Chapter 820: Dream Blossom Mother Tree  

After solving the mystery behind the Critters' Realm, the rest of the trip went smoother.

There are things that still doesn't make sense to the girls but now that they have the lead, they can capitalize on it.

"So, living beings aren't allowed in here. The Insects themselves aren't considered as 'alive' and will attack the moment they sensed someone or something that possess life? How did that happen?" Ellen asked.

"Beats me." Anne shrugged. "This place is older than us. The existing records doesn't help and the previous generations of the Dawn Council didn't bother investigating either. I'd say that we're actually the first people to discover this secret."

"That's awful." Ellen snorted. "Then again, I can kind of understand why there aren't much intel about this place. How can someone investigate when their busy trying to survive."


"Agreed." Anne nodded, "We're lucky we have means of stopping their relentless ȧssault."

"So…" Ellen paused and looked around, "What now? What do we do with this realm?"

"Well, we see what lies deeper within first. I have a few ideas but we can also consult Raven if necessary." Anne stated.

Ellen nodded and started looking around.

Now that the situation calmed down for the both of them and their presence no longer disturbed the Insects, Ellen could say that this place isn't as bad as she initially thought.

The deeper they went into the jungle, the damper the atmosphere became, which is natural. They also encountered all sorts of Insects around.


Now that they have all the time they needed for their investigation, the two of them studied the Insects closely and began writing down their discoveries for Laughing Dragon.

There are a few characteristics shared by all the insects here. First and foremost was the obvious, they weren't considered as living beings. Second is that, their eyes are dull and empty. And finally, there seems to be a strict hierarchy amongst them.

The Insects moved with a devout intention. Every single one of them has a purpose to their environment no matter how small or big they were.

Sure, they look iffy and disgusting but looking past it, allows them to look at the delicate and profound network environment they have. The Insects themselves were the ones cultivating the resources here, that much were certain. The tasks are divided, some of them were taking care of vegetation, some of them were releasing substance that purifies the air, some of them carried nutrients from one place to the other, some of them were tasked to reproduce, others looked after the nurseries and so on.

None of them Insects fought against each other, there was no aggression nor will to do so. What they have is a single minded dėsɨrė to fulfil their duty according to their own pace.

Seeing this work environment made them girls think. How did this place came to be? What transpired in the past that lead to the creation of this place? Was humanity involved in this or no?


The girls entered a thoughtful mood. They're so absorbed in it that they didn't notice that they arrived at the core of the jungle.

The faint smell of change registered late in their senses. They were only waken up from their stupor when they heard a few close buzzing sounds.

"…hold on, what?" Ellen was shocked.

"Well, this is…shocking?" Anne was confused and surprised too.

In front of them was a large tree. It was tall and wide. It has numerous thick roots coiling onto one another, hidden underground. It's body was wide and looked slightly old. Its leaves were a mixture between azure and amethyst in color, it was a beautiful sight, leagues above compared to the general theme of what they just saw before arriving here.

"What tree is this?" Ellen wondered.

"I have no idea. This is the first time I saw this kind." Anne replied, "It's pretty. I wonder how it ended up here?"

"I'm more interested about how it managed to grow this much in an environment like this, actually." Ellen stated, "It is indeed a pretty tree, but how did it manage to grow up in a place surrounded with filth and Insects?"

"Well, I can't answer that." Anne sighed, "Should we call Raven?"

"I don't know…" Ellen was hesitant, she looked at Anne and asked: "Should we?"

"I mean…" Anne was hesitant too. "I think we have to. I just hope he isn't busy."

It obvious that of them really want to burden Raven anymore than they already have. The girls are aware about how much Raven carried on his shoulders alone, they didn't want to impose on him more. What they want is to lighten those burdens, not add more.

That being said, they can't reschedule their trip. The Dawn Council is extremely busy nowadays. They wanted to clear as much as they could in order to prepare for their next gigantic move. Meaning that they have to solve this now or else, it'll be on a later fate or worst, be forgotten entirely.

