Chapter 208 The Board Meeting (5)  

Finally, Fu Qi opened his mouth and said, "CEO He is telling the truth."

"Fu Qi!" Bai Jiawei jumped up from his chair again and glared at Fu Qi, but Qu Fei pushed him back down onto his chair again.

"For seven months already, Chairman Bai has been embezzling money from company funds. I remember that he came and found me seven months ago and threatened me to help him, or else he would fire me. I had no other choice! I didn't want to, but I couldn't lose my job!"

Manager Fu was sweating by now as he continued to speak, "He took 10 thousand dollars every month from company funds, and told me to hide it in the financial reports so no one knew."

All of the board members were furious by now. No wonder the company wasn't earning as much now! As directors of the company, Bai Jiawei was stealing their money!

Of course they can't stand this! The most important thing for these directors was the money! Nothing was worse than them losing money!


I have all the reports of the transactions here! Fu Qi pulled out a folder and showed all the pages to He Xinyan.

"This is indeed Bai Jiawei's private account," He Xinyan said with a smile. Fu Qi was more reliable than she thought! She didn't know he would bring this evidence, so it was a pleasant surprise for her.

She passed it to the other shareholders, and Bai Jiawei tried to stop it, but he failed miserably.

After all the shareholders had looked at it, the fourth biggest shareholder slammed his fist onto the table and jumped up.

"Bai Jiawei needs to be fired!"

Bai Jiawei gasped and looked over at the shareholder who spoke. It was one of the oldest shareholders that had worked along with He Qin, and he had never been on Bai Jiawei's side.


The other shareholders nodded their heads in agreement. No one supported Bai Jiawei now, even the people that used to.

Nobody wanted to lose money. . . So, there was only one route left for Bai Jiawei.

Thrown into the fire!

"No! This is all fake! I didn't! Stop lying, Fu Qi! How dare you?! You are fired!" Bai Jiawei jumped up from the table and pointed one finger at Fu Qi, and then at He Xinyan.

"You unfilial daughter! How dare you try and frame your own dad?! How do I have a daughter like you?! I raised a white eyed wolf in my house for all these years!"

Bai Jiawei ran over to try and slap He Xinyan, but to everyone's surprise, Lawyer Qu Fei suddenly grabbed onto his arm and pushed him down onto the ground.


"Mr. Bai Jiawei, I already called the police. You are under arrest for the embezzlement of 70 thousand dollars. That should put you in prison for several years already. You don't want another crime of child abuse on top of that, do you?"

He Xinyan opened her mouth slightly in surprise. She didn't know Qu Fei was also good at self-defense. Wow! It seems like everyone from the Gu Corporation was multi-talented!

Bai Jiawei's eyes widened when he heard Qu Fei say he called the police already, and. . . and he was going to be sent to jail?!

That can't happen. . . No way! That can't happen!

"No! No! Fu Qi, how dare you betray me?! This is all because of you and He Xinyan! You two! I will kill you! I will make sure both of you get sent to he**!!!"

All of the shareholders shook their heads in disgust and disappointment, muttering their approval of firing Bai Jiawei.

He Xinyan crossed her arms together and walked to the center of the room.

"Now, we will take a vote. Who votes to fire Bai Jiawei as chairman?"

At once, everyone inside the room raised their hands in agreement.

He Xinyan smiled and looked over at Bai Jiawei, who was shaking in fear already. He didn't care about losing his position as chairman anymore. He couldn't go to prison! If he did, how could he take over the He Corporation and start a new company if he was in jail?!

"If Bai Jiawei is going to go into prison, then I personally think he shouldn't take his 15% of shares with him. Raise your hand if you agree?"

The shareholders thought for a few seconds before raising their hands.

He Xinyan smiled, "As the second largest shareholder, the granddaughter of the founder of the company, the future chairman of the company, and the daughter of the past chairman, I believe that the shares should go to me. Besides, the shares originally belonged to my mother. If she knew that he would do something like this. . . I am sure that she would have given all the shares to me."

"You -" Bai Jiawei pointed one shaky finger at He Xinyan, and He Xinyan was scared for a second that he would die from a heart attack. That would be too easy on him. . .

"I agree," one of the shareholders raised their hand. At once, several of the other shareholders also nodded their heads in agreement.

