Chapter 812: Busy  

One year isn't long…

Not to a mortal, much less a Knight. With how much things there are to distract or capture people's attention, they could hardly feel the passing of time, this is especially true if they're doing something worth while.

Still though, one year is still a decent chunk of time. It might not be long to people but it's enough to cause visible changes. As they all say, many changes can happen within a span of day, what more for a whole year?

See, it is easy for people to follow a daily routine. Mortals or cultivators, doesn't matter. Again, one year might not be long but it is enough time for people to adjust to changes and eventually fall under routine.

Said routine was influenced by Dawn Council's movements for the entirety of the Divine Realm.


With the Mission Board located and accessible to all, earning a living became easier for cultivators. Especially those who didn't choose to be a part of a sect or any organizations for that matter.

The Mission Board never lacked any missions, only people who are suitable for the job. Which is why the general area surrounding the mission boards are always bustling with activity.

People coming to and fro, looking for people to do missions with or submitting the results of their work. Since the missions doesn't discriminate anybody's background, all sorts of people could be seen hanging around the Mission Boards.

This somewhat forced them to interact to each other. Some people even took this chance to forge more connections all around the realm. Fierce competitions were set and reputations were established.

Some of the smarter ones decided to take advantage of the traffic by opening up stores located near the mission board, selling items that people might need for their adventure. The Dawn Council didn't forbid this since there's no reason to, what they care about is the results of the missions they're handing out, not the competition between merchants. Of course, should any problems arise, the Dawn Council is always ready to take action.

Before the establishment of the Mission Boards, it was hard to gauge just how lacking the available resources were. It's a crime to be totally honest.


The previous council hogged all the resources of the Divine Land, forcing people to make do with what they have. It doesn't sound bad like this but in truth, it has a terrible price.

Without resources, cultivators can't accumulate for their breakthroughs. Without sufficient accumulations, breaking through is harder and quality of Divine Realm's general populace of cultivators lessened greatly.

In short, due to the selfishness of the previous council, Divine Realm became weaker.

Well, it's no longer a problem though since the new generation mended the damage. With the Mission Board never lacking any sort of mission for anybody to take, people could start accumulating for their breakthroughs earnestly.

Even though millions of missions are being cleared each month and the Dawn Council continuously handed our resources, the treasury never really decreased. If anything, Anne would even say that their supply is almost endless.

Well, they have Raven to thank for that honestly…


With him sealing the previous council who are also Immortals, turning them into an endless supply of energy fueling the Divine Land, the output of the land practically doubled. Not to mention, they are also the main energy supply for the Dawn Council's network.

Additionally, Raven did some minor enhancements on the Divine Land before he left for the Eternal Division Wall. It wasn't much since he was being careful. Gauging by his current skillset and power, he can't modify too much of the Divine Land without any risks just yet.

With his arrangements, Divine Realm as a whole was benefitting.

At the rate the missions were being cleared, Divine Realm's safety and security was rising exponentially each passing day. Furthermore, it is being cured from the tumor that the previous council left, allowing the state of the realm to topple over the positive side.

The Dawn Council's plans doesn't end there though. Far from it actually. With Raven at the lead, the Dawn Council will transform Divine Realm to its best form possible and they won't stop until reaching that goal.

At the Dawn Council's Headquarters itself, many changes had been implemented…

For starters, the initial arrangement of the islands had finally stabilized and it now fully functional. The east, west, north, south, sky and central islands are now connected by a massive formation which serves are the hub for the Dawn Council's operation.

Security is tight here. The Council guards were personally scrutinized and recruited by Mark himself. Making sure that only those with pure intentions were allowed in. These people are dedicated to their work and their mission, worthy soldiers that Mark personally chose.

The infrastructures at each island were done. Cultivation Environments, Scripture Pavilions, Exchange Market, Law Saturated Fields, Academic Institutes, Trial Grounds…all of which are now fully operating for the sake of cultivating the first batch of geniuses the Dawn Council has chosen. Yes, the invitations for the geniuses had been released. The first batch of Heaven's Chosen or Children of Heaven are now learning and absorbing everything they possibly can in order to get stronger.

These geniuses were made aware of the possible threat of the Abyssals. The Dawn Council didn't mind sharing this information to them, especially if it means that it will urge them to train even harder. They only prevented them from releasing the information publicly in order to not trigger a mass panic.

To say that the Heaven's Chosen were shocked and stupefied would be an understatement. Some of them were having difficulties believing such news but who were they to doubt the Dawn Council after everything they did?

Of course they now felt even more motivated to train. Whether the Dawn Council's fears where on point or not, it won't hurt for them to be sure right? Getting stronger sounds like the ideal plan, and getting stronger is what they did exactly.

The first batch of Heaven's Chosen were given three years to cultivate under the Dawn Council's arrangement. Here, they will be pushed to their limits and forced to learn many things which will be valuable for them in the near future.

The supervisors had been busy lately, they could hardly see each other anymore with how busy their schedule was. They've been running errands left and right, going from one corner of the Divine Realm to the other.

Only Raven's Avatars were the common sight within the Dawn Council, Laughing Dragon also of course…

Speaking of Laughing Dragon, he just as busy as the rest. He can't even get a wink of sleep within this past month with how hectic the schedules were.

Even though Raven said that they burden on the Dawn Council's shoulders will lighten up once the Mission Board was established, their duties remained just as a important as ever. magic

True, the burdens they have lightened, but it didn't make them any less than busy. In fact, they're even busier now that things are going the right way.

That being said, Laughing Dragon lived for this moment.

He never felt so rewarded and validated before. Yes, he might not been getting his much wanted rest but he still thrives over the hectic-ness of it all.

Raven wasn't wrong when he said that he was indeed perfect for this job. Neither he was wrong about Laughing Dragon's talent and what he can bring to the table.

Laughing Dragon doesn't need to go back to his old habit of sneaking around Divine Realm and milking people for information, all he needed was given to him now in a silver platter and it can't get any better than this.

His involvement to the Dawn Council wasn't exactly kept a secret. At first many frowned upon the news but as time passed on, their doubts turned into admiration. It isn't because Laughing Dragon was riding the coattails of the Dawn Council's fame either, it is because of his undeniable efforts and hard work, earning him a glittering reputation that swept over Divine Realm like a tide.

Before, Laughing Dragon was notorious for his escapades. Now, everyone was looking-up to him in envy and admiration. Calling him the Supreme Leader's right hand man wouldn't be an exaggeration either.

Right now, Laughing Dragon was completing his work for today.

In front of him was a stack of documents pertaining to the plans of the Divine Realm, these were drafts that he intended to let the other supervisors see for their next meeting.

Laughing Dragon couldn't help but smile in anticipation as he stared at the title of the draft. Something that he personally came-up with by himself. It reads:

'Divine Realm's Grand Assemblage – The Round Table Meet.'
