magicChapter 185  

Kim Jin-Woo took a step through the portal, and slowly took the other step. However, the Grand Labyrinth’s fearsome invasion of his mind didn’t happen.

No… The Grand Labyrinth was still constantly emitting evil as it tried to consume him, but there was no longer that feeling of suffocating malice that had been present before.

This was also a change that had occurred after learning the true name of the One-Eyed Lord, Botan. But despite that, there was nothing Kim Jin-Woo could do to get rid of the malice that clung onto him, and he knew there was still a long way to go.

“The only way is to collect the seals, is that it?” he muttered to himself. As grandiose as realizing the true name of a Highlord had been, it still wasn’t enough to completely get rid of the Grand Labyrinth’s threat.

He had finally managed to calm down about the situation, but he was certain that if any of his shortcomings or weaknesses were to be exposed down the road, the Grand Labyrinth would take full advantage of it. Thus, he decided to start collecting the Nobles’ Seals as he had originally planned.

“Where’s Ariane?” Kim Jin-Woo asked.


Quantus, who had been waiting for orders by his side, answered, “Heimdall and Hoya are watching over her.”

If Heimdall, who was strong enough to look down on most labyrinth masters, and Hoya, who specialized in dealing with humanoid monsters, were watching over Ariane, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call it overkill.

“What’s she doing now?” Kim Jin-Woo asked.

“Her injuries must have been so severe that she hasn’t moved at all, and she’s been staring blankly all day,” Quantus replied.

Since Kim Jin-Woo had quite literally taken matters into his own hands, it was a given that Ariane would find it hard to move at all.

“I see.” Kim Jin-Woo simply nodded without probing further. But Quantus looked at him for a moment, as if he had a question on his mind. He asked, “What? Is there something else you’d like to say?”


“I’m sure Milord has his own plans, but I personally don’t understand why you’re keeping her alive. Now that she’s already said everything Milord wishes to know, keeping her alive is like keeping the embers of a fire alive rather than safely putting it out for certain,” Quantus said.

Quantus raised an uncharacteristically logical point; it was so unlike his usual self that Kim Jin-Woo narrowed his eyes as he looked at his brave and loyal Naga warrior. He exclaimed, “Oho.”

How did I only notice this now? Kim Jin-Woo thought to himself. Quantus looked subtly different from before. His battle-optimized body was the same as before, but the look in his eyes was incomparable. His blue eyes, which had been obscured by his blind loyalty, were gleaming.

“Leave the matter alone. I have plans for her,” he finally said. Quantus didn’t question him further. However, Kim Jin-Woo eventually said, “Hmm, this won’t do. I have to see her myself.”

Quantus, who had just withdrawn from the room, returned to guide Kim Jin-Woo to Ariane.

“Urgh…” Ariane groaned.


Kim Jin-Woo looked at Ariane, who was trembling as if she had caught a deadly flu. Seeing the fear in her eyes only confirmed that she had been properly put in her place.“I’m only here to talk to you today, so there’s no need to be so nervous.” He tried to speak to her in a gentle manner, but her demeanor remained the same. He continued, “Tsk, they didn’t even treat your wounds, huh.”

Heimdall looked back with disbelief. It was Kim Jin-Woo who had caused her to be in this state in the first place, and yet… The audacity!

But Kim Jin-Woo seemed indifferent to Heimdall’s gaze as he gave an order. “Treat her. How can we let her off her leash if she’s in this state?”

At his command, a Naga Priest came over and started casting healing magic. Ariane’s wounds weren’t completely healed right away, but despite all the scars and bruises, her face was healed into an acceptable state.

But Ariane withdrew herself even more at his actions, grunting, “Urgh…”

“I got a little carried away back there. I hope you can understand,” Kim Jin-Woo said. But despite his words, Ariane continued to avoid his gaze with a fearful look.

Seeing her like that, Kim Jin-Woo strode closer to her and lowered himself to her level. Ariane buried her head even deeper into her arms at his sudden advance.

But Kim Jin-Woo didn’t utter a single word as he reached out and caressed her barely recovered cheek.

“Heek!” Ariane yelped.

Kim Jin-Woo spoke as he watched her freak out from his touch, as if she had been cut by a blade. “Oh my, your beautiful face has been scarred. Come back and treat it.”

The Naga Priest returned, chanting its healing incantations once more. Kim Jin-Woo remarked, “Now I feel a little more at ease.”

Ariane’s body was restored, but her eyes grew wider as her fear likewise grew, and she didn’t dare look Kim Jin-Woo in the eye.

“Come to think of it, your master and I are in the same boat, aren’t we? I was too short-sighted, and I’ve done terrible things to you. Allow me to apologize.” Kim Jin-Woo’s attitude was unusually apologetic and gentle, as if he were now worried about his relationship with Denarion. “It may be a bit strange for me to say this now, but I have no intention of harming you. No matter what anyone says, unlike Hecarim, you have been rather cooperative, haven’t you?”

It might have seemed that he was praising her highly on the surface, but considering that Hecarim had been brutally murdered by his hand, it was anything but that. In fact, Ariane became even more frightened, shutting her eyes tightly.

“I can’t release you right now, but I do intend to send you back to Denarion. If you don’t believe me, I’ll make a promise to you on the Laws of the Underworld,” Kim Jin-Woo said.

