had to sign it on the receiver end.

But why would he transfer his shares to her? The amount of shares he had was still worth a lot of money.

More importantly, how did he know that she was fighting against Bai Jiawei?! It was natural for him to know that she was the new chairman, since he was a director and shareholder of the He Corporation.

The news of Bai Jiawei going to jail was also huge news, so He Xinyan wasn't surprised that Yi Shao knew about this.

However, his word choice is a little weird.

'Battle. . .'

The door opened and Gu Yechen entered the house. He walked over and kissed her on the forehead, "Congratulations on retiring."

He Xinyan chuckled, "That makes me sound so old!"

Gu Yechen grinned, "What are you looking at?"

He Xinyan took out both pieces of paper, "Remember Yi Shao? The person that saved me?"

Gu Yechen quickly read through the note and then looked at the shares transfer agreement. He frowned before folding it back up.

"That's good. It is better for you to have more shares."

He Xinyan nodded her head, "Okay. I will fill out the agreement."

"I'll go make dinner." Gu Yechen entered the kitchen and closed the door. He then pulled out his phone and texted Chen Xiao again.

'I want you to look into the person called Yi Shao again. Use Group X to investigate if you have to. As fast as possible.'

Gu Yechen closed his phone and leaned back against the refrigerator.

He had this weird feeling about this person called Yi Shao, but he didn't know why. . .


It was finally the weekend, and there was an important event planned.

Gu Yechen, He Xinyan, Gu Yebei, and Wu Minger were going to go on a double date!

Gu Yechen wanted his baby to be able to relax a little. She had been working very hard for the past year already.

Now, Bai Jiawei, Li Huiran, Li Yuyan were all gone. She also didn't have to focus on work anymore.

It was a great time to go on a short break and let go of all the stress she had been holding all this time.

And of course. . . When Gu Yebei heard of his brother's plan, he had to shamelessly shove himself in as well! So, a single, romantic date Gu Yechen had planned turned into a double date.

In the morning, He Xinyan excitedly woke up and began packing for their two-day trip.

They were going to go to the most famous hot spring place in Country Z. It was a part of a 5-star hotel, and many people often went there for vacation.

Of course, Gu Yechen wasn't a normal person.

He had booked the entire hot spring for the two days they were going there. He Xinyan didn't know how much that cost, and he didn't dare ask either.

A few hours later, they were in Gu Yechen's car with Gu Yebei and Wu Minger.

Gu Yebei and Wu Minger were very well-prepared with snacks for the road trip. They shared all of their snacks and discussed the different tastes of all the snacks as they ate.

He Xinyan was also successful in stealing some of their snacks to eat, and she would occasionally feed Gu Yechen, who was driving.

Late after lunch time, they arrived at the hotel. Everything was set, and there were many workers including the manager that came outside to welcome them.

Their luggage was brought up to their rooms by workers, and all they had to do was enjoy the free lunch that the hotel provided.

He Xinyan was starving and she was very happy about the fact that the food was served very quickly.

As she busily ate, Gu Yechen helped put food onto her plate so it was never empty.

Wu Minger watched the two of them with a frown, before she finally hit Gu Yebei.

"Look at them! Learn from your brother! See how he is so considerate and you are just busy eating?!" Wu Minger said angrily.

Gu Yebei was still in shock from Wu Minger's sudden scream, and he looked around confusedly, ". . . What?"

Hearing Gu Yebei's confused tone, He Xinyan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"You two are too funny! Hahaha. . ." This time, Wu Minger was also confused as she looked over at He Xinyan, who was practically dying from laughter. A small smile appeared on Gu Yechen's face when he saw He Xinyan laugh, and he continued to put food on her plate.

"Ah, Minger. Don't expect too much. Yebei is very. . . decent already. This guy right here," He Xinyan said, pointing a finger at Gu Yechen, "is just a little. . . special."

Gu Yechen raised one eyebrow, "Special?"