Nobody wants that…

Sighing to herself, Anne relented. She tapped the badge using a unique rhythm and a screen of light emerged right in front of her. It didn't take long before the link what established but the face they saw on the other side, wasn't the one they were expecting.

"What's up? Avatar #1 reporting for duty. How can I help?"

The one who answered them wasn't Raven, it was an Avatar of his.

"Hello, Avatar #1. We weren't expecting you to pick-up." "Me neither actually, but see Big Boss is in a deep, deep slumber right now. In fact he just fell asleep a few moments ago so you were redirected to me." Avatar #1 replied, "Well, then? How can I help you ladies?"

"You have access to Raven's memories right?" Ellen tentatively asked.

"Yep!" Avatar #1 answered, "Full access. Perks of being the #1."

"Good!" Anne exclaimed, she then rotated the badge and showed the tree to the Avatar. "Can you tell us what this is?"

"Ooh! A Dream Blossom Mother Tree! Haven't seen one in ages!" Avatar #1 exclaimed, he sounds cheery and excited.

"What does a Dream Blossom Mother Tree does?" Ellen asked this time.

"Ah! It's a peculiar tree actually." Avatar #1 stated, "That tree doesn't just grow anywhere. It has strict requirements for its seed to bloom. From what I can tell by it's appearance, I'd say that one is about 200,000-300,000 years old. The requirements for it to reach it current state is mind-bogglingly steep."

"As for what it does, well it lulls you into a dream. Not just any dream, a Lucid Dream." Avatar #1 continues. "According to the records that Big Boss read before, people often used this tree to simulate their breakthroughs."

"You know, to check if they're accumulations are enough to make it to the next stage. It doesn't sound impressive but you girls know better right?"

The girls' mouth went ajar upon hearing his explanation. 'It doesn't sound impressive' – is he kidding? It sounds just as impressive as it sounds. It is impressive! Period!

Cultivation is difficult. The higher one climbs, the riskier it gets. There are chances of failure or worst, death.

Having a treasure like this was paramount to success since it could confirm their chances. In a place where competition for resources are harsh, the value of this tree just shot through the roof.

"Are there any limits to it?" Anne asked, trying her best to keep her rationality in check.

"As far as the Big Boss knows, there isn't. However, I'd say it depends." Avatar #1 replied, "I'm referring to the realm beyond divinity you know. As for Empyrean Knight to Divine Knight, there shouldn't be any problems. Where are you ladies by the way? Where did you find this treasure?"

"Critters' Realm." Ellen replied for the both of them.

"Huh…" Avatar #1 looked intrigued. "My, that's surprising. No. That's clever actually. A happy coincidence? Maybe."

"We were shocked to see this too. How could such a heaven-defying treasure exist in a place like this?" Anne asked to particularly no one at this point.

"I can't say. I'd like to think that this just a lucky coincidence but, I don't really know." Avatar #1 replied, "That being said though, I'd like you girls to search for a flower bud or even better, a seed, to take back to the Headquarters. We can plant it to the Divine Land so add to our treasury."

"Will do." Anne replied, "I was already thinking of doing that even if you didn't ask."

"Thanks! Big Boss will appreciate that." Avatar #1 clapped, "Now, why don't you ladies take advantage of that place while you're at it."


"Pick-up an amethyst colored leaf and an azure one. Don't just randomly grab something, use your senses, it will help you discover the right leaves for you."

"Once you have the leaves, consume the amethyst one without chewing and place the azure on your forehead. After that, lean on the tree and sleep. You'll find yourselves waking up at different place that should be familiar with you. Try simulating your breakthroughs there, you only have one chance and that's it. Please use it wisely."

"Thanks Avatar #1, you were a great help."

"Always at your service, Ladies.. Have fun and don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions. Have fun!"
