Chapter 778: Meeting the others  

“Good Morning, Little Princess.” Raven smiled after seeing Vanessa opening her eyes.

“Good Morning, Papa. Where’s Mama?”

“She’s taking a bath right now but she’s nearly done. Are you hungry?”

“Not yet…” Vanessa yawned on Raven’s arms, shuffling a bit to find a more comfortable spot.

“Alright, let’s take you to her so that you can take a bath as well.” Raven stood up, planning to take Vanessa to her mother.



Raven went towards the miniature lake where Luna’s taking a bath. Luna adjusted the temperature inside the room to be warmer. When Raven entered with Vanessa, the damp atmosphere as well as the warmth got rid Vanessa’s drowsiness.

“Good Morning, Little Sweetheart. Come here.” Luna smiled, greeting her child.

“Good Morning, Mama!” Vanessa was now cheerful, she rose from Raven’s arms and flew towards Luna.

The family giggled together and Luna began taking off Vanessa’s clothes. The two of them bathed Vanessa, being extremely careful during the process.

“Are you ready to meet your Grandmothers and Grandfathers?” Raven asked.

“Mn!” Vanessa nodded cheerfully while being carried by Luna.


“How about you aunts, uncles and cousins?” Luna asked.

“Mn! I’m ready to meet them all.” Vanessa giggled as she replied.

“Great! Let’s get you dressed up. After that we’ll go there right away.”

“Can we ride on clouds?”

“Sure, Sweetheart. We can ride clouds.”



After bathing Vanessa, they went towards the bedroom where her clothes were. Luna helped the baby to put her clothes on and wrapped her on cloth once more. Once that’s done, the two of them met Raven outside of the Sky Palace, ready to ride on the clouds to meet their family.

When they got there, Raven already prepared their ride. He condensed a really large cloud and made it clear and fluffy, just like how Vanessa likes them.

The moment the child saw the cloud. She immediately flew to it, bouncing on the clouds while giggling. Luna and Raven can only shake their heads at this. This child of theirs is really energetic. The two of them stepped on the clouds, Luna carried Vanessa on her arms as the child looked around in excitement.

“Ready, Little Princess?”

“Yes! I’m ready!” “Alright, let’s go meet them.” Raven chuckled and patted the clouds.

The cloud flew at a decent pace, not too fast nor slow. If Raven wanted to, the cloud can instantly arrive at the Empire in just a second but Vanessa won’t enjoy the ride so he didn’t do it. Instead, he made sure that his child will enjoy the trip.

And from how Vanessa excitedly looked around her, they both can tell that their child was having the time of her life.

They heard her ‘Ooh’s’ and ‘Ahh’s’ as she saw basically everything. She stared at the skies, the birds, the trees, the land animals…heck, she even enjoyed looking at the fierce demonic beasts roaming beneath them. She admired the grass, enjoyed the wind blowing on her face, liked the warmth of the sun and loved the feeling or riding the clouds.

Vanessa was just happy to be alive…which was enough for Luna and Raven to feel endlessly grateful and content. Their child was everything they wanted her to be.

Raven silently peered at the direction of the Empire. He can see several faces in his family estate waiting for their arrival.

He already sent a message to them saying: ‘Go to the Estate, someone’s really dying to meet you.’

Raven can tell that they were confused but they still went there. When they arrived, they asked each other who was dying to meet them and were confused by Raven’s message. At first Alexander thought that Raven was talking about Luis and Eva but it wasn’t them. Raven’s parents thought it was the twins but although the twins but its not them either. Even the Emperor Balmung was confused.

Aside from them, the rest of their closest friends were there as well. magic

He chuckled at their confusion. He didn’t bother clarifying himself since it was supposed to be a surprise anyways.

When Luna gave birth to Vanessa, there’s only her and Raven. The rest didn’t know her due date and the two didn’t tell them since they wanted to be selfish. Right now, all of them are still thinking that Luna was resting at the Sky Palace and preparing to give birth.

It didn’t take long before these group of people were alarmed by Kyle since he’s the only one who sensed his Master’s arrival.

A cloud suddenly appeared above them. They saw it descending slowly right in front of them. The cloud obscured their vision for bit before revealing Luna and Raven who were smiling at them.

The group smiled as well when they saw them, but then a small giggle suddenly echoed on their ears.

Under their dumbstruck gazes, Vanessa slowly appeared from Raven’s back, climbing on his head while waving at them.

