Chapter 771: True Immortality  magic

“…hahaha, what an awkward situation.” Raven laughed derisively as he stared at the ruins before him.

He did feel confident about the strength of his runic formations and all however he didn’t expect that the violent energies he released from breaking through was enough to destroy them from the inside.

In addition to that, he could feel several scans shrouding his general direction. His breakthrough must’ve raised a ruckus that alerted many people. Thankfully, he chose a pretty isolated spot, far away from any worlds that has civilization. Had he not been considerate, he would’ve killed many people just now.

Nevertheless, Raven’s breakthrough was finished. He’s now officially an Empyrean Knight. With his status and pure skill alone, he can be recognized as one of Divine Realm’s Top Masters, not that he intends to excessively flaunt this all over the place.

Still, his job isn’t done yet. He still has matters to attend to, mainly claiming the throne as the official 9th Heir of the Ancestral Divine Crown.

Without wasting even a second of hesitation, Raven left the isolated place after cleaning up. Once he was inside the crown space, he made his way towards the Monument of Stars.


Compared to what its like before, the Monument of Stars are now filled with different shades of light. Each of this lights represented a constellation he gained acknowledgement from. There’s only one constellation left for him to do and the throne shall reveal itself to him.

Without any further ado, Raven touched the monument and felt the familiar pull in his consciousness. When he felt the sensation ended, he opened his eyes to look at the familiar space within the monument.

A long silky silver road was under his feet. Raven began walking forwards, encountering numerous constellations in the process. These constellations are all the ones that Raven already got acknowledgement from. They emit a dazzling radiance, moving as if they were alive.

Raven only spared them a look and never stopped moving forward. He continued on his way for what felt like ages of walking. He never showed any signs of fatigue nor impatience, his mood was calm and serene. It’s as if nothing can disturb the peace of his mind. As he went further ahead, the brilliance of the constellations faded. None of them followed wherever he was going. Raven can see that the world was going dark without their light but he was unbothered.

He can feel the existence of the Void itself. It carried an unspeakable chill that seeped to his soul. It unnerving to say the least, it’s as the darkness around him was slowly eating away at his consciousness. Nevertheless, Raven remained steady and peaceful.

All of this sensations were nothing to him. It didn’t matter whether it was real or just an illusion, nothing can break nor even erode his will that has been tempered by two lifetimes. He walked bravely and confidently despite gnawing sensation of the void. He didn’t resist it, he merely ignored it’s existence as if it was nothing less than a minor-inconvenience.


With the influence of time getting blurry inside this space, Raven had no idea how long he has been walking. What he do know is that he reached the frightening depths of the void itself.

The Void here was unforgiving. He weighed on him and tried to push him back in vain. Most people would’ve been traumatized by making contact with the Void but Raven’s different. Not only does he possess a physique that can prevent the void from affecting him, his will was that of an immortal.

Eventually, he reached the core of the Void where he saw a faint sparkle of light.

It was weak, very weak. It’s as if the light was about to get snuffed out at any given moment. Raven watched, his eyes was fixated on the sparks of light.

He stepped forward and raised his hand. He cupped the sparks of light and cradled it near his heart. He sat down and urged his will to give sustenance to the sparks.

Void raged around him, it violently tried to wrestle the sparks of light away from Raven’s cradle but it ended up in vain. Though Raven’s hands looked delicate, it was as immovable. It remained in place, preventing the void to wrest away the light he caught.


Raven’s Will responded to his wishes. He could feel the warm flow of energy being released from his body. The heat was absorbed by sparks of light, causing them to flicker ever so slightly. Raven could feel that the sustenance was working but barely so.

The sparks of light were extremely weak. He could tell that the void really did a number on it by the way it got reduced to this state.

He could hear a buzzing sound entering his ears. Raven continued closing his eyes and feeding the sparks of light with his Will.

Time passed. It was unknown how long but it’s no longer important. Raven had long since forgot about the flow of time. His efforts were concentrated on one task, and that is to restore the previous state of this sparks of light even if it kills him.

From mere sparks of light, they grew. Fed by Raven’s Will, they transformed into a fireflies, then wisps of light. Eventually, they combined into one and became an orb of light. As the transformation continued, the luminosity of the light intensified.

Eventually, the light shone brightly as if Raven was grasping a torch. It continued growing under Raven’s influence, becoming a small sun that illuminated within the void. Raven remained stoic. He expressed neither sadness or joy upon the recovery of the light, he was here to do one thing and one thing alone. All other matters were set-aside for now.

As the light grew, it began fighting against the void. Raven’s Will had become an influence to it, inheriting the indomitable and unbreakable aspect of it. It proudly contested against its long time tormentor, and from the reactions of the void, it was clear that it felt angry and threatened.

The Void went after Raven since he was the one who’s supplying the light with confidence, nevertheless its task was a fruitless endeavor. Raven was immovable, he simply treated the void as mere air.

Eventually, the light grew larger that Raven cannot hold it between his palms any longer. Nevertheless, he still continued the sustenance. This was as still far from over.

The light became bolder. It became confident enough to not only fight back against its past tormentor, it even began scrambling for territory. It slowly carved a piece of itself within the void, causing the latter to react violently from its actions.

Nevertheless, the Void was mostly incapable of doing anything against Raven nor the light. Them combined were too much for the void to handle.

Soon, the void was parted. The light’s brilliance turned increasingly glaring to the point that void was being pushed back. The spark of light turned into a blazing sun at this point, it fought ceaselessly and pushed the void back into a corner. Dispersing it’s influence more and more as time passes.

Under Raven nourishment, the light grew and managed to do what it wished. It managed to suppress the void on its own, claiming victory. The void fled and the Light’s brilliance went after it.

The Void can longer fight against the Light. Its shine was scalding for the void, causing to lose mass. The Light won and it’s victory was celebrated by the rest of the constellations joining it.

As the giant sun hovered above Raven, the sustenance stopped. It isn’t because Raven cannot go on anymore. Its because the Light has reached its apex. Now was the time for it to return the favor.

The Light flared its brilliance, drowning everything in sight with pure white, blinding Raven himself.

When his vision returned, he saw that the Light was nowhere to be seen but its presence stay with him. He instinctively looked at his palms and saw a rune carved in them. A smile appeared on his face.

He stood up after a long time. His bones creaked due to long-time inactivity but he wasn’t bothered by it. He felt a rush of comfort filling every inch of his body. The sensation of being timeless and eternal filled his very being. Raven knew that this not just some random sensation. It was real.

Raven gained the acknowledgement of the Eternal Light Cluster. In exchange, he had become a True Immortal. He is now an Eternal Being. One that will never die even if All Creation fell.

And as someone who gained the acknowledgement of the Constellations as well as the Scepter of Wisdom, Raven is also considered as an Allfather.

Raven took pride at the sight before him. The vast space filled with stars and light – a world for him to rule.

A throne manifested behind Raven. A crown adorned his head and a scepter to represent the power and authority he wields.

He sat down on his throne, claiming the position as the 9th Heir of the Ancestral Divine Galaxy.
