Chapter 791: Waves  

“…hey, have you heard the news?”

“Are you perhaps referring to the one about the Ancient Elysium Sect?”

“Yes, that one! Shit’s incredible, yeah?”

“Damn right it is! They once again proved why they deserved to be at the top of the chain.”

“Dude. I also heard that there’s chaos at the Dawn Council right now!”

“Eh? What happened? Did the Ancient Elysium Sect barged on their doors?”


“Nope. It wasn’t them. It’s those who were indebted to them.”


“Well, apparently, there are a few secluded experts who came out of their seclusion upon hearing the news that someone from the Dawn Council dared to attack the sect. Those people are the ones that came to the council’s doors, demanding answers.”

“Holy crap, dude! That’s wild!”

“I know right? They haven’t done anything yet though. From what I heard, they were just waiting in front of the council’s doors. They said that they’ll wait for the arrival of the sect, then they’d go in. Whether the Sect decides to flatten the Dawn Council or not, the hermits will assist them.”

“Oh, dear. It’s bound to be chaotic soon. This isn’t good for business.”


“Right. Even though I am not clear as to what the Dawn Council did, I’m hoping for the best outcome. Hopefully this can be resolved in a peaceful manner at least.”

“If those giants clashes, us commoners will be the first ones to suffer. Damn it, if my fields are ruined because of their battle, I am going to endlessly curse the Dawn Council.”

“Only them?”“Well, yeah. The Ancient Elysium Sect didn’t anything wrong. They will never be wrong.”

Conversations like this one are happening all over the Divine Realm.

It hasn’t even been a full week since the invasion of The Exiles happen. Even though the war already ended on the side, the situation still kept escalating into absurd proportions.

The exposure of the Ancient Elysium Sect’s matter already spread far and wide, it already left a mark to the people’s mind. Their overwhelming victory against their enemies astounded everyone.


Not a single casualty. The sect didn’t lose a single thing, yet they obtained far too many things. The fact that the Service Disciples Court was established just after the war was already known by a lot of people.

The move was impressive. Recruiting enemies to become your allies. It’s a risky move but one that will surely benefit the sect greatly in return.

The sect already recovered from the incident, the clean-up and repairs were done in a mere day. Majority of the people are already resting or back to their regular routine.

With the addition of the Service Disciples Court, the sect covered their lack of man-power. The menial tasks are now being handled by the newly recruited Service Disciples.

Despite being restricted in many ways, none of the Service Disciples voiced out any complaints. It certainly didn’t look like they were enduring such a heavy burden either. To them, this actions were just a form of discipline. Something to correct their mindset and pay for their debts.

What Raven promised to them was true, their lives are much better here in the sect. Even though them and the true disciples were at each other’s throats yesterday, it has already passed. The worst treatment they got from the True Disciples were either indifference or a lukewarm attitude at best, which already impressive enough considering that they literally were trying to kill each other before.

The integration of the new court went smoothly under Raven’s guidance. At this point, the Service Disciples already memorized the layout of the sect, they were made aware of the place they can and cannot go.

As Service Disciples, what they will offer is their Service of course, in exchange for Merit Points. Menial tasks such as cleaning the plazas, assisting at the herb gardens and alchemical labs, tending to the mounts, and etc. Basically, things that are taking most of the true disciples’ time, were left for them to attend to.

The value of Merit Points given to them aren’t any less than the others too of course. In fact, some of them already exchanged for things that could help their current situations.

The sect treated them fairly. They were given a house, clothes, steady supply of food, and time for themselves as well. They have most of their freedom with the exception of freely going in and out of the sect. They don’t have that yet since not even the True Disciples had it…at least for now.

The threat of the Allfather was gone, the curse placed on them was cleansed the moment they willingly pledged their allegiance to the sect. None of them held any strong loyalty towards The Exiles in the first place so this came as no surprise. The sect didn’t have to worry about them being potential spies or holding any thoughts of betrayal.magic

The Service Disciples haven’t been here for long but they already liked it here. They don’t mind living like this at all.

With the exposure of the Ancient Elysium Sect, one figure stood amongst the rest, basking under the spotlight and causing great waves with his appearance.

Of course, it’s none other than Raven.

He hasn’t done anything incredibly huge yet, all he did was show up and mercilessly reduced the representatives of the Dawn Council into blood mists. All that is known about him is that he is called Raven and that the Sect Master himself proclaimed that he’s the heir to the position of the Sect Master.

Right, and also he’s is referred to as the ‘Young Lord’. It truly isn’t much of a big deal…except that it is.

No, the matter about him being Heir of the Sect Master isn’t the thing. It’s the fact that everyone refers to him as the ‘Young Lord’ – this was the most baffling.

Hearing the Sect Master himself, declaring that Raven should be referred to as such, was a mind-boggling matter.

The Young Lord of the Ancient Elysium Sect…just what kind of man is that he was referred to as such?

Many were curious of course, they wanted to know more about him so some of them employed the help of the Oriental Dragon Group – the nosiest of them all. The ones that gathers any kind of intelligence, be it big or small.

Unfortunately, the Oriental Dragon Group doesn’t have much information about him. Which is a bit lamentable, really.

But they do know that the Young Lord of the Ancient Elysium Sect is the Holy Maiden Luna’s mystery husband all this time. This much, is something they can guarantee, after all they have proof.

That…that’s what really did it for most people.

People had been wondering about who was the mysterious man for so damn long. Now, they finally have answers.

Some denied the claim vehemently, but they were ignored since they’re neither Luna nor Raven. Who else could give light to this matter aside from the two of them honestly?

There are some who kind of gets it. To them, only someone with this kind of reputation was deserving of their beloved Holy Maiden. Some even started calling them ‘Divine Realm’s Power Couple.’

Some were worried though. The reason behind this is the fact that Luna recently became a spokesperson for the Dawn Council. Which means that she’s standing at the opposite side as her husband, making them enemies.

Many were concerned about this but Luna remained still. Her Sect released a statement that Luna hasn’t taken even one step outside of the sect for the past twenty or so years. They claimed that she has no involvement about this matter since she entered seclusion.

Then of course, since this matter is related the Divine Realm’s dearest Holy Maiden, her ‘suitors’ made an appearance.

Some had the audacity to be heartbroken even though they stood no chance in the first place. Some even boldly claimed that the news was filled with lies and claimed that they were the Holy Maiden’s husband.

Apart from them, there were some who extended their warm support and accepted their defeat. Claiming that they will no longer bother the Holy Maiden.

All in all, the Divine Realm is bustling with activities. For now, the matters about the Ancient Elysium Sect reached the headlines. Many people are silently observing and waiting for the sect’s next move. They are aware that this is not the end of this.

Everyone was harboring plans of their own. Some were eager, some were nervous.

All of that though, were currently none of Raven’s concern.

Currently, he’s busy improving the 33-layered Seal…if he could even call it that name now that he added yet another 33-layers.

It should be 66-Layered Seal Barrier now. With this, the security of the Sect has been bolstered even more. If the previous version could already tire out a Divine Knight, just imagine what this improved one could do.

There are still some matters that he had to attend to though. Since he’s known to keep his word. There’s no reason for him to break his streak now.

After finishing his improvements, he flew back to the Storm Dweller’s Peak.

It’s about time to let the disciples out.
