Chapter 197  

The current Black Merchants’ auction wasn’t much different from the previous one. The imps and beasts in the auction were just as lively as ever, as if they were living in a separate dimension from the rest of the Underworld that had fallen into chaos over the past year.

“I’ve been expecting you.” The guide seemed to have been waiting for Kim Jin-Woo in advance, and his face was oddly familiar.

“You’re…” Kim Jin-Woo trailed off.

“Yes. Once upon a time, I was greatly indebted to you, my Count.” The imp that was scratching its head in embarrassment was the same imp that had stolen Kim Jin-Woo’s sister’s wedding dowry. It wasn’t that shocking to see it as part of the Black Merchant’s procession, but what caught Kim Jin-Woo’s attention was that it had changed drastically in the past year.

“So, you’re a girl, huh…” Kim Jin-Woo murmured inadvertently. An imp’s proportionately chubby body was unavoidable due to their characteristics, but seeing the imp’s full bosom and curvaceous features, he was somewhat taken aback.

The imp guide tilted her head. “Sorry? I didn’t hear you.”


“It’s nothing,” Kim Jin-Woo said.

The imp immediately grew suspicious, and she came up to him and spoke a few words. “Are you uncomfortable when I call you Count? I hope you can understand that I’m under orders to call you by your glorious title.”

Although Kim Jin-Woo had frowned at the surprising fact that imps had genders as well, the imp seemed to have misunderstood his outward look.

“There’s no need for any inconvenience. I’m comfortable with that as well, so do call me by the title.” Realizing that he might have somehow spoken disrespectfully, Kim Jin-Woo looked back at the imp, but she didn’t seem to have minded it too much.

“Is the auction starting soon?” he asked. Just like before, the only information he had been able to get before arriving at the auction itself was the date of the auction, so he asked about the upcoming schedule.

“The Count has arrived rather early. There are many more who have yet to arrive than those who’ve arrived, so there’s still some time left before the auction begins.” Having said that, the imp seemed to be extra mindful and wary, as she constantly glanced around in search of any details that she might have missed. “This is a secret, but the Count’s rank is the highest among those who are attending the auction. If we caused any inconvenience to you, lowlifes like myself would have our heads flying at the end of the day.”


Come to think of it, Kim Jin-Woo’s area was much more luxurious, with an even better view, than the VIP room he had stayed in before. Not only was the entire stage of the auction house in view, but with a turn of his head, he could observe the entire auction house.

“Is that so? I’m enjoying myself quite a bit thanks to you.” Contrary to his words, Kim Jin-Woo’s demeanor was quite natural. He was readily accepting of all of the imp’s excessive displays of respect and courtesy.

That was because it had been three years since he had decided to step back into the Underworld, and the luxury he had enjoyed while reigning as the king of his labyrinth wasn’t too different from this.

“Then I’ll be away for the moment. I’ll send others to be of service to you, so if you need anything, please let them know.” With that explanation for Kim Jin-Woo, who already had much experience with the auction house, the imp left.

Soon after she left, a nude Beastfolk woman appeared and said, “I am Ya-Myo, and I am honored to be in your glorious presence and service.”

Kim Jin-Woo already knew that Beastfolk women were in charge of serving the VIPs of the auction house, so he accepted her greetings without any fuss.


The Catfolk woman added, bowing her head gracefully in a sophisticated manner “We will do our best not to inconvenience our distinguished guests.”

Seeing the Catfolk woman’s behavior, Kim Jin-Woo recalled the Beastfolk in his own labyrinth that behaved like wild beasts and chuckled.“Ah…” The cold-hearted feeling he’d had inside of him ever since he obtained the Seal of Frost melted away in an instant, and his face relaxed.

The Catfolk woman blinked, somewhat startled by the sudden dramatic change, and quickly bowed her head. “I-I apologize. This humble servant was foolishly mesmerized by the presence of a distinguished guest…”

“Tsk,” Kim Jin-Woo said.

