

A loud explosion occurred followed by a pained whine.

Amidst a dense jungle, a large beast emanating a demonic aura, wailed in pain as it suffered numerous wounds on it's body. Crimson blood oozed out of it's body, nevertheless the beast didn't have the time to pay attention to these wounds since it was busy glaring at those who were attacking it.


A cold gleam suddenly alerted the beast, unfortunately it didn't manage to react. By the time it noticed the gleam od steel, it was already too late. The beast only caught a glimpse of who attacked it before it wailed in pain yet again. This time, the injury was severe since it lost its sight.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*


"Over here you big lizard!! I'm right here!!"

The beast might've been blinded but it wasn't deaf. It also wasn't a timid one especially now that its life was threatened. Following the sound, the beast lifted its paws and slammed it to the general direction of the provocative voice. Unfortunately, this was a big mistake.



The beast missed and it paid dearly for the mistake it made. With its sense of sight missing, the beast never would've imagined that there was another human hiding near them. It was the same person who blinded it and also the one who ended the beast's life.

The beast let out a final wail before it closed its eyes forever.


"Whew…alright! Good work, Gorgeous!"

"Thanks, Muscleman."


These people were none other than Arthur, Rosa and Vendrick.

It has been two months since Arthur and Rosa started training. They've come a long way and could now hunt a Tier 4 Demonic Beast on their own. Vendrick was only there to watch, he'd help them if the need for it arises but unless its absolutely necessary, not even a shadow of him would be seen during the battle.,The beast that they hunted just now is called a Silverscale Salamander. It lives a couple hundred miles away from the ground and was also acting like a Beast Leader since it possess some intelligence.

This lizard is famous for its tough scales and unusually swift movements. The Berserkers of Blue Mountain Tribe only saw this beast once and never bothered it. They wouldn't even enter its territory or else they will definitely die.


Now though, this beast is dead. It fell under the hands of Arthur and Rosa who only training for less than two months.

"Okay, we should end it here for today, yeah?" Arthur suggested. "This guy is big enough to supply us for at least one week."

"Tsk. Only a week huh?" Rosa clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"Well it can't be helped." Arthur was helpless as well. "Us Berserkers are gluttons. The stronger we get, the more demonic beast meat we need. Actually, a week is an overestimation. Don't forget that we will also hunt ten more Tier 2 Demonic Beasts as emergency rations."

"It's a good thing that we're not gaining weight from how much we are eating." Rosa sighed, "I can't imagine running around this jungle with a flapping belly."

"Hey! That's rude." Arthur looked hurt.

"Awh, I wasn't talking about you Sweetie." Rosa linked her arms around him and kissed his cheeks. "You're my Muscleman, you're not fat."


"Ugh." Vendrick rolled his eyes as he heard them flirting. If there's anything that seriously annoyed him whilst training and guarding them, it would be the flirting. Seriously, these two just won't stop.

To this, Arthur and Rosa would only chuckle. Whether they were doing this on purpose or not didn't matter since annoying Vendrick allows them to have some revenge for the times he tortured them using his creations.


After flirting with each other for a bit, Arthur decided that it was time to move-along. He kept his axe away and place his shield on his back. Then he lifted the carcass of the Silverscale Salamander overhead and started walking towards the tribe.

"I'll let you take care of the Tier 2's." Arthur told Rosa to which she nodded.

"Is that really necessary?" Vendrick sighed as he stared at Arthur who's carrying the carcass.

Arthur and Rosa chuckled since they knew what he meant.

"Of course it is!" Arthur replied, "We have to let those fools know who's the real boss of the tribe. It's only natural."

"That's right. It's about time we put them on their place." Rosa nodded and supported Arthur's decision.

These past two months weren't only focused on training for these two. It was also an eye-opening experience.

Becoming a Berserker meant having fame and status to the tribe. Even before all the changes that happened to them, these three knew this fact since it was widely propagated within the tribe. The moment Arthur and Rosa became Berserkers and started training, they went over to the area where the Tribe Leaders lived not because they wanted these people to acknowledge them. It was because they wanted to confirm if what Vendrick said to them way before, was true.

Technically, they shouldn't be doubting Vendrick anymore after they witnessed how the Tribe Leaders relentless tried to infiltrate the hideout. They heard their threats and listened to their fake promises already, usually this would be enough to convince anybody but Arthur and Rosa still held hope within their hearts.

So, in order to find out the truth, they infiltrated their homes to confirm it.

The results weren't too surprising though. Indeed, everything that Vendrick said was true. The Tribe Leaders were indeed corrupt and deserved to be executed.

They saw how they gorged themselves with demonic beast meat like there was no tomorrow. They saw how they disdain the common people of the tribe. They saw the common food being wasted when everyone else was dying in hunger. They witnessed how they poisoned the common folk's mind into believing their filthy lies.

Arthur and Rosa were heartbroken and furious. Since that night, they never went back there again but the two of them had a private discussion. They will set things right. The moment they grew stronger than these people, they will return the suffering they had to endure twofold.

Now, that time has come. Which is why Arthur is planning or parading his trophy back to the tribe. magic

"Well, if that's what you two want. Go ahead." Vendrick didn't really stop them.

He knew that an event like this will happen sooner or later, be it him or someone else, a revolution will rise within the tribe just because of their existence. Since Arthur and Rosa decided to do it themselves, then he might as well let them. They'd never fail so long as he's with them anyways.

"You're not coming back with us?" Rosa asked Vendrick.

"I'll catch-up. I want to check on something." Vendrick replied as he looked solemnly at the north.

"Wait, you plan on going there?" Arthur was alarmed, Rosa too.

"Don't worry too much. They won't see me if I don't want them to." Vendrick smirked. "Plus, I'm not going there to pick a fight with them. At least not yet. I'm just going to scout."

"Is that so?" The two of them sighed when they heard him.

"Go, I'll see you two back at the hideout. Don't let anyone inside." Vendrick left after saying that.

As he moved on his own, Arthur and Rosa left as well. Where Vendrick was going is something dangerous even to himself, not to mention the two of them, so obviously they can't follow him.

Vendrick had scoured the Southern Continent jungle multiple times already. He didn't go to deep since he's not yet confident of remaining alive. Instead, he was either scouting or updating his mental map.

From where he was moments ago, he needed to travel a couple of miles towards the north in order to arrive where the nearest enemy camp is located.

This enemy camp, belongs to Vendrick's first target amongst the five - The Forest Witch of the Southern Continent and her Hag Daughters.

The Forest Witch is the supreme overlord of all Demonic Beast of the Southern Continent. According to the Imperial Fairy Lucia, the Forest Witch is a Demonic Beast that became a Deity, and if Vendrick wants to fulfil his destiny, he needed to face this beast.

Vendrick never caught a glimpse of the Forest Witch. It also didn't help that the tribe were the only remaining humans alive in his world and they have no records of the Forest Witch at all. This means that Vendrick has to be careful about this.

Although he hadn't seem the Forest Witch yet, he had already seen one of her Hag Daughters. First impressions? They're gross.

Gross in appearance and gross in strength as well.

Vendrick was certain that even if someone gave him barrel full of courage, he'd still wouldn't challenge a Hag just yet. In front of a Hag, Vendrick is similar to a lost child. There's just now way he could beat one for now.

This is why he wanted to scout them first, like he said if he didn't want anyone to see him, they won't. So long ae he remains safe, he could make a plan that will eventually cause the downfall of his first target.
