Chapter 798: Divine Land  


“There’s no mistaking it…”

“The Scepter of Wisdom.”

“Damn…last time it’s Geezer and now it’s this child!?”

For some odd reason, the rest of the Dawn Council’s Members doesn’t seem to care about whatever fate the Beast Lord has suffered. Their attention is solely focused on the scepter Raven was holding and they can’t seemingly peel their eyes away from it.

“So that’s what’s going on…” Deimos muttered behind them, “No wonder I can’t peer through him.”


“He’s Geezer’s 9th Heir isn’t he?” Gabriel asked right next to Sect Master Lucas who nodded with a smile at him. “What a lucky chap, that one.”

“What great coincidence too! Who would’ve thought that the Scepter of Wisdom will fall under his lineage once again.” Iron Fist Hall commented.

At this point, it was clear that everybody here is aware of who Geezer is and what the Scepter of Wisdom truly signified.

The rest of the Dawn Council’s members had to re-calibrate their plans inwardly. They had to. The child has the Scepter of Wisdom, it’s no wonder he isn’t afraid of them. And just as well, he really is as audacious as his Master Geezer.

Raven is of course aware of the turbulent changes behind the gazes of the Dawn Council’s members. He is also aware that his Master Geezer has a history with this people. Judging by the Karmic Link he had sensed earlier, he managed to discover this.

Although he does have some questions to them, now is not the time to ask them. There are certain things that needed his attention.


Raven gave one final glance at the Beast Lord – who is now like a boiled vegetable. The Beast Lord’s eyes were unfocused, semi-unconscious and almost has no aura around him. His body is wrapped with golden-silver seals that suppressed him. It’d be a miracle if the Beast Lord could even circulate his energies at this point.

Looking at the remaining members of the Dawn Council, Raven shook his head.

He’s disappointed. Even at this very moment, even after he told them that it’s useless, they’re still trying to scheme against him. It was too damn obvious – those calculating gazes, that is. It’s saddening to know that the glorious history of the Dawn Council was reduced to nothing but this; pathetic schemers possessed by overwhelming greed.

It has no purpose. It is not needed. It is but a tumor for humanity and needs to be removed.

Raven lets out a snort and slammed the bottom end of his scepter on the ground. The whole room shook, followed by an emergence of a massive rune which filled the entire place with golden and silver radiance.

The rest of the council’s members tried to resist the seal but they’re too late. Too weak to even put up a decent fight.


Before they knew it, all of them are imprisoned. Caged inside a runic prison which sealed them in entirely. Not even a trace of their aura could escape the confines of their prison. They are destined to never set even a small step forward from their position unless Raven permits them to.

“W-what…what is this?” It was Monkey who spoke, warily touching the walls of his prison seal. He retracted his fingers the moment he touched them as if he was scalded. He could feel the energy being drained out of him even faster upon touching the seals.

“We asked for an explanation yet we received none.” Raven’s cold words echoed across their ears. “We have given you sufficient time to answer us but none of you even bothered to try.”magic

“Since you all dared to slight us, you can’t blame me for using a heavy hand as a reprimand.”

“That prison of yours will remain indefinitely.” Raven uttered, his voice was akin to a heavenly judgement which nobody could refute. “It will not physically or mentally torture you, hell it won’t even hurt you if you don’t do something stupid.”

“All it does is drain your energy.” Raven continued, “Said energy will be directly transferred back to the land that you abused for god knows how long. Take this paying your debts back to the one that you owes the most. This land is the reason why you reached such heights, therefore it is only natural that you return the favor back in full, wouldn’t you all think so too?”

The faces of the Dawn Council’s members turned incredibly ugly after listening to him. The skies aren’t high enough to measure just how much anger they feel at this current moment. Yet they also understood that they’ve been had.

It’s all too late. From the very moment Raven took a step into their territory, everything is already too late.

They can only swallow down their anger, bitterness and regret they feel since they fate is quite literally decided based on Raven’s whims.

“Oh, how the tables have turned.” Deimos chuckled softly behind. Gleefully glancing at the ugly expressions of the Dawn Council’s members.

“Don’t be so alarmed. This won’t kill you. You people are quite literally Immortals. Time is something none of you lacks. Just sit back, relax and wait. Who knows? Maybe by the time you notices it, I’ve no longer any further uses for you and might just decide to free you all once again.”

“…though I won’t guarantee that’s going to happen anytime soon, who knows?” Raven shrugged condescendingly, “Let’s leave it up to fate yeah?”

All seven of them, including the Beast Lord of course – who’s still at his vegetative state, were now handled. Raven doesn’t need to deal with them…for now at least. It’s time for him to move along with the schedule, they’re already wasted enough time here.

“Gentlemen, please follow me.”

Raven turned around and started walking past the room followed by his company. No, they aren’t leaving the Dawn Council just yet, there are some things that needs to be taken care of still.

Mainly, the Divine Land that the Dawn Council occupied for years on end. The Divine Land. A small island that floats aimlessly at the core of the Divine Realm. Born as soon as the universe began. It is this land that is filled with all kinds of energy. The one that gives birth of an endless array of Spiritual Treasures. The richest vein of Spiritual Energy.

This land itself is Divine Realm’s most precious treasure. Without it, the Divine Realm wouldn’t last.

Although the headquarters of the Dawn Council is situated at the core of the Divine Realm, they didn’t actually occupied the Divine Land.

They’ve walled it. But they’re not on it.

The Dawn Council treated the Divine Land as their…backyard, of some sorts. A fenced backyard.

Past the room where the Dawn Council’s members usually has their meetings – which is the same room Raven and company were previously in, is a sealed portal that leads to the Divine Land itself.

Opening the seal to the Divine Land usually needs the unanimous vote of all the Dawn Council’s members as well as a drop of their blood essence. This is how its been set-up since Ancient Times. This is the method that prevented greedy people from have a free access to the Divine Land’s properties and stealing then for their own benefit since the seal will never open otherwise.

But of course…there’s always and exception to that.

Would such a seal be a problem for Raven? Why of course not!

The Dawn Council’s members who were still inwardly gloating and waiting for the inevitable failure of Raven to open up the seal, had their jaws wide open upon seeing how easily Raven got rid of the seal. He even had the audacity to say:

“Such a lousy seal. How did it even survive the test of time?”

The Dawn Council’s members had the urge to spit a mouthful of blood from the anger they felt. They absolutely can’t comprehend how this child even managed to do that.

They could argue that it’s probably because of the Scepter of Wisdom, but that’s not it. Raven kept the scepter away the moment they started walking away. He did it with his own abilities.

God knows they wanted answers. Unfortunately, they will not get it since Raven doesn’t really feel like explaining.

After opening up the seal, Raven entered it along with the people behind him.

Their visions went out of focus for a bit before they eventually felt the changes in their surroundings. The moment their visions started adjusting, they finally laid eyes on Divine Realm’s most precious land.

The Divine Land.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been here.” Sect Master Lucas admitted. The Grand Elder and Gaia nodded behind him, they too felt like it’s been forever since the last time they visited this place.

“It’s still as beautiful as I could remember it.” Gabriel commented emotionally as he laid his eyes on the dazzling beauty in front of him.

Raven smiled and started taking actions. He created several formation seals and handed them over to the Sect Master.

“Sect Master, here are the formations. The rest of you can go ahead and search for your lucky opportunities. I need to hurry.”

“I understand. Go ahead. You got this, I believe in you.”

“Thank you.”

After saying that, Raven transformed into a streak of light and disappeared from their vision.