Although the Catfolk woman acted sophisticated while speaking human language proficiently, it appeared that a slave was still a slave at the end of the day. Her identity as a slave seemed to be so engraved in her bones that just a mere look from Kim Jin-Woo was enough to make her tremble to her core.

It was a sight that reminded Kim Jin-Woo of the old group of weak Under-Elves that he so despised. Feeling uncomfortable, he turned his gaze to the window in front of him. “Mm…”

Although he had expected the auction house to be rather quiet due to the ongoing war with the Moai in the Underworld, contrary to his expectations, it was very crowded. However, all the attendees seemed to be unusual in one way or another.

“I heard that only those from the 10th Floor and deeper were invited to the auction this time,” Kim Jin-Woo remarked.

Although she was still dazed, the Catfolk woman faithfully performed her duties as she gave an explanation, albeit in a trembling voice. “There are some who hold high enough titles that they shouldn’t belong in the regular reception area, but because there weren’t enough VIP rooms available, they were forced to remain with the other regular guests.”

Kim Jin-Woo nodded and asked, “Are the VIP rooms allotted only to Nobles that are Counts and higher?”

“That is true as far as I am aware, but this lowly servant does not know who is in which room,” the Catfolk woman replied.

Curious as to how many Counts were at the auction house, Kim Jin-Woo squinted as he looked at the VIP rooms on the opposite end. However, the specially designed glass surrounding the VIP rooms even prevented the Eyes of Truth from reaching through them, and all he got in the end was a pair of sore eyes.

Afterward, he turned his attention toward the rest of the auction participants in the regular seats. He looked around in search of other Underworld Nobles, but all he could see were low-ranking Nobles that were strong, but weren’t anything special.

“Come in,” Kim Jin-Woo said in response to the knock on his door.

The Black Merchant’s head peeked through the door and he said, “Ah, I was worried for a second that you might not show up, but it seems I was worried for nothing.”

As always, he greeted Kim Jin-Woo in an exaggerated manner, and he quickly approached Kim Jin-Woo while acting friendly. “How is it? Do you like the room?”

“It’s much better than the one from before,” Kim Jin-Woo replied.

“As it should. Originally, this place was reserved only for those from the 12th Floor.”

The 12th Floor beings were Nobles that were at least of the Marquis rank and above. The moment he heard the Black Merchant’s story, Kim Jin-Woo stared at the VIP room across from him, his expression hardening. He asked, “Does that mean that the Dukes are here as well?”

In response to Kim Jin-Woo’s sudden fierce demeanor, the Catfolk woman quickly sat down with a gasp. The Black Merchant quickly took a step back, looking slightly taken aback and becoming wary of Kim Jin-Woo.

“I asked if the Dukes were also here,” Kim Jin-Woo repeated.

“As you know, I’m just a low-level employee of the Black Merchants. Unless it’s the client I’m in charge of, I don’t know who’s in attendance and which rooms they’re in.” Despite those words, the Black Merchant’s words reeked of lies and insincerity.

Kim Jin-Woo was curious as to why the Black Merchant was telling a blatant lie when he had already told him that a guest from another Underworld—a Highlord, no less—was attending this auction, and wondered what exactly was he trying to hide so desperately.

However, as he was just a guest, Kim Jin-Woo decided to not cause a scene and backed off from probing further. He replied, “So be it.” His eyes were still fixated on the numerous VIP rooms on the other side, but his expression had gone back to normal.“I’m just saying, but the guest I mentioned before has yet to arrive.” The Black Merchant quickly changed his attitude as he spoke to Kim Jin-Woo brazenly again. “If you wish, I’ll let you know when he does arrive. Would you like that?”

“I would,” Kim Jin-Woo replied.

He had been assigned a luxurious VIP room, but the reality was that it was like being trapped in a narrow, confined space. It was at times like this that he needed someone to report on outside situations for him, so he didn’t turn down the Black Merchant’s offer.

However, he asked, “Do you have something else to say?”

Seeing as the Black Merchant was still lingering, it seemed he had more to say. When questioned, he simply lowered his head. “After today’s auction ends, I would like a moment of your precious time, if the Count allows it.”

