Chapter 756  

"…it's good that you're back." King Alexander nodded as he patted Raven's shoulders.

Raven is currently inside a humble home surrounded by a garden of flowers and fields. This is where the old king and his wife – Elizabeth, now lives.

After doing some important task at the Heart of the World, Raven returned and paid a visit to them. Luna's here as well, playing with her little Brother – Horus, and her Nephew – Sieg, which already warmed up to him as well. All it took was a couple of candies.

"How are you feeling, Mother-in-law?" Raven asked.

"I am doing fine, much better in fact now that we can relax here." Elizabeth replied as she washed the dishes.

It was a bit hard to believe that these two were royalties. Alexander looked like a farmer and Elizabeth looked like a regular housewife. They lived in a small and house surrounded with gardens if flowers and fields. They were living like mortals, content with the peaceful air and serenity of this place.


Raven actually didn't have many interactions with Elizabeth before ascending. He had many things to do for the Kingdom back then and she was recuperating. Now though, she has recovered and is now enjoying a peaceful and quiet life with her husband and their youngest son.

"We prefer living like this. I've dumped everything to Balmung, he can handle the rest. He wanted to become the founding Emperor anyway." Alexander chuckled as he took a sip of his coffee.

Raven can tell that his father-in-law was more relaxed than before. He no longer has to deal with the affairs of leading a kingdom – or an empire, of course he'd be more relaxed. Now he just needed to tend to his farm, raise their youngest son before eventually letting him go to the real world.

"I see." Raven nodded, "I'm glad that you two are fine. Though, pardon me because I'm afraid that thing might get chaotic for a bit."

Raven's words caused Alexander to frown, even Elizabeth looked worried.

"What's wrong?" Alexander asked."Our homecoming is bound to cause some reactions to this world." Raven looked at Luna. "You might not know this, but in the years that we were gone, we grew strong enough to be respected by many people in the Divine Realm. Even in that place, the power we wield is amongst the top."


"It doesn't mean that there will be enemies following us here." Luna interjected, "Our departure from Divine Realm was kept a secret, we're not fugitives either, Raven's identity is just really sensitive that's we have to depart in a secretive manner. Even if there are outside enemies, us six can deal with them with no problem."

"Right." Raven agreed, "The reaction we're referring to is about the evolution of this world."

"Evolution?" Alexander's interest was piqued. "Care to tell me more?"

"I would love to but I think we need a conference for this." Raven suggested. "I want to explain it all at once. I've already told my father about it. Luna also informed Brother-in-law, we came here to inform you about this since it's going be important."

"I see." Alexander nodded, "Alright, I'll be there. When will it be?"

"Tomorrow." Luna answered, "I told brother that this needs to happen as soon as possible, we can't afford to delay it."


"Right, then we shall have that conference tomorrow." Alexander then stood up and stretched out a bit. "Well then, I need to tend to my precious field. Care to join me, Raven?"

"I would love to."

"Come, Luna. We'll tend to the garden instead." Elizabeth said.

"We welcome your arrival, Emperor Balmung."

The Imperial Palace. Built at the center of the Empire, the crown jewel of the world where the Imperial Family resides. The palace was huge and expansive, and considering the fact that only Balmung, his wife and their son were the only members of the family, anybody can agree that it's too big for them.

The old king and queen doesn't reside there, they lived at the outskirts of the Empire, posing as a regular citizens of the empire, but they do have some people guarding them – who are also posing as regular citizen of the empire. They are raising Sieg in a humble manner to forge his upbringing.

Although the Imperial Family only consists of three, there are many people that lives in the palace; governors, servants and guards as well as the Imperial Advisors.

Yesterday, an announcement was made. There will be an Imperial Conference. It will be attended by the Emperor himself as well as the Old King. All court officials were ordered to participate, anyone who refuses to attend will face the wrath of the Emperor – which basically means immediate execution.

In hindsight, there was no need for threats. The mere fact that the Emperor and Old King was participating was enough to convince every official into attending.

Right now, there's a large banquet prepared. The servants had been busy, none of them slept last night due to how nervous they were. Events like this are rare and they can't afford to mess-up. A lot of important people are attending this event, of course it was a huge pressure.

The Imperial Palace was lively, security was tripled and one by one, the court officials trickled in. The banquet hadn't officially started just yet but the mood was already pleasant. The Emperor arrived a long with his wife and his only child."I'm glad that all of you are here." Balmung smiled as he looked at his officials. "Go, enjoy yourselves for a bit. We'll start the conference later."

After saying that, Balmung and his family retreated at room prepared for them for a bit, letting the others to enjoy and forge connections. These events doesn't happen very often so whenever it does, some people take advantage of it, widening their network of friends.

After an hour, the Emperor returned to the hall in his Imperial Garb, his wife – Bianca came with him as well as Alexander and Elizabeth. Horus and Seig weren't here, they were playing in the room, attended by maids and guards.

Luis and Eva were there as well. Even though the two doesn't participate in the affairs of the empire, they are still in-laws of the imperial family so it would make sense that they're here. The twins are here as well, and they are being eyed-on by a few bachelors in the hall.

All eyes were on them of course, the people below knew that they will be attending this event. The moment they appeared, the hall became quiet. The rest sat on their seats and prepared for the conference to begin.

Balmung stepped forward with a wine cup on his hand. He was smiling, as if he was excited for what's going to happen next. Then he started speaking:

"Once again, I appreciate your attendance for this rather abrupt meeting." He started, "I hope that you all are in good health for today."

"Long live, Your Majesty!"

Balmung nodded and said: "Today's meeting won't be centered around me."

His words caused confusion spread amongst his loyal subjects. Though there are some people who didn't react but are smiling slightly.

"Roughly three or four decades ago, a group of people left this world." Balmung stated, causing the crowd to freeze. "These group of people were the one's that brought peace and lead the Old Kingdom to its golden age. That prosperous time allowed us to lay the foundations needed for the Empire of today. I dare even say that if it weren't for them, me becoming your founding Emperor wouldn't be possible."

At this point, the crowd was boiling in expectations. Some were still confused but the tension in the air was infectious.

"I believe you all know who I'm talking about, but just in case some of you already forgotten, I'll tell you their names."

"Paul Gregory, Mark Anderson, Ellen Redcrest, Anne Fiore." The Emperor started revealing their names, causing the crowd to shudder in excitement. "My very own sister, Lunafreya Moonsong and finally the one who lead them all; my Brother-in-law, Vendrick Valorheart."

They all looked at their smiling Emperor as he proudly raised his cup and said:magic

"Gone for a long time, these people finally returned home. Let's all welcome them with a warm round if applause!!"

All of a sudden, a portal opened at the very center of the hall which startled everyone. From behind the portal, came six people walking out one by one.

Their presence overwhelmed the crowd. They all carried incredible momentum that overshadowed the Emperor – nay, the whole world itself. Every single one of them were smiling and walking towards the Emperor, leaving dumbstruck and flustered faces.

'That introduction was a little over the top, no?' Raven said telepathically to his friends and the Emperor.

'Come on, Raven. It's what you guys deserve. In fact, why don't you take over my position as well while you're at it? I'm sure the people won't mind.'

'Fat chance, Brother!' Luna grinned, 'There will be no passing of responsibilities to us now! You wanted that right? Then suffer.'

'How very mean of you, Sister.'