“Hello! My name is Vanessa, nice to meet you~!”

“Oh my god!!!”

Then chaos erupted…

Eva, Elizabeth, Venina, Victoria, Anne and Ellen swiftly scrambled forward to meet the giggling child. Vanessa giggled even louder and flew towards them, her priority was of course her grandparents.

“You guys! Why didn’t you us!?” Eva and Elizabeth glared at both Raven and Luna.

“Grandma’s, don’t be angry pwease?”

“Ooh! Sorry, child. We’re not angry okay? We’re really not.” Elizabeth cooed as she pinched Vanessa’s cheeks.

“Yes, that’s right little sweetheart. We’re not angry. Sorry, if we shouted. Did we startle you?” Eva asked.

Vanessa shook her head and giggled once more.

“Your name is Vanessa?” Luis asked.

“Yep! That’s me! I picked it! I like this name! Do you like it Grandpa?”

“I love it!” Luis laughed uproariously in celebration, he puffed his chest and gave Raven and thumbs-up. “The trend continues!”

“Woah~! Grandpa has a long beard…” Vanessa looked at Alexander with her big round eyes glittering slightly. “Yes, this Grandpa has a really long beard.” Alexander softly said while smiling kindly at his grandchild.

Vanessa reached out to him and grabbed his beard. She gave it a light tug while giggling much to everyone amusement.

“I’m surprised she can talk already.” Venina commented as she stared at her niece.

“Oh my god! She looks just like Big Sis Luna!” Victoria cooed as she let Vanessa’s tiny hands grab her finger.

“Well, Lady Luna carried her for three years and she isn’t your normal baby. I mean, you saw how she flew right into them right?” Kyle reminded.

“Right, I almost forgot about that.” Venina chuckled.

“Oh my god, you looks so adorable.” Anne cooed as she gently pinched Vanessa’s cheeks.

“You inherited Luna’s face and Raven’s endless curiosities about things.” Ellen stated as she tickled her.

Vanessa giggled from all the attention she’s receiving from her family. Meanwhile, her parents were talking to Paul and Mark.

“Congrats you two.” Paul patted Raven’s back and gave Luna a hug. Mark did so as well.

“Thanks guys. It won’t be long before it’s you guys’ turn.” Luna said.

“When was she born?” Paul couldn’t help but ask.

“Last night.” Raven answer. Mark was shocked and turned to Luna.

“Are you sure you can move around now? Aren’t exhausted?”

“I can manage.” Luna answered while chuckling, “Besides, giving birth for me wasn’t that painful. It’s uncomfortable yes, but that’s about it. So I’m fine.”

“Hey, you two. Look.” Raven addressed Paul and Mark as he pointed his chin towards his child.

The two of them saw Vanessa controlling the cloud to go down. She faced Ellen’s stomach much to everyone’s amusement. They saw Vanessa’s eye gleaming with a silver light as she patted Ellen’s stomach.

“Hey~! Hey~! Hello! I’m Vanessa, let’s be playmates when you’re born, yeah?”


Ellen’s eyes went wide when the buzzing sensation occurred from her womb. Vanessa giggled and then turned to Anne’s next.

“Hey~! You too! Let’s be friends when you’re born! We’ll play lots and lots! Hihihi!”


Now, it’s Anne’s turn to be shocked since she also felt the same sensation as Ellen.

Paul and Mark were alarmed, they then turned to Raven who was looking at them with a smug expression.

“W-what the hell?” Paul asked in a bewildered tone, Mark was also looking at Raven, searching for some answers.

“That’s a part of her talent.” Luna chuckled and answered them. “She’s born as the ‘Nature’s Child’ which gives her an affinity to all kinds of elements as well as giving her an ability to communicate to all kinds of life. It’s no surprise that she can talk to your kids.”

“Oh! You like Trees?” Vanessa’s voice interrupted their thoughts once more she was talking to the baby inside Anne who’s feeling the buzzing inside of her.

“Awesome! Me? I like clouds a lot!” Vanessa giggled, she then looked at Ellen’s child and asked: “How about you?”

“You like snakes? Haha! Cool!”

Everybody watched in amusement as Vanessa got acquainted with the unborn child of Ellen and Anne. It was a bizarre scene but its nothing too extraordinary for them.

After this little episode, all of them had an intimate celebration of Vanessa’s birth, making the little ball of sunshine giggle in happiness again and again.
