Chapter 794: Campfire  

It is weird to see a plume of fire, burning lively within the vacuum of space.

This kind of phenomenon doesn’t really occur very often, in fact, some people would treat it as an omen if they see one.

That being said, it is way weirder to see a full-on campfire out there isn’t it?

At one of the seemingly random asteroid floating around near the center of the Divine Realm. A campfire was quietly burning.

It gave off a surprisingly refreshing color to the washed-out mixture of colors of the Spatial Vacuum. It provided warmth, flickered with sparks and signified a quiet reprieve for those who saw it.

The campfire was being attended to by an old man. Bald and wearing a loose robe yellow robe. He has a long gray beard, his earlobes were stretched round due to the absurd earring he’s wearing. He has a bead necklace and he’s sitting cross-legged in front of the campfire, borrowing the heat to roast some meat.


This bald old man isn’t alone though…

Not too far from him was at least four similarly old men minding their own business.

The nearest one was a man who isn’t wearing any upper garment. He has a short auburn hair, gray at it’s tips. One of his eyes were shut close, an ugly scar was visible, starting from the upper left corner of his face, crossing the bridge of his nose and ending at the edge of his right chin. He looks mean even with his calm expression. The scar on his face is just one, there’s lost of them littered across his torso and back. This man was silently staring at the dancing fire in front of him.

Somewhere near him, there’s an old man who’s seemingly disinterested on letting anyone see even a single patch of his skin.

He’s covered in a thick back cloak. Underneath the said cloak was a rusty and worn-out armor, one that has seen too many battles and is still reeking with thick stench of blood. A long claymore on his back, sheathed with a similarly worn-out leather casing. Even the handle of the sword was in tatters. The old man wore a hood and a mask. He’s covered from head to toe. Only his piercing, cold blue eyes could be seen glaring at something at a distance.

Next is an old man who’s busy painting something. He has a long gray hair and beard. He wore a straw hat, loose green robes and straw sandals. He looked like a travelling merchant with his outfit. His expression was placid, its as if nothing could ever surprise him, like he has seen everything this universe has to offer. His long and narrow fingers deftly moved, streaking across his canvas as he painted a rather…disturbing, yes, a disturbing picture. Finally, an old man sitting furthest away from the campfire, was busy playing chess by himself.


This old man looked like a scholar. He has a gentle and kind expression, similar to an old grandfather watching over his grandchildren. His wizened eyes sparkled with curiosity and wit. From time to time, he would calculate by counting his fingers before moving a piece. Sometimes, he too would look at the horizon, smiling ever so slyly before returning his gaze back to the board.

None of these old men spoke to each other. It doesn’t even look like they wanted to in first place. Every single one is perfectly fine being alone, left to their own devices. They need nor want any company. In fact, if it weren’t for the special circumstances they are in, none of them would even be seen by a single soul.

These five old men are the very reason why any of the Dawn Council’s representatives can’t take even single step out of their headquarters. The same reason why they haven’t had a chance to even catch a moment of rest. magic

These five old men, were the reclusive Divine Knights that personally exited their seclusion just to remind the Dawn Council why it was a horrible idea to mess with the Ancient Elysium Sect.

The Supremo of the Enlightened Ones – Gabriel Altuna

[A/N: Gab-ri-yel not Gay-briel]


Headmaster of the ‘Fists of Rampage’: ‘Iron Fist Hal’.

The Gatekeeper of the Eternal Division Wall – Malachi Welsh.

The Wanderer of Worlds – Felton Briggs.

Last but definitely not the least, the oldest amongst everyone here, The Truth-seeker – Deimos Noll.

Five Divine Knights, each one old enough to almost be forgotten by history. It’s a bit strange to see these five quietly spending their time here, in a lone asteroid, maintaining silence and peacefully co-existing as if their presence wasn’t a huge weight pressing down on the Dawn Council.

It hasn’t been long since they’ve appeared here. It doesn’t matter who came first nor who has the longest patience. None of that matters. What does, is the fact that they found Dawn Council’s behavior inexcusable and they need answers.

They didn’t even hesitate to end their indefinite seclusion just to make sure to send their thoughts across. If the Dawn Council still has some parts of their brain not yet devoured by greed, they should at least know what they need to do so there’s no need for words.

Still though, the fact that those fools didn’t even had the guts to invite them in and instead made them wait here, is a testament of their stupidity and their recklessness.

Do those people really think they are invincible just because they are the Dawn Council? Absurd.

Time silently passed by. To these people, the flow of time has long since lost its meaning. Days, months or years doesn’t have any meaning to them anymore. They might’ve already been here for at least years for all they know but they’d hardly recognize it. At some point in time, the Truth-seeker; Deimos counted his fingers once more and his expression shifted.

His sharp and wizened eyes narrowed in to slits. He looked up and gazed at the horizon. No, he’s not glaring at the direction of the Dawn Council. He’s looking somewhere opposite.

There’s a glint in Deimos’ eyes, a glint that doesn’t appear very often. This only happens when he discovers something incredibly interesting, something he doesn’t understand yet or a completely knew thing. Only this factors could incite a reaction from the man who already pretty much everything.

He was the first one to feel their presence. Not something to brag about really, but its still something. In addition to this, they are carrying something – no…someone. Someone who’s very interesting.

Deimos can’t wait to meet him.

After he discovered their presence, the next one to notice it was surprisingly Malachi and Iron Fist Hal.

The two of them were the youngest here and the most recently acquainted with the sect. By recent, they meant at least several thousand years ago.

They know the current Sect Master and felt his presence along with the Grand Elder and Gaia. The aura of Chronos and the faint trace of Celestial Aura is something unique to them.

Only…they felt another presence around. The moment they picked-up on the aura, they instinctively perked-up.

The Sect Master brought a little monster. The aura of the little monster felt just like the Sect Master – only, the Celestial Aura was thicker, which is something surprising. They never felt such a vigorous palpitations of the fabled bloodline.

When they entered a specific distance, the rest finally discovered their presence. Yes, even the Dawn Council discovered them as well.

At this point, the five old men were already standing up. They were looking at the direction where the group from the Ancient Elysium Sect was coming from.

After a short wait, their shuttle became visible to their eyes.

A bright chariot, shining brightly. Its brilliance is as bright, if not brighter, than the sun itself. The chariot was being pulled by four horses. Their light and prestige shone everywhere. Their brilliance could was witnessed not only by the Divine Knights but also other people.

This sight would surely become the topic of tomorrow’s gossips. Right now though, they could only wait for what’s going to happen next.

Shortly after that, the chariot landed to the same asteroid they’re in. Those who were riding it, stepped out of the chariot.

The first was the Sect Master and his wife. Followed by the Grand Elder and partner Hera. Then Gaia who looked like a youthful immortal fairy and finally…him, the little monster.

Tall and slim he was, with long aqua-marine hair, fair complexion and a gentle smile adorning his face, wearing a bright gold-crimson robes, carrying an air of an aloof immortal.

Raven gently stepped down, moving like a ghost as he approached the horses, seemingly unaware of the eyes following his movements. He gently coaxed the horses until they became silent. Then he walked and stood beside the Sect Master.

As if one cue, the representatives of the Ancient Elysium Sect clasped their hands and gave a curt bow to the Divine Knights who did the same.

“I am pleased to meet you again, Gentlemen.” The Sect Master said after their greeting.