For Underworld beings, the Laws of the Underworld weren’t merely simple laws to be followed.

Forming the foundation of those Laws, were the Mysteries of the Underworld, which oversaw everything in the Underworld. And for those who didn’t keep promises made on the Laws of the Underworld, none had met with a good end.

Ariane finally seemed to relax a bit, as she came to believe that perhaps, Kim Jin-Woo truly had no further intention of harming her.

-I-Is he really going to let me live?

Indeed, looking at her with the Eyes of Truth revealed that she was shrewdly weighing her own life.

“I made a pretty good deal with your master. I have no intention of ruining it simply because of some bad feelings.” Kim Jin-Woo, who would normally have sneered upon reading such thoughts, went to great lengths to explain his deal with Denarion.

-Ah, Parthenon’s Seal is a pretty huge price to pay, even for him. Master indeed made a big decision.

Now, it was getting difficult to pinpoint her thoughts. It seemed the Eyes of Truth were limited to those who were either confused or simply unable to resist. But it didn’t bother Kim Jin-Woo too much. After all, Ariane would never be able to shake off the fear that was now imprinted on her, and she wouldn’t dare turn hostile towards him again.

Kim Jin-Woo continued to relay orders to Heimdall with a cavalier attitude, as if to purposely drive a wedge between them. “Unless she attempts to leave the Grand Labyrinth, don’t interfere with whatever she may be doing. She’s a guest, not a prisoner.”“A-Are you really letting me live?” For the first time since Kim Jin-Woo’s appearance, Ariane spoke out of concern for her own treatment.

Kim Jin-Woo assured her of her safety without too much fuss. “I promise you by the Laws of the Underworld. I have no intention of harming you.” As he repeated his promise on the Laws twice, Ariane finally showed a bit of relief.

“If you wish, I’ll guarantee you freedom within the Grand Labyrinth from now on. Of course, I can’t allow you to roam the entire labyrinth. You were once a labyrinth master yourself, so I’m sure you’ll take care of yourself,” Kim Jin-Woo said. With a gesture of his hand, Heimdall and Hoya disappeared.

“Now that I’ve conveyed my will, I’ll be heading back. If you need anything, just grab hold of anyone and ask them. They should be able to grant most of your general requests.” With that, he turned around and began to head out of the room.

However, he stopped midway and said in a worried tone, “I hope this doesn’t cause any conflict with your master.”

Ariane responded with a confused expression. “Master won’t care about such trivial matters.”

“Is that so? That’s reassuring.” Kim Jin-Woo walked out of the room with a smile on his face, having finally finished his work.

“What is he thinking?” Ariane murmured to herself, confused by what had just occurred. “Whatever it may be, as long as my life is guaranteed, that’s enough. Judgment will remain in his hands.”

In the end, Ariane gave up trying to make sense of things and fell into a comfortable, deep sleep, perhaps due to the assurance given by the promise made under the Laws of the Underworld.

Her physical wounds had healed relatively quickly, but the fear had resided within her for a very long time, causing her to be severely mentally fatigued. And now, she was finally able to get a good rest.

But little did she know that for Kim Jin-Woo, the Laws of the Underworld were nothing more than a pretentious excuse. He was a being of the surface that wasn’t bound to the Underworld. The Laws of the Underworld, and his promise bound to them, were completely meaningless.

It was only fortunate for Ariane that Kim Jin-Woo had no intention of breaking his promise this time around regardless. He truly had no intention of harming her, as promised… because what he wanted from Ariane wasn’t a brief moment of emotional revenge, but something greater.

“Wait a minute, even if the Conqueror said he’ll let me live…” Ariane woke up, belatedly remembering how harsh and cold her master was. Her expression turned cold.

Not only had she failed his mission, he had lost all his investments as well. Even if she were to return to the Deep Floors, there was no guarantee that there would be a good outcome.

Thus, she started to think about how she would have to survive on her own from that moment on. But she had no idea that that was what Kim Jin-Woo had intended all along.


After leaving Ariane, Kim Jin-Woo returned to the master room.

“My King,” came a voice.

But the woman who welcomed him was someone who shouldn’t have been there. It was Rikshasha, with her long, straight ears and dark skin.

She was supposed to be hiding on the surface to avoid Denarion’s abilities while Kim Jin-Woo sought after the succession of the Fairy Lord. But for some reason, she had returned to the Grand Labyrinth with a peaceful expression. There was not an ounce of fear on her feminine face.

“Now it’s your time to move,” Kim Jin-Woo said.

“As the King wills,” Rikshasha answered. However, the way she responded was somehow awkward. The Under-Elf kept looking down at her body, as if she were wearing clothes that didn’t fit her. It was unlike her usual self.

But Kim Jin-Woo looked at her indifferently and said, “I wish you luck.”

Rikshasha bowed her head and turned away. As she walked away awkwardly from the master room, however, only upon reaching the dark end of the corridor did she return to her original appearance.

Dominique, who had been silently hiding in the shadow of the throne, appeared and asked, “Will Espe, I mean, Rikshasha perform well?”

“That’s the wrong question,” Kim Jin-Woo replied. “What we should be expecting isn’t her performance.”

“Then what is it?” Dominique asked.

Kim Jin-Woo gave her a cool smile. “Denarion. We should hope that he’s as greedy as we expected him to be.”
