Chapter 188 Get Married or Make Babies?  

However, the door to her office suddenly opened.

He Xinyan looked up and knit her eyebrows together when she saw who it was and because the person didn't knock.

"Manners. Something that you don't have," He Xinyan said, rolling her eyes.

Li Yuyan scoffed and closed the door. She crossed her arms together and looked around before slowly walking over to He Xinyan's desk.

"You must have heard, right? I mean it is huge news in the company right now. I am going to be the vice president. Are you surprised?"

He Xinyan grinned at Li Yuyan's proud expression. It was so stupid in her eyes.


"Not really. Is that why you are here?"

Li Yuyan's smile disappeared, "Stop pretending! I know that you are surprised and mad that I am going to be the vice president. However, what can you do about it? Dad likes me more than you!"

Of course, He Xinyan knew that Bai Jiawei liked Li Yuyan more than her. Was that even a question?

Li Yuyan's words and actions right now made her seem like a clown to He Xinyan. She really had no clue.

"So why does that matter if you are vice president? You are still working under me."

Li Yuyan narrowed her eyes slightly, "Just stop trying to hide your jealousy and anger. I know you are mad!"


He Xinyan almost laughed out loud as she licked her lips, "I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am not mad at all, because. . . you aren't the vice president."

Li Yuyan glared at He Xinyan, "What do you mean?! Do you not know yet? Dad already promised me that I will be the vice president!"

He Xinyan smirked, "Go ask him again."

Li Yuyan scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Whatever, you're just jealous."

She flipped her hair and walked out of the room. After leaving He Xinyan's office, Li Yuyan immediately rode the elevator up to the chairman's office.

Although she didn't believe He Xinyan, Li Yuyan was still a little worried.


She walked into Bai Jiawei's room to see the floor in a mess.

"Dad, what happened?!"

Bai Jiawei was smoking a cigarette near the wall, and he turned around when he heard the voice.

"Nothing. What are you doing here?"

Li Yuyan knit her eyebrows together and hopped over the pile of papers, "Dad, I just went to visit He Xinyan, and she said I'm not the vice president! Does she not know about it yet?!"

Bai Jiawei closed his eyes and threw the cigarette into the ashtray, "You can't be the vice president."

Li Yuyan's mouth fell open, "What?! Why?!"

Bai Jiawei glared at her annoyingly, "Just shut up! He Xinyan threatened me!"

Just thinking about it made Bai Jiawei angry. He was right! He couldn't let He Xinyan stay any longer. She was just like her mother. Pretending to be dumb and weak all along, but actually smarter than anyone.

He couldn't control her, so he had to destroy her.

He wouldn't let his hard work go to waste. He had worked all his life to become independent and successful on his own, so people wouldn't say he was clinging off of the He family any more.

He couldn't give it back to the He family! No way!

"But dad -"

"Just stop thinking about it! Be glad she didn't kick you out of the company. Just do well as your manager. I will find another opportunity to promote you later."

Li Yuyan stomped one foot onto the ground and angrily marched out of the room, stepping over the papers as she went.

Looking at her only made Bai Jiawei more frustrated. Why were none of his daughters the way he wanted?!

Outside the office, Li Yuyan stomped into the elevator and slammed one finger onto the button.

Why?! Ugh! He Xinyan! Why did He Xinyan always have to get in her way?!

Li Yuyan scrunched her face up and clenched her fists and teeth together tightly.

He! Xin! Yan!


After returning to the Xihe Estates, He Xinyan went to Gu Yechen's house again.

Right away, she smelled the delicious smell of food. She quickly ran into the kitchen and saw the tall man dressed in his black shirt and sweatpants.

"I'm back!" She said as she ran over and hugged him from behind.

Gu Yechen was slightly surprised by the impact, and he smiled as he looked back, "The food is almost ready."

"Gu Yechen, you are the CEO of the Gu Corporation. I am the CEO of the He Corporation now. How come you arrive home earlier than I do?" He Xinyan asked, standing on her toes so she could barely rest her chin onto his shoulders.

He chuckled, "Because making food for my wifey is more important than work."

He Xinyan couldn't help but smile like a happy little girl at his perfect response, and she reached her hand up to pat him on the head.

"A plus answer!"

Gu Yechen smiled and turned around, "The last dish is ready. Go wait for me outside. I'll put it on a plate and come out."

After eating dinner, the two of them sat down on the couch to do work.

He Xinyan was indeed more busy after becoming the CEO, and she couldn't watch television at night anymore. She would have to catch up with the drama some other time.

They sat next to each other, each with a laptop, doing work.

He Xinyan finished before Gu Yechen did, and she rested her head onto his shoulder to watch him work.

He was typing on a document, and He Xinyan could figure out the basic idea of what he was writing about.

"Is this some sort of confidential information?" He Xinyan asked.

"No. Not to you."

"What is this?"

"I am editing the marketing strategies for last month from the marketing department."

He Xinyan widened her eyes and looked up at him, "What do you mean this isn't confidential information? This is very confidential information!"

He Xinyan had quite a good understanding of how business works now, especially since she is the CEO of the He Corporation now.

Marketing strategies are definitely very confidential information, and it would be a major problem if it got leaked to any outsiders. Even normal workers in the company didn't get to know about it.

Gu Yechen stopped typing and looked up, "I said this isn't confidential information to you. You are the lady boss, the CEO's wife."

He Xinyan blushed slightly, "Excuse me. I am the CEO of another company! What if I steal your ideas?"

Gu Yechen looked back down at his company and clicked a few buttons.

"What are you doing?"

A few seconds later, he looked back up with a smile.

"I shared the document with you. If you want to steal it, you can. I will just think of something else."

He Xinyan raised one eyebrow and clicked her tongue several times, "My power is just way too strong."

Gu Yechen chuckled and kissed her gently on the cheek, "Yes indeed, Mrs. Gu."

Even though He Xinyan should be used to Gu Yechen's flirtatious personality by now, she still blushed from his romantic words.

He closed his laptop and put it aside before pulling He Xinyan onto his lap.

"My brother and Wu Minger have already met with my parents already. They are catching up. Don't you think it is time for us to hurry up?"

He Xinyan widened her eyes, "Really?! When?!"

Wu Minger didn't tell her about it today at work.

"The past weekend. Don't worry, you know my mom. She really liked your friend."

He Xinyan wasn't worried about Auntie Xu not liking Wu Minger, because she knew how nice and friendly Xu Mengya was.

"Back to the main topic. Shouldn't we hurry up?"

"And do what?" He Xinyan raised one eyebrow.

Gu Yechen licked his lips and leaned over to her ear, "Maybe. . . get married? Or make babies? I'll leave it up to you. Which one do you want to do first?"

In the cold weather, He Xinyan's cheek immediately turned red as a tomato, and she quickly escaped from Gu Yechen's arms.

"I'm going to sleep in my room today!" She said as she walked towards the door.

Gu Yechen thought that her reaction was very cute, and he chuckled lightly as he stood up.

"I guess I'll have to climb the wall today," he muttered softly to himself.


The days passed by quickly, and He Xinyan was used to going to work every day now. In the day, she was busy with all the work as the CEO, but in the afternoon, she enjoyed her time with Gu Yechen.

Over two weeks have passed, and everything seemed to have returned to normal.

He Xinyan went to the He Corporation in the morning like every other day and went to work.

Before lunchtime, there was a knock on the door and Wu Minger walked in with a few files in her hands. In these few weeks, Wu Minger has basically adjusted to her job as the CEO assistant, and she does most of her tasks very well by now.

"Xinyan, here is a copy of the monthly reports from all the departments."
