
"Hehehe...dear oh dearie...how beautiful..."

*Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!*

"Oh my, you can talk already. Aren't you quite a genius now my little darling?"


"A name, well...you don't need that my dear. All you need to know is that you are dear my child and I am your mother. You have to grow up strong and big, you must eat a lot. Yes, you must. Mother will feed you a lot so grow up quickly my boy."

*Buzz!* *Buzz!* *Buzz!*


"Oh, you are such a sweetie. Here, come take a sip."

*Buzz!* *Buzz!*

"This? Well...it's food."


"Why is red and chunky? Well, you're not quite built to consume solids right now my dear. As for the color well, doesn't it look appetizing?"



"Is it right? Now, come. Eat up. Eat up and grow big and strong."

*Chak!* *Buzz?*

"You don't like it?"


"Oh, it's alright my dear. You'll get used to it. One day, you'll crave for this meal. Hehehe."



"Eh? Am I that beautiful? Gosh, you. Stop it child. You just want more food from me hmph! Well, you convinced me, hehehe..."

*Buzz!* *Buzz!* *Buzz!*

"Hmm? Ah, oh dear I'm sorry. I'll put you back from you crib okay? Enjoy some munchies first. One of your aunties are calling, I need to go."

*Buzz!* *Buzz!*

"Yes, yes. I'll be back shortly. Eat up and rest afterwards."

The lady smiled, placed down her child back at the crib and left the room, limping slowly towards the next room. She closed the doors which emitted a bright runic glow, this means that this room is sealed and nobody can pry deep in here without her notice. The lady walked towards the center of the room, she climbed up at the stool with some difficulties but she managed to do so.

The moment she stood up the stool located at the center of the room. Another set of runes glowed, this time with dark light. The space caved in and the surroundings changed. Reality warped into mystical forms, distorting some parts at each moments.

The lady doesn't seem to be bothered with any of this changes, almost as if she had gotten used to this for a long time now.

Out of nowhere, numerous silhouettes, draped with a cloak of darkness, appeared in her view. Though their features were hidden, the lady knew that this is her sisters just from the outlines of their bodies.

"Sisters! This one is here." The lady greeted. magic

"Great, fun's over."

"Yep. She's here."

"Ugh. She stinks."

"And you don't?"

"Nonsense! I'm smellier than her!"

"Eew. Well, I remain the prettiest."

"How dare you say that! Surely you haven't seen me yet."

"Geez, settle down you lot."

A loud and firm voice silenced the rest of the sisters from their bickering. If someone else tried to do this, they would've retorted since its this one, they just can't. This isn't out of respect since she was the Eldest, but out of fear.

"Amalia. You're a bit late. What happened?" The eldest sister asked.

"I apologize, Eldest Sister. I was pre-occupied with my newborn child." The woman named Amalia replied to the Eldest Sister.

"Wait, is that the some one that you had three months ago or is it a new one?" The Eldest Sister asked.

"It's a new one. He hatched just this midnight. I had been pampering him since." Amalia reported with a smile on her face, revealing the three remaining yellow teeth she has.

"My, my." One of the sisters reacted in a hush tone.

"Another one? Dear oh dear!"

"How lucky, this one."

Hush voices filled with shock, envy, jealousy and praises circulated amongst the rest of the sisters. Hearing their reactions caused Amalia to feel rather proud of herself. This stroked her ego a lot, not only she was amongst the fairest of the sisters but also the one that has the highest rate of childbirth. How can she not be proud?

"My, congratulations Dear Sister." The Eldest Sister said, but anyone could tell that there's something more to her tone that just that. "Should I come and perhaps give your youngest a baptism?"

Amalia promptly shivered at that, as if a cold bucket of water drenched her entire body.

"M-my thanks Eldest Sister for your blessings but your love and concern for my youngest is enough. I can't possibly trouble you to go all the way to my home just for that."

"Are you sure?"

"I am, Eldest Sister. I'll be sure to tell my youngest about it, but there's no need for you go personally."

