Chapter 742  

Raven didn't stay for long after he got his reward by finishing the Olympian Climb.

He opened a tear in space and left, he went back to his estate and spent the rest of day there. Because Raven already cleared the Olympian Climb before, the announcement of his clear this time wasn't announce, which is something he preferred over making a ruckus.

Even Geezer said that he can already sit on the throne and be the 9th Heir. Raven didn't do it right away. He decided to postpone it at a later date since he has some priorities that he wanted to take care of first.

Raven spent three days in his estate, getting used to how the Scepter of Wisdom felt and experimenting, with the help of this tool, his prowess was eventually doubled, which insane given how strong Raven already was.

After that, Raven decided that he should move on and clear up the remaining errands he have left.

He told Sect Master and Grand Elder that he will be patrolling the Devil Emperor's tower from the first floor all the to 99th floor. Once he got his permission, he didn't waste time and immediately descended to Tartarus.


Going back to Tartarus caused Raven to feel a strong nostalgia despite the awful smell emanating from the pagoda. Back then, Raven couldn't do anything to clean this infestation but now…

Raven appearance caused an uproar from the Outer Disciples. There were many people who were alerted by his presence, especially the officials who immediately stopped what they were doing to offer their greetings.

Raven smiled at them and calmly said: "Sorry for disturbing you guys, don't worry my work here will be quick. Just stay put."

After saying that, Raven drew the Brush of Wisdom out and drew a large rune with a casual stroke.

As soon as the rune appeared, winds kicked-up. The gales eventually turned into a fierce tornado which attracted all the infestation in one spot.A plume of pristine white fire emerged from the tip of his finger. He pointed at the tornado and the plume flew directly to the center of it. The flame exploded, transforming the wind tornado into a fire one.

Everyone was dumbfounded for a moment, they had no idea what the Young Lord of theirs was trying to do. They only realized it when someone suddenly exclaimed:


"Eh!? It doesn't smell bad anymore!"

Everyone was shocked. They started sniffing the air and to their surprise, it indeed doesn't smell bad in here anymore! In fact, the air was clean and refreshing. All of them stared at Raven who was standing on the air above them. Now they understand what he's trying to do.

The fire tornado brought a comfortable warmth to them as well, something that is very welcomed considering how chilly the atmosphere in here. The warmth also got rid of the suppressive aura of evil that's always been present in the air.

After getting rid of the foul scent of corruption, the fire tornado disappeared. After that, Raven drew another rune which he pointed at the sky. All of a sudden, there was a downpour of rain.

Everyone who were touched by the rain felt comforted and blessed. To their surprise, the ground beneath them was absorbing the water like a dry sponge. The downpour lasted for quite some time. Slowly but surely, they discovered that the ground was softening.

Some crouched down to touch the soil and discovered that no a trace of corruption can be felt on the anymore.


"Guys, look!! There's patches of grass and moss around!!"

Once the word spreads out, everyone began seeing patches of green appearing from the ground. Now, everybody realized that Raven cleansed all the corruption from their surroundings in order to make Tartarus a more habitable place for them.

It didn't end there. Raven used his runes to create an artificial day and night cycle on Tartarus. This should at least make their lives a little bit easier. To him, his actions might nothing but to those who was watching him work, he was creating a miracle.

By the time he was done, Tartarus was completely different from what it was. The artificial sunlight hit their skin, making them warm, the air was clean and fresh, and there's not even a trace of corruption left in this land.

"Alright. That's about it." Raven said, "Compared to the depressing appearance of this place before, this is much better. Well then, I'm off."

After saying that, he disappeared from their view.

Everyone celebrated. They excitedly discussed the miracles that Raven created just now. Some of the disciples immediately started roaming around. Some were already planting trees and crops. The elders already alerted the higher-ups and one by one, they started descending to take a look at what Raven did.

Meanwhile, Raven flew towards the Devil Emperor's Pagoda. The moment he drew close, he drew another rune which was meant to form a seal which will filter the corruption that's still spreading out from the pagoda.

After that, he drew a stroke which created millions of tiny runes that attached themselves at the visible floors of the pagoda. These runes will strengthen the structure of the pagoda itself by slowly cleaning away the thick corruption that had stained it for many years. Cleaning the corruption won't happen overnight, that being said the road to recovery starts with a single step forward. These runes were that step.

After making sure the first ten floors of the pagoda was filled with his runes, Raven enteredStepping inside the portal, he found himself ambushed by devils but before they could even come close to him, they were already disintegrating into ashes. The sheer heat of the Raven's Cleansing Fire – which had been purified and nourished by the World Tree and his Cosmic Energy for millennia, was enough to wipe them off of the face of earth.

Raven calmly flew towards the area which will transport him to the next stage. The Devils were still trying to attack him but none of them can even get close.

Whilst here, Raven remodeled the runes he created in the past.

Back then, these runes were his best creations. Now, Raven couldn't help but scowl at how simple and ugly they were. Which is why he remodeled them.

To Raven, the base floors were a breeze. He just went there to improve the runes he create in the past. He passed by the floors one by one until he reached the Broken Floor.

Raven repaired the Broke Floor using his runes with the addition of bolstering it. He also arrived at Asphodel as well. He didn't plan on terraforming Asphodel for now, he's focused on repairing and helping the pagoda to recover as well improving the seals he left at the lower floors.

With him improving the seal, he's essentially preventing any devils from spawning inside the pagoda. That means that he's openly challenging the Devil Emperor now while also cutting off the disciples' way to earn Merit Points.

Well, Raven had a fix for the Merit Point issue, in fact he just sent one of Avatars to talk with the Sect Master about revamping the Merit System eventually. Raven couldn't allow this prisoner of theirs to cause more trouble so he planned on dealing with it now.magic

Slowly but surely, Raven climbed the pagoda. He was improving the seals on the way and also created runes to fix the pagoda.

Some might argue that this task is too much for a single person to handle, but the single person they were talking about here was Raven.

Forget about feeling exhausted, Raven wasn't even sweating at all despite creating billions of runes at this point. Raven's Cosmic Energy was too dense that it gives the impression of being bottomless.

The devils that many thought were dangerous were nothing but insects for Raven. He wasn't even actively hunting them and they were still dying.

That said, it still took Raven three days to get to the upper floors of the pagoda.

Now he was standing at the 80th floor, a place where the Devil Emperor's domain can reach. The moment he landed, he can already feel the unfriendly glare of their little prisoner. A sneer appeared on Raven's lips.

He muttered: "Cute."

Before drawing more runes which essentially caused the domain to be damaged. Raven the aftershocks of the Devil Emperor's tantrums all the way down here. He snorted and basically ignored it.

And just to really piss the Devil Emperor off, he allowed the prisoner to watch as its precious creations disintegrated from the heat Raven emanated. He also set up powerful seals that caused the domain to retreat to the next floor. He got rid of the corruption and moved on to the next floor, doing the same thing.

Raven was unstoppable. He can feel how much the Devil Emperor was resisting but he truly couldn't care less. He continuously applied seals until he reached his first target.

The Heavenly Elk that had contacted him back then – Gaia.

His arrival was noticed by the Elk but it was too weak to even open its eyes. Thankfully, Raven was prepared. He drew a rune into the air and said:

"It's time to return the favor from all of those years ago, Gaia."
