
"Ah...you're here. I thought you will never come."

"Well, I got held back by something, my bad. I wasn't expecting you to wait for me actually..." Vendrick replied as he walked in a brisk pace.

"Oh I know. But I was excited to meet you.."

"...that so? Why?" Vendrick asked.

"You look...delicious." said that disembodied voice.

"...sure, that's not creepy or whatever..." He replied sarcastically.


Vendrick arrived at the Central Continent...well, its more like an island really.

Searching for this area would've been harder if it weren't for the fact that Vendrick got considerably stronger than before. The island is isolated naturally for reasons being that it's the land of God. Not just anyone was allowed in here.

This land is dark. The soil is dead and infected with death and decay. Dark clouds loomed over the entire land which didn't show any signs of going away. There is a massive gaping hole at the center of the island.

From a simple glance, one would feel chills to their soul gazing upon that seemingly bottomless hole. It seems like the entrance to hell actually. It is pitch black down there, not a trace of light was allowed to pass, sound included. That being said, the disembodied voice was coming from down there. And this voice belonged to the one who's dwelling at the bottom of this thing.

"You know..." Vendrick mused, "You're not really a good host. I mean, I graced you my presence and shit. You know that I'm coming, yet you're not even showing your face to me. Come on, show a little sincerity will you? You're making feel unwelcomed."

"My, do forgive me for that." The disembodied voice replied, its tone was morbid and venomous. "I am rather...incapable, of getting out there to meet you personally. Believe me, I would love to welcome you personally if I could. But I just can't."


"The entrance is open though." The voice continued, "I may not be able to get out there but I at least am able to open the door for you. Do come in, I have food and beverage ready for you."

'It can't get out. It's trapped? I didn't know that...well whatever.'

"Sounds good. Pardon my intrusion then." Vendrick shrugged and unhesitatingly jumped down to the abyss. The moment he took the leap of faith, he could feel the darkness encroaching upon him, trying to swallow him whole. He could hear the whispers that tried to seduced him, luring him to fall into madness. Unfortunately, Vendrick's will is too firm for any of that to work so it was rendered useless.

Vendrick was falling for quite sometime. Thanks to the darkness surrounding him, he had no awareness of how deep this put fall truly was. His senses were dulled greatly the deeper he fell, but even if this was the case, Vendrick was confident.


After falling for nearly half and hour, Vendrick finally landed. His fall caused quite a commotion but the sound was drowned by the darkness.


"Ah! My precious visitor. Welcome to my humble abode." The voice was louder this time, the sound was grating and more terrifying. Anyone who hears it will feel like they're being delusional and disoriented.

Vendrick remained unfazed, he had experienced worst so little tricks like this doesn't have any effect on him.

"Man, its damn dark in here." Vendrick commented as he looked around curiously. "I can't shit in here. How can live in this damn place? Say, do you have any light source or something? I could really use some right about now."

"Ah, sorry. I didn't think about that. Silly me, haha." The voice replied, "Let's see...a light source huh. Where did I put it...aha! Here it is!!"



"Did you just throw something at me?" Vendrick tilted his head as he looked at a specific direction, his body was surrounded with lightning which also served as a little bit of illumination around him. magic

Although his surroundings were still too dark even with the illumination of lightning, the bloodlust of whatever's down here was too dense for Vendrick to simply ignore.

"Oh, no dear. I certainly didn't." The voice said in a pitched voice. It was obviously lying. At this point, both of them were just mocking each other with this kind of conversation. "Ah, but you appeared to be...sparkling. Just like the star that you are...do you still really need a light source?"

"You're right. I nearly forgot I could do this." Vendrick muttered, "Thanks for reminding me. Yeah, I think I can manage. After all, I got something like this."


Just then, a ring of crimson colored flames erupted from Vendrick. The flames carried immense heat and extreme destructive nature. Vendrick also laced if with Lightning and Thunder which slithered around.

The combination of the Infernal Flames and Lightning Tribulation cleansed the murky darkness within his surroundings. Vendrick allowed the lightning and flames to cover as much ground. They provided enough visibility for him see his surroundings. He also felt that he struck the creature down here.

From the way it screeched, it would seem that it got hit pretty bad.

"Oh my." Vendrick feigned worry. "I'm sorry. Did I hit you? I got a little too careless with that." "...n-not really. I'm good. I managed to avoid it in the nick of time." The voice replied.

'Oh? Its facade is breaking. I should give it another push.' Vendrick thought to himself.

The spear appeared on Vendrick's hand. He stabbed the tip on the ground and all of a sudden, geysers of flames erupted everywhere. He's not done though. After creating numerous flame geysers, he pointed the spear above and lightning suddenly struck down. He still managed to attract lightning from the skies even though he's in the abyss.

The two equally destructive elements caused havoc in their surroundings. Vendrick smirked as he could hear the scuttling sound of something trying to evade the mass destruction he's causing.

With all the commotion happening here, the visibility was recovering. Vendrick could make out the silhouette of this so-called God. Although not as clear as he would like to, its enough.

"Hmm, I don't think this is bright enough. It's still difficult to make out the intricacies of your beautiful home, my friend. Mn!! More, we need more light!!" Vendrick yelped. "What do you think, buddy? We need more light yeah?"


"Hmm? Hey buddy are you okay!? Are you hurt!? Are you in pain!? Answer me! Ah! I can't hear you. Aha!! Wait, let me get some more light so that I can see you properly! Hold on okay!?"

*Boom!!* *Bzzt!!* *Boom!*

More flame geysers, more lightning bolts. The sound of thunder echoed in the abyss, earth shattered, lightning streaked and the flames melted the rocks, creating lava. The suffocating fumes did nothing to stop Vendrick's madness as he laid waste on his surroundings.

He didn't target any specific spots...well, he kinda did but he made it look like he wasn't. Of course, he's doing this on purpose. He wanted to shatter this god's facade. He's merely showing this creature that he can play this game better.

Vendrick could hear the pained screams of the god. As the abyss lit up ever so slowly, he could see more of what thus creature looked like.

Well, it was disgusting.

It looked like a large emaciated hound. One could almost see some of its bones poking out of its skin, its as if it hadn't eaten anything since birth. It has mane on its neck like that of a lions and it's tail is connected to the darkness around them. He could even say that this darkness was its tail.

The eyes of the beast glowed with crimson colored light. It was drooling acid, it has sharp claws and unbelievably swift as it jumped around to avoid the chaos Vendrick brought to its home.

It might look like the hound was busy evading everything that Vendrick caused but in truth, it was so swift that it tried several times to tear him to pieces, only failing due to the Tribulation Lightning that's coursing through Vendrick's body.

Vendrick also saw some shackles on it's limbs. They appeared to be made out of iron but Vendrick wasn't convinced, as if a creature like this can't shatter some mere iron shackles.

The shackles are connected to chains and from what he observed so far, the chains are embedded on the walls of the abyss, it pinned the creature down, preventing it from escaping this deep abyss.

Thanks to the bolts of lightning and flames, the hound was injured. It felt a seeping pain penetrating its flesh that just won't go away.

Muffled groans and pitiful whines escaped from the hound but its fury was palpable. Its tail of darkness was fighting back against the foreign forces but Vendrick showed no signs of letting-up. It's as if he has an unending supply of lightning and flames and he's certainly not shy to keep it to himself.

"Oh! Is that you, Buddy!? Man, you look horrible! Damn! Food and drinks you say? You know what, forget it, I'm good. I think you'll be needing those more than I do." Vendrick smirked as he mocked the beast directly.

"Damn you!!"