"Alright, well. Congratulations once more." The Eldest Sister smiled, revealing her black tooth. Anyone could tell that this woman was messing around and felt satisfied upon seeing Amalia's reaction.

"Alright, sisters. It's time. We've dallied long enough. It's to meet Her Highness. Pay attention to how you act. Depending on that, we might have to do some cleaning up."

The Eldest Sister announced, looking at the other sisters who tried to evade her gaze. Once she was certain that they understood the meaning behind her words, she didn't say anything more. Instead she released her energy and began muttering chants that will cause demons to flee, for earth to cry and for the sky to crumble.

The world fades. Shortly after, light exploded, blinding everyone who got caught in the blast. The ground quaked, the air screamed but all noise disappeared.

When their senses starts returning, another phenomenon overwhelmed them all. Under their scared and worshipping gazes, the ground erupted and spewed out blood geysers. Mountains of corpses appeared and trees embedded with numerous faces grew at an alarming rate.

At the peak of one of the mountains, a throne could be seen. A throne made out of skin and bones, painted by blood, oozing with an aura so malicious that it causes the sister to shiver in excitement.

A stunning figure could be seen there. Legs crossed, one hand supporting her chin with an indifferent look on her face.

Nobody, not even the Eldest Sister dared to stare directly at this figure's face. All of them knelt down in worship.

That's when the figure opened its mouth to speak.


"Ugh! That fucking whore!"


Amalia screeched in fury, overturning a table with numerous questionable things over. Her face was wretched, so closed to warping into something inhuman out of fury.

"How dare you bitch! How dare you bitch!!" Amalia screeched again, cursing somebody again and again. She felt stifled, her vision was turning red. She was stamping her feet out of fury but she has no viable outlet. Her sheer fury caused everything the tremble around her.

"You dare to extend your filthy paws at my youngest!! You dare bitch!! Arrggh!!" Amalia screeched out once more.

Her face distorted into something else, she grew horns, her eyes turned like large discs. Her body contorted at unnatural angles but her screeching never ceased. The ground trembled fiercely.

"Hah. Haaah!"

The fury she felt towards the Eldest Sister was palpable that she nearly lost her sense of reason. The Eldest Sister humiliated her and tried to harm her dearest and youngest child, how can she be calm? She's so angry that she can't even recall what Her Highness discussed earlier.

Baptism? Baptism her foot! The thing she called 'Baptism' was similar to driving her youngest mad. Turning him into a mindless beast under her control! She wanted to use Amalia's youngest to kill her! Everyone knows about it as this wasn't a secret at all. So again, how can she not get angry? She has every right to be so and that's making the ground tremble.

"Haah! Haaah!"

Despite this, Amalia tried her best to calm herself down. Although she knows that the Eldest Sister tried provoking her into action, she knows that there must be a purpose behind this.

"This won't do!" Amalia shook her head fiercely, her expression was still twisted. "I have to prepare."

"More hazards. More rituals. More sacrifices! I need more! I need to become stronger! I need to bolster the defenses around my home! More bone charms, runes, blood puppets. I need more children!! I need to give birth to more children!"

"I need to kill that whore! That bitch has to die!!" Amalia screeched once more. Her room shook under her anger so much that it looked like it will fall apart anytime soon.

But...is it really her anger that's causing this?

*Boom!* *Crack!* *Crack!*


She was finally alarmed. Amalia finally noticed something amiss. Her anger and desire to kill the Eldest Sister vanished completely when she started looking around her room only to find out that it had been trembling non-stop. And at this point, she knows that it wasn't her anger that's causing it.

Greatly alarmed by this information, Amalia picked up her cane and limped towards the door of her room. She deactivated the runes and the door slid right off.

The moment she stepped outside, she encountered someone standing in front of her door. A man surrounded by lightning and holding a spear which still has the carcass of her youngest mounted on the tip. The man blinked upon seeing her and said:

"Ah! There you are!"