He Xinyan looked over at Qu Fei and he obediently took out another shares transfer agreement. He Xinyan had signed it already, because this was all part of her plan.

He placed it in front of Bai Jiawei, who glared at the paper like his worst enemy.

"No! No, I will never give my shares away! They are mine! You disgusting robbers! How dare you treat me like that?! I am the chairman of the He Corporation -"

"Not anymore," He Xinyan said with a smile as she looked over at Qu Fei once more and nodded her head slightly.

Qu Fei put down his suitcase and bent down. He took out a red ink pad and forcefully grabbed Bai Jiawei's thumb.

"No! No! How dare you do this?! This is against the law! Stop! Stop! Someone stop him!" Bai Jiawei tried to fight, but it was all useless against Qu Fei.

Qu Fei pressed Bai Jiawei's thumb against the paper and pushed him back down onto the ground. After putting the "signed" paper back into his suitcase, Qu Fei bent down and stared into Bai Jiawei's eyes.

"Mr. Bai. . . In case you don't know, I am the lead lawyer of the Gu Corporation, and your. . . daughter is the wife of the Gu Corporation's CEO, Gu Yechen. And, CEO Gu. . . is the law." Qu Fei smirked and stood back up.

And indeed, Gu Yechen was the law here in Country Z. Even the legal system of Country Z was quite afraid of Gu Yechen and the Gu family's power.

In a few minutes, the police entered the room and bowed down politely when they saw Qu Fei.

"Lawyer Qu Fei, we received your call and came right away."

Qu Fei nodded his head, and turned to Bai Jiawei, "Mr. Bai Jiawei, you are arrested for embezzling 70 thousand dollars of company funds. You have the right to remain silent, and you have the right to an attorney. Take him away."

Several police quickly ran forward and grabbed onto both of Bai Jiawei's arms, lifting him off the ground and out of the room.

"No! No! Let go of me! He Xinyan, you - You will go to he**! How dare you do this to your dad?!"

Only until the elevator door closed was the meeting room fully silent again. He Xinyan moved Bai Jiawei's chair aside and pushed hers over to the center of the room.

She sat down and folded her hands in front of the table.

"Since Bai Jiawei is no longer the chairman or the largest shareholder, I will take over the position as chairman of the company. Please raise your hand if you agree."

There were several seconds of silence as the directors looked at each other. Finally, one of the directors raised his hand. One by one, everyone slowly raised their hands until the entire room had their hands up.

He Xinyan nodded her head satisfactorily and cleared her throat.

"I am familiar with many of the board members, but there are also a few that I don't know. For those that I don't know, I feel the need to introduce myself."

He Xinyan stood up and pressed her two palms onto the table, leaning forward slightly.

"I am He Xinyan, the daughter of He Qin, the founder of the company. As you all know, this is the He Corporation. Unfortunately, we had an outsider lead the company for the past years. However, now, we are back to the main route. I don't care how Bai Jiawei did things, I am the chairman now. I want all of you, especially the ones who were close with Bai Jiawei in the past. . ."

He Xinyan looked at all the people who had voted for Li Yuyan one by one, and no one dared to make eye contact with her.

". . . to forget about him, because he is in the past now. If you want the company to grow, and yourself to grow, then I hope that we will be able to work well together. Does everyone understand?"

Everyone nodded their heads. In the beginning, many of them were a little afraid to have a young girl in her 20s lead the company, but her presence was just too strong. They couldn't help but nod their heads and agree with whatever she was saying.

"Good! Then, I will be making many changes to the company too. We lost 70 thousand dollars because of Bai Jiawei in the past 7 months, so we will need to change how the company is running to make up for those 70 thousand dollars as quickly as possible. We will hold another emergency board meeting two weeks from now to discuss the future for the He Corporation and the changes that will be made."

He Xinyan looked around the meeting room before clapping her hands together, "Since there are no concerns, the meeting is adjourned."

She grabbed her bag and phone and walked out of the room proudly. After she was gone, all the shareholders let out a breath of relief and began talking amongst themselves.

The information load in this one meeting was way too huge!

Shares transfer, change of largest shareholder, embezzlement, and change of chairman?!

Did they just witness a revolution?!
