Chapter 801: Phantom  

“Brat, you are a madman.”

Raven was shaken out of his reverie when he heard a deep sounding voice. He subconsciously tried to search for the origin of the voice but his sensed didn’t pick up anything. In the end, he just heaved a sigh of relief and smiled:

“What can I say? I’m known to be a little bit crazy sometimes.”


A period of silence permeated around. Raven didn’t think much and wasn’t really expecting a reply. He already have a vague idea on who’s talking but he decided to remain quiet.

Instead, he sat down on an empty space. There were no solid ground beneath him but something in there supported his weight.


With the Last Fragment of Chaos taken and refined by him, there was truly no need for him to remain here. He got what he wanted already. In fact, he’d happily fly back to the sect with just this, not even bothering to check some treasures out.

Still, he remained. Raven decided to not waste this opportunity after all. He doesn’t know when he’ll have free time to go back here so he thought that he might as well do everything in one go.

Raven’s chest started heaving rhythmically. His breaths were even, long and quiet. There’s a specific pattern to it which made it a little bit special.

It started slow and steady, just like how Raven wanted it to be. Then as time passed, the breaths he was taking in got shorter and more shallow. It continued like this until no sound could be heard from him anymore.

Until he wasn’t breathing anymore.

No big deal though. At this point in his cultivation, breathing isn’t really a necessity for Raven. It’s more like an indulgent – just like eating. It’s nice, but it is not required for him anymore. His body could function just as normally even without it.


When his breath stopped, Raven’s body started releasing a particular buzzing sensation. Listening closely, there is a faint – very faint, keening sound from the depths of his body, Hidden at his heart, the fragment of chaos started acting strange.

If before it was freely dancing around his apertures, now it was completely docile. It went still but one could tell that it was rotating at its place.

The faint keening sound got stronger, eventually the gray smog around him started to swerve and react to the keening sound.

The movement was faint at first – barely noticeable. The gray smog just vibrated here and there. However as time passed, the movement got increasing violent.

The gray smog rolled and swerved. It formed a funnel directly on top of Raven’s head. Raven’s body started breathing in the gray mist – no, he wasn’t actually breathing. It’s more like his body was absorbing the gray smog with reckless abandon. His muscles were swelling rhythmically. His body was draped in a faint dark golden glow. It was weak but it’s unmistakably there.

‘Who is this kid?’


This is the first question that come to the mind of the mysterious entity the moment Raven appeared here. All along, he had been watching Raven. From the moment he arrived at the Dawn Council’s gates all the way here.

The mysterious entity never saw such a impressive youngster. Seriously. It should be known that not just anyone could come here. Even if they begged and begged until their they die, if they’re not fated, they’ll never allowed entry. magic

This is the first time that someone manage to barge their way in…

Believe it or not, the mysterious entity already had an inkling of a clue that Raven will be able to do it. Seriously, this child is freaky! What are they feeding the kids nowadays that they managed to nurture someone like this.

Sufficed to say, the mysterious entity nearly had a heart attack when he saw the Last Fragment of Chaos appeared before the child.

Like seriously, how ridiculous is that? How the hell did that thing appear? Why is it here and why didn’t he know? How did this child know?

The he witnessed how the child exploded from the impact of fusing with the Last Fragment of Chaos. The mysterious entity felt a pang of dismay. It was mixture of resignation, regret, envy and despair. In the end, the mysterious entity could only sigh.

They guessed that fusing with the Last Fragment of Chaos was a greedy move. Incredibly dangerous too. The kid might been a good seedling but in the end, he wasn’t the one.

Imagine their surprise when they saw Raven reappearing at the same pace as if time was rewound. It was abrupt, surprising and shocking. Even more so the fact the mad child actually succeeded.

The mysterious entity could feel it. Deep at the child’s hear lies the giddy and excited fragment of Chaos.

It was hard to explained what the mysterious entity was feeling at that moment. They were jealous, that’s for sure. It was the Last Fragment of Chaos for crying out loud! How can they not feel jealous when a kid who hasn’t even existed for as long as they did, managed to get it?

Reaching the realm Beyond Divinity is everyone’s dream. Something that they will gladly exchange for practically anything, if not everything, for a mere chance of stepping on it. Unfortunately, reaching it was far, far too difficult. How many Divine Knights had been driven insane by this? The mysterious entity lost count already.

Even the mysterious entity themself tried to pry open that gate, only to fail miserably in the end. This child however was different. From once glance, the mysterious entity could feel the weight of destiny pressing down on this child. However, instead of caving-in from the pressure, he flourished instead. He pressed on and achieved what everyone deemed nearly impossible.

‘The child is under a lot of pressure.’ The mysterious entity mused at their own thoughts as they watched Raven absorbing the gray smog.

‘It wasn’t given to him.’ The mysterious entity shook their head, ‘he took it up himself. He chose to carry this burden. What for? Why would he pushes himself so? What are his intentions? How can someone be so ambitious? What is he trying to prove?’

The mysterious entity knew that unless they specifically ask Raven these questions, they’ll practically remained unanswered. They won’t push. Instead, they will just observe.

‘…maybe, this is his way.’ They can’t help but muse once more, ‘His way of being a Knight.’

The mysterious entity shrugged. They can’t be too sure, in the end, they could only watch anyway. Their era has long gone. Forgotten with the wind. Never to re-surface again. They are dead – them and their companions, all gone. Nobody’s left.

Only the lingering desire and intent to protect is what keeping them here. They’re nothing more than a stubborn attachment that refuse to go away.

Time passed by quietly and at some point, Raven absorbed all of the gray smog lingering in the air. He opened his eyes and his pupils flashed with a gray colored gleam for the briefest of moments before fading away completely.

Raven didn’t stand up just yet. He regulated his breathing. Slowly taking deeper and deeper breaths until his lungs sprang into activity once more.

That’s when he stood up and sighed. He didn’t leave just yet. He stared at the now empty space around him. Looking around melancholically. If felt like he had been here for too long but at the same time, not really. Time was completely screwed around here.

Taking one final deep breath in, Raven turned around, prepared to leave but he was obstructed by a faint image of man standing behind him. Raven was a bit startled but he didn’t over react. He knew that it was impossible for him to sense the approach of this phantom unless the latter wanted him to.

The two of them sized each up. In the end, it was the phantom who spoke first…

“Child, what are your plans for the Dawn Council?”

“You were watching the whole thing unfold, Senior. Surely you have an idea what.” Raven replied calmly.

“I do but I’d prefer to here directly from you.” The phantom argued. “It’s up to you though. Whether you want to tell me or not. It’s not like I’ll be able to help. I’m long dead anyways.”

Raven was silent for a bit but in the end, he decided to confide. There’s no need to be overly-cautious. It’s not like he can keep this under the wraps forever anyways.

“A complete reform.” Raven replied, momentarily pausing. “That’s what I intend.”

“The Dawn Council has rotten to the core, yes but it’s only due to your greedy descendants. The prestige of the council can still be save but only by a complete reform.”

Raven paused again, this time he looked straight at the phantom’s eyes.

“Divine Realm is in grave danger. If you’ve heard about the Abyssals, then you should know why this has to be done.”

Raven didn’t miss the way the phantom’s eyes constricted when he dropped the term.

“Impossible! How did they know!?”
