
"...focus, Fatty. Stop looking at her ass. She's not shaking it for you. You'll suffer if you lose focus."

Vendrick's strained voice echoed on Arthur's ears, causing him to feel somewhat flustered and embarrassed. In fact, even Rosa was embarrassed as well. Vendrick doesn't mince words, but didn't dare to say anything back since they know that Vendrick's exhausted and their performance is not up to his liking.

Currently, Vendrick was watching these two perform several stance which has to be performed one after another, creating a dance which rouses one's bodily functions. It mostly focuses on their stomach, by performing this dance accurately, they could hasten the digestion of whatever it is they ate. Additionally, the nutrients contained on their food would be absorbed much faster and will take effect sooner as well. This is the way how Vendrick wanted them to step onto the path of Berserkers.

Arthur and Rosa concentrated. Both of them knew that they have to get this right or else Vendrick will think they're too stupid and won't teach them anymore. They both knew that Vendrick pulled out all stops in order to help them, he even specifically went out and killed demonic beast for them consume and even made sure to purify the demonic qi on the meat. magic

Well, Vendrick didn't really go out specifically for them but if it helps them to think of it that way, then yes, he did. It's not like Vendrick's going to stop teaching them anyway.

Speaking of helping them cultivate, Vendrick purifying the demonic beast meat did happen. He did it by washing all the blood off of the meat and letting the abundant True Essence on this area to purify them. In order to make sure that Arthur and Rosa won't suffer from any side-effects, he even gathered some herbs when he was out and wrapped them onto the meat as he smoked it.


This not only made sure that the meat was properly cleansed off of it's demonic qi, it also infuses the meat with medicinal properties which also gave it a deeper taste. And since the meat was cleansed by True Essence, the Berserk Qi from the meat was also cleansed and was replaced by True Essence instead.

Yes, Vendrick indeed tweaked the Berserker's cultivation path a bit. Berserk Qi is good, but True Essence is just better. They'd still follow the path of Berserkers but instead of using Berserk Qi, they'd use True Essence instead.

Right now, Arthur and Rosa hadn't eaten anything yet. Vendrick didn't allow them to touch the demonic beast meat unless they reach a certain level on their practice. The reason why is because Vendrick wanted their first step to be perfect. A perfect entry to cultivation will result in a solid foundation that will aid them so much in the future.

To achieve this, Vendrick has to be strict with them.Well, on the surface he is. In reality though, these two were good. Their comprehension isn't lacking and they are willing to learn. Vendrick is just feigning to be disappointed since he didn't want them to develop arrogance as they cultivate.

Vendrick watched them closely, making sure to point out their mistakes as they go. If they perform it wrong, they have to start from the very beginning.

Time passed slowly and the sun's nearly down. Arthur and Rosa felt weak. They were sweating a lot and their throats were parched. Nevertheless, not an ounce of whining escaped from their lips. They were still practicing the movement and breathing pattern, so much so that they already forgot how many attempts they made so far.


"Okay, that's enough." The magical words echoed on their ears, causing both of them to collapse of the floor.

The two were on the verge of fainting, their bodies were aching so much that they can't even move a muscle. Vendrick stared at them and said:

"Don't just collapse in there. Eat. This is what both of you were practicing for."

Hearing his words, the two of them groaned and forced their bodies to sit back up. They were determined to get their rewards so even though they are in severe pain, they ignored it and chewed on the meat that Vendrick gave to them.

It only took one bite and they felt like their souls were sent to heaven. The scrumptious feast energized them. They forgot the pain and suffering they felt earlier and solely focused on eating. They gored on their meal like starving hyenas.

In a blink of an eye, all the meat was gone. They also emptied the water jugs during the process. Arthur and Rosa's belly was poking out from their fullness. They also felt lethargic, they could feel the seductive whispers of slumber after feasting on the demonic beast meat.


"Don't sleep. Stand-up and practice the moves I taught you before. You have to digest the demonic beast meat or else you two will die from your bodies exploding."

Vendrick's cold words woke them up rather harshly. Arthur and Rosa felt scared so they unhesitatingly got up and started practicing the movement and breathing technique that Vendrick taught them.

As they did, they felt their bodies heating up, it was absurd since they weren't eve halfway through the performance. Their protruding bellies shrunk in a speed visible to the naked eye, steam rose from their bodies and filth was being expelled out from their pores.

Arthur and Rosa were in a trance. They weren't aware of what was happening, just that it feels awesome. They felt light and carefree.

Under the moonlit night, the two of them danced and cleansed their mortal bodies. Despite the foul stench emanating out of their bodies, Vendrick was relieved. At least, his strictness bore fruit. Even from a single glance, he could tell that their first step towards cultivation was firm and perfect.

As the two woke up from their trance, the overbearing stench assaulted their nose. Vendrick had a grimace as he congratulated them but he also pointed them towards the well so that they could wash their filthy bodies. After he that, he told them that they were done for today and that they could rest after taking a bath.---

"...so this is what Berserkers feels like." Arthur and Rosa were dazed as they felt strength surging from their bodies.

It was the next day since they've taken their first step into cultivating and they already fell in love with it.

Although it isn't visible, both of them were aware of the blood vessels that are shining with crimson colored light within their bodies. These blood vessels are what Berserkers refer to as Berserker Veins.

Inside their bodies, three of these blood vessels shines the brightest, signifying that they a cut above the rest. These three veins are the ones that they activated the night before. This number might sound too little but in truth, this is all they need to in order to match-up against a Tier 1 Demonic Beast.

There are a total of 1024 Berserker Veins on their bodies, in order to reach the next stage, they have to unlock every single one of them, and this will surely take time and resources to do so.

"I've told you this before but I'll say this again..." Vendrick looked at them solemnly and said: "Do not get drunk in power."

"Although you two are real berserkers now, the current you are nothing. Yes, you guys can overpower Tier 1 Demonic Beast but remember that these beasts lived a far more dangerous life compared to you. Never in under any circumstances, underestimate them."

Vendrick's strict warning was like a bucket of cold water washing away their complacency. The two of them nodded since they knew that Vendrick was more experienced than they were.

"Aside from practicing the same way as I taught you before and eating demonic beast meat, there are also other ways to activate your Berserker Veins, and that is through training. Come, follow me."

Vendrick stood up and the two followed behind him. Arthur and Rosa discovered that Vendrick is leading them towards the core area of the hideout where he usually trains by himself. Realizing this, both of them were anticipating what will happen next.

It didn't take long for them to arrive since the hideout was pretty small.

At the core area, Arthur and Rosa discovered numerous things that looked strange. There are devices made out of wood, some of them were moving on their own which creeped them out since they never seen anything like that.

All of a sudden. Vendrick stopped and faced them. There was a small smirk on his face which really looked strangely evil to their eyes.

"These...are my creations." Vendrick introduced. "They are devices that will help you train your fighting capabilities. This one is..."

He then began introducing his creations of them one by one, the more they hear about it, the more they felt like it was a mistake coming here.

Sensing their hesitation, the smirk on Vendrick's face grew wider as he said:

"Didn't you guys wanted to become berserkers? Didn't you want to become more powerful? Well then, here you go...use them well, okay?"