“Why?” Kim Jin-Woo asked. Naturally, he had thought that he would be guided to his sleeping quarters after the auction was over, so he responded with a puzzled expression.

“There’s someone who would like to meet you, the Co- I mean, the Lord,” the Black Merchant replied.

If that person wanted to meet Kim Jin-Woo, the Lord, and not Kim Jin-Woo, the Count, that would mean he wanted to see the Highlord. Upon hearing those unexpected words, Kim Jin-Woo’s eyes narrowed as he stared at the Black Merchant and asked, “Is this an official request from the Black Merchants? Or is this a simple request, just like those from you and Anatolius?”

“Well… Either way, I can promise you that no harm will befall you, Milord,” the Black Merchant replied.

It was a vague answer, but Kim Jin-Woo didn’t ponder for long. He said, “Okay, I’ll agree to it.”

“Then I’ll come and explain the details after the auction is over. For now, I hope you’ll enjoy the event prepared by us, the Black Merchants.” The Black Merchant left with a bow after he finished speaking. Afterward, Kim Jin-Woo turned toward the window again.

Just that, an imp dressed as a clown appeared on the auction stage and bowed his head overenthusiastically. He said, “We, the Black Merchants, would like to extend our gratitude to all who are attending our ‘special’ auction.”

There were plenty of seats that were still empty, but it seemed they wanted to start the auction regardless. The imp, who had skillfully silenced the commotion in the hall, spoke cheerfully. “Despite the situation being what it is, we would like to welcome all the Nobles to the auction, and we hope your time here won’t be in vain and that the auction will be a fruitful one. I once again bow to express my gratitude to all the Nobles who haven’t forgotten about the Black Merchants.magic

The host then announced the start of the auction after ensuring that he had the attention of the crowd. “And now, we’ll begin the special auction hosted by the Black Merchants!”

The atmosphere became livelier due to the colorful sound of drums. However, despite the host seemingly directing the event toward the introduction of the first auction item, he continued to talk about something else. “Before we get started with our first item, I’d like to inform you of one important fact.”

Despite the fierce enthusiasm of the regular participants on the floor, the host ignored them as he carried on. “This auction will go on for a week, and you’re not allowed to leave halfway. If there are any who would like to give up, we recommend that you use the portal scroll we’ve given you right now.”

“What the?!”

“How dare mere merchants command us like this!”

There was widespread commotion among the participants in an instant, and the atmosphere became gloomy. The relentless murderous intent and hostility seemed ready to tear away at the host at any moment, but despite all the threats, he maintained his composure, albeit with a pale look on his face.

“This is a matter that has already been agreed upon by all Nobles of Count rank and above,” the host said.

Afterward, the floor instantly fell silent. Some of the participants still looked dissatisfied, but none dared to go against what the high-ranking Nobles had already agreed on.

“Now, I’ll start counting to a hundred. After that, all those who remain will be deemed to have agreed with our guidelines.”

Oh, how the tables had turned. The host excitedly started to count up while looking at the stunned participants. The participants looked at each other warily as the number started to get lower and lower.

“Ninety-seven! Ninety-eight! Ninety-nine! One hundred!”

By the time the host shouted ‘one hundred’, not a single participant had activated their portal and left.

“From now on, anyone who uses their portal will probably have the high-ranking Nobles leaving targets on their backs for bringing inconvenience to them! Of course, our gracious Nobles here are responsible guests, so I’m pretty sure that won’t happen!” The host left a subtle threat, as if all the threats made against him just a few moments ago hadn’t even happened. But just when it looked as if he was going to proceed with the auction, he paused again.

“Mm?” Kim Jin-Woo, who had been treating the scene as if he were watching a play, tilted his head as he saw the Black Merchant reappear in his room.

“The client that I mentioned earlier has just arrived at the auction house,” the Black Merchant said. As soon as he finished speaking, there was a ruckus on the auction floor, and the backdoor of the auction house opened as dozens of shadows entered.

“He never said that he would be alone. Of course, I’m sure that there will be only one person that is of interest to Milord,” the Black Merchant said with a hateful look.
