Chapter 774: Happy and Satisfied  

They did it…

Raven was kneeling down in front of Luna, he pressed his ears on her stomach. This action was dumb and adorable at the same time since it shows how excited Raven was. In truth, there was no need for him to do this. He just needed to stare at his wife’s womb and he’ll see the small embryo in there.

He can’t help it though since he was feeling too giddy right now.

Both of them had been crying for the past ten minutes. Of course they’d feel emotional. After all, the chances of the, succeeding in this were too low using the natural way, in fact they were already considering other ways to do it but it’s no longer needed.

Raven’s heart was leaping on his chest. In his life, only a few things can make him feel this way. Not even continental sized monsters can make him lose his composure. This shows how emotional he was feeling at this moment.

Luna on the other hand was relishing this moment. This has got to be one of the most happiest moments of her life.


They’ve worked hard for this. In fact, the whole reason why they’re working hard in the first place was to ensure that their future family gets to live under a prosperous and peaceful environment. They endured hardships and tribulations just for the sake of achieving their goals. Now, they achieved one of them, how can they not be happy?

“…did you just discover this?” Raven finally asked after a long silence.

Luna nodded her head, still crying in happiness: “Just this morning. I felt a little bit weird which doesn’t happen normally. I habitually scanned my body, then I discovered it.”

Raven smiled and carried Luna in the gentlest way possible. She giggled upon discovering how careful he was. She can’t bring herself to blame him though, after all both of them are feeling too happy right now.

He sat both of them in a chair with Luna on his lap, their palms lay on top of each other on her womb. Luna leaned on her husband’s chest, feeling incredibly safe and secured, the same warmth that his presence always exudes.

Raven suddenly closed his eyes, and pressed his forehead on hers. Their hands suddenly glowed with a crimson light. A sigil appeared on the back of their palms on the hand that they have on Luna’s womb. A gentle humming sound suddenly echoed on their ears. The soft crimson light enveloped the two of them, cradling them in a sort of warmth that they graciously shared to each other.


The crimson light penetrated Luna’s body. It went straight towards their unborn child, wrapping it in a soft crimson film of light.

Don’t underestimate this light. It might look like it’s weak but this a protection powered with parental love – the parents being Divine Realm’s power couple. It doesn’t look much but this light will not only nourish the unborn child it will also protect it from all kinds of harm.

So long as this light was present, the child is invincible.

This light is a unique function of the Sigil of Fated Love. It protects their unborn child but of course, not without a price.

Any damages that the child experiences will be felt by their parents instead in exchange for this protection. It wasn’t a bad deal especially considering that this child’s parents are absurdly powerful.

Still though, Raven won’t be Raven if this can satisfy him.


Considering that this is his first child, he’ll be damned if he allowed any harm to befall his child. If he can pass down his True Immortality to his unborn child, he would’ve done it in a heartbeat. But since it isn’t possible, he’ll settle for an absolute protection not just for his child but for his wife as well.

A mixture of golden and silver radiance erupted from Raven’s body. It covered him and Luna with a brilliance that could contest the sun itself.

Raven released his authority over the world, making sure that not even a trace of misfortune can touch his child. The power of a True Immortal and an Allfather was unquestionable and his wrath cannot be provoked, not even by the Heavenly Laws itself.

Sure, this was an overbearing way to display his power but did Raven care? Of course not. This was natural. After all, Raven won’t be Raven if he didn’t do this much at least.

The child wasn’t even born, yet there’s nothing Raven wouldn’t do for it.

After establishing the absolute protection of his child, the light faded and both of their silhouettes can be seen once more.

Luna looked up to Raven and said: “We should tell them.”

Raven was silent for a bit. A couple seconds later he said: “We should but…I’d like to be a little selfish right now.”

“Let them be our little secret for just a little bit, you know?” Raven smirked at his wife as he gently caressed her stomach. “It won’t be too late to tell them once it’s a little more obvious isn’t it?”

“Right…” Luna giggled on his embrace. “How long do you think I’ll be pregnant?” “Hard to say.” Raven said as he planted a kiss on her cheeks. “We’re not some regular mortals so it should be longer than nine months. One year should be the minimum while ten years is the maximum.”

“I won’t mind being pregnant for 10 years.” Luna chuckled, “But that’d be a little weird. Our child would probably be able to talk fairly quickly. In ten years, we’d be discussing some political stuff with the child while its still inside my tummy.”

Raven laughed uproariously upon hearing that. “I won’t mind that. Not at all.”

“Also, it’s probably a little early for this but, what should our child’s name be?” Luna asked.

“Hmm…” Raven hummed and thought for a bit. The two of them went silent and thought of suitable names for their child but nothing comes to their mind. “Well, it is indeed a little to early to be thinking of this. We should postpone it until ideas comes to us.”

“…or, maybe we can let them chose their own name instead.” Luna suggested. “I mean, we can of course have suggestions but let’s leave it up to them to pick their own name. How about that?” magic

Raven’s expression brightened up as he said: “Not bad. I like that idea. Let’s do that.”

The two of them continued talking, their conversation was centered about this unborn child.

They started planning Luna’s diet. After all, they needed to make sure that the child will receive all the nutrients that they need to grow up healthy. Of course this doesn’t mean a regular diet. They’re talking about a Spiritual Energy Enriched diet.

Luna brought up the topic of learning how to stich from her mother, saying that she wanted to make their child’s clothes on her own. It’s not that she didn’t trust their tailors of their home world, this is just her wanting to pamper her child in her own way.

Raven said that he was thinking of writing some bedtime stories already. The way his eyes shone made it clear that he was treating this as an important mission of his life. Failure isn’t an option.

The days that followed this was the happiest they’ve ever been. Knowing that they child is around, everything they did was measured with outmost care and consideration. Raven threw the notion of cultivating at all. Even though he knew that he can control his energy fine enough to make sure that the child won’t be harmed, he didn’t want to risk it.

The two of them cherished every moment of their pregnancy. Raven and Luna taught themselves how to play instruments in order to serenade their child. It doesn’t do anything really, this was merely the silliness brought by the idea of being parents. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. As expected, this isn’t a regular pregnancy at all. Luna’s tummy barely showed any signs of protrusion even after seven months.

What made them happy though is the knowledge that their child is alive and well. The chances of the child being stillborn is less to none so there’s no need for them to worry about that. Both of them can feel the vitality of their child already.

Their efforts were paying off. Their child was little a greedy when it comes to nutrients but that’s perfectly fine. In fact, they’re happier that their child has a big appetite.

In the morning, they will bask under the gentle warmth of the sun. After that, they’ll enjoy some breakfast. Then they will serenade the child with hymns produced by zither and flutes. They’ll stop and rest for lunch and then continue this until the sun is down, then they have dinner and go to bed not before Raven finishes telling a bedtime story for their child of course.

It was such a simple life really but every single day was filled with warmth, love and comfort that they’ll never trade for anything. This is the kind life that they wanted to have after all.
