Chapter 750  

Spending another month just to by souvenirs might probably be too much but in truth, it isn't

To them, one month's barely enough to get everything they want. Raven already got everything that he needed so he just allowed his friends to shop for things.

The rest are clearly excited, they're going home. It has been quite sometime since they left, in fact they got so used to their current lives that they almost forgot that they left people behind. If it weren't Raven's reminder, they would've not even consider the idea of going back.

If they don't return to they home, their yearnings will eventually turn into a element that will prevent them from reaching greater heights. That's why Raven wanted to get rid of that.

They ended up extending the time to a month and half, delivering the items they wanted will take some time so they could only resort to that.

After getting everything they need, all of them were gathered inside Raven's room. It was time for them to go back home.


"You guys ready?" Raven asked. His wife and friends nodded and could hardly contain themselves.

Raven then took out the brush of wisdom and created a rune that connects to the Spatial Coordinates of their home.

The creation of the rune was swift, the rest had barely seen Raven waving his hand. They only saw the rune formed and turned into a swirling portal.

"Let's go!" Raven exclaimed as he lead them inside the Spatial Tunnel.

They entered one by one and saw what's on the other side.

"Oh! What a stable spatial tunnel!" Paul was impressed as he inspected the scene. "I never thought you can make it as stable as this."


"Indeed." Ellen nodded, "The most stable spatial tunnel we used still has some Spatial Storms inside, there's none here."

"I've already established this passage a long time ago." Raven stated, "With the help of the Planar Writ and some fine tuning, it isn't hard to get rid of the remaining hazard. I do plan on establishing this route as one of the main tunnels from our home to the Divine Realm.""So you want to sent the future Ascenders to the Oriental Dragon Organization? Wouldn't that be bad?" Mark asked.

"I'm talking about the tunnel." Raven stated, "I have no plans on sending the youngsters there. I can always move the passage to a different location, somewhere more safer and calmer. One that would allow them to adjust to the atmosphere of the Divine Realm easier."

"Well, it can't be any of our sect's then." Anne sighed, "We are in involved in too much chaos, I'm afraid that they will be swept away if you set them near us."

"I agree." Luna sighed, "There are mid-level worlds though, maybe we can establish some in there instead. That way they can transition at their own pace."

"That's a great idea actually…"


The six of them then discussed the future plans about the future people who would want to ascend to the Divine Realm as they travelled through the spatial tunnel. Due to the stability of this passage, there's no need for them to use any kind of Spatial Shuttles. They're fine as they are.

Their return trip will take some time, after all there's quite a distance between them and the Grand Ancestral Plane. Right now, they're just talking and discussing plans amongst each other like how they used to back in the day.

Back in the Grand Ancestral Plane, life has been relatively peaceful.

The Final Haven Empire has been established for a decade now, it took quite some time for them to gather the proper amount of materials but they did it, the citizens are now living in a much comfortable and peaceful manner.

The Old King Alexander and his wife had retreated from the sidelines. They passed the crown to Luna's Older Brother – Balmung and named him as the first Emperor. Balmung married someone named Bianca – a girl who was once a commoner but swiftly climbed the military ranks with her incredible achievements.

Balmung was head over heels the moment he saw her, Bianca wasn't overly beautiful but she's fierce and domineering, very straightforward too as she actively chased after the Prince herself despite to nasty rumors of the citizens.

They've been married for five years now and conceived a child they named 'Sieg' who's roughly three years old now.

On another hand, the Old King has some vigor left in him and actually gave Balmung and Luna another sibling. It was a cute little boy they named 'Horus', he is currently eight years old and the center of attention for the old king and his wife.

As for Raven's parent – Luis and Eva, aside from missing their first born child from time to time, they're living a comfortable and peaceful life. Venina and Victoria – Raven's twin sisters, had grown up well.

Despite being the in-laws of the royalties, Luis and Eva never participated in military or royal accords. They simply enjoyed their peaceful life, looking after their children and often reminiscing about the past.

Nina and Tori's identity as Raven's sisters weren't really hidden. Everybody knows it and adored them for it. That being said, it doesn't mean that the twins got arrogant or spoiled about their treatment, in fact they have a little secret that only a few people knows.

They forged fake identities in order to escape the limelight sometimes. Instead of being Nina and Tori, they become Norman and Tobi.

Norman and Tobi aren't twins but best friends. They practically known each other since birth. They were raised by their grandparents 'Old Eel' and 'Old Lana' – which is Old Lee and Leona in disguise. They were born as commoners and they practically just do whatever they want. Exploring the world, training, slaying Demonic Beasts etc…

It's not as if they don't like the life of being a Valorheart, but it becomes dull and repetitive sometimes. These two had some wanderlust that needs to be sated. They are curious about many things about this world. They wanted to explore the land just as much as their Big Brother did before.

They grew up listening to the tales of their Big Brother. The twins had looked up to Raven, practically worshipping him even. He was their idol and they want to become just like him. They missed Raven of course but it can't be helped, he has other things to do so that he can ensure their safety.It's not like the two of them can't explore the world using their real identities, they could but every time they do, they are accompanied by a large number of soldiers who wouldn't let them do anything. Heck, they're not even allowing anything to come near the two of them, which really defeats the purpose of their exploration.

Using their fake identities though, they received freedom and they were treated just like everyone else. There were times that things got tough but that's exactly the kind of rush these two were after. They found themselves cornered, in peril, and so on but they got out through the skin of their teeth by relying on each other, and those just made them stronger.

Victoria is a tough girl, she was impulsive and overall a ray of sunshine, Venina is the more logical one and is a bit shy around strangers however these two were a unit. They are each other's rock. They've experience so many things together that they were inseparable.

They have a group of friends but even them doesn't know about their real identities just yet. The two were scared that the rest would start treating them differently if their true identities were revealed but they also know that they can't keep this secret for long. Eventually, there will come a time that they need to tell them.

Currently, Norman and Tobi are out with their friends, they're exploring the southern part of the wilderness, hunting Demonic beasts for Merit Points.

"Tobi (Tori)! You're up!"

"Alright! Here I go! Hiyaaaaaa!!"


Tobi swung her massive hammer at the huge demonic beast, the strength of her swing caused a large crater to form beneath them.


"Hot damn! That is some impressive swing! Way to go Tobi!"

"Thanks!" Tobi smiled in glee. Meanwhile Norman (Nina) snorted and said:

"Don't praise him that much, that'll go straight to his head."magic

"Hey! What was that for!" Tobi whined.

The rest of their friends just laughed merrily at their antics. Once the group calmed down, they started approaching their game but all of a sudden, they froze.

"Psst! Who's that?" One of their friends asked, pointing at a man wearing a straw hat and torn clothes.

"I don't know. He looks like a homeless man though." Tobi commented.

"Is he planning on stealing our prey?" Another one interjected,

"I don't know, but let's be on guard just in case." Norman advised, gripping his sword tightly.

"Hey, old man! We brought that creature down! It's out prey, please don't steal it." Tobi yelled much to the annoyance of the rest.

The old man froze, he stood up and looked at them while smiling: "My, do forgive me. I was just entranced after seeing such a magnificent creature."

The moment the old man talked, everyone, including Nina and Tori, felt chills running down their spine. They all collectively thought:

'This old man is bad news!'
