
Everyone was rooted the where they stood. What they just witnessed was something so ridiculous that they can't even believe it. It feels like they were in the middle of an absurd dream...a Berserker got done in that easily?

Weren't Berserkers supposed to strong? Then how can somebody explain this...

Unfortunately for them, Little Tiger doesn't seem to be interested in their thoughts, he didn't even want to waste his breath on them. He just walked-up to the stacks of supplies and began grabbing everything that he can.

It was only at this point that the rest finally reacted.

"Shit! Old Sixth got done in by this brat! Get him!"

"Don't let him take even a grain from the supplies!" magic


Those who were guarding the supplies immediately charged towards him. Once again, fear gripped Rosa and Fatty's hearts. However it would seem that their worries were unfounded because...

*Slap!* *Slap!* *Slap!*

Nobody even saw him move but the crisp slapping sound rung on their ears clearly. What followed that was the ridiculous scene of guards' faces contorting, some of them even had their teeth flying away as they flew like swatted flies.

All this while Little Tiger carried a whole damn carcass of a demonic beast and a couple sacks of rice plus other stuff. It was an absurd sight, seeing how a young man carrying all this weight without even looking remotely bothered.

Little Tiger whistled merrily as he carried his supplies. He then passed through the crowd who were making way for him. He took a route that allowed him to walk near the dumbfounded Rosa and Fatty as he said:

"Come with me if you want."


It was a simple statement. He didn't even stop walking after saying that nor did he bothered waiting for them. He just continued on his way and whether they follow him or not, depends on their decision. "Shit! Shit!" Fatty immediately scrambled to his feet. He then pulled up Rosa who's brain is still not working properly due to shock.

Fatty kept cursing as he followed Little Tiger. He was frustrated because of the sheer absurdity of the situation. Since when did Little Tiger become so fierce? Even though he kind of cheated, he still took down a genuine Berserker easily, and then he swatted the rest like some annoying flies.

He was nervous. He knew that this matter will surely blow up and will soon be heard by the Tribe Leaders. Little Tiger just thoroughly offended them and they will surely hunt him down. Fatty didn't understand why Little Tiger looked so confident but what really made Fatty confused is how he himself was acting?

Knowing that Little Tiger is grave danger, knowing that the Tribe Leaders who are strong enough to rip apart demonic beasts, will surely hunt Little Tiger down, even after knowing all of this, why did he still followed him? Why did his instincts screamed at him to 'Follow him unless you want to die!' Just why?

Wouldn't this seem like he's directly throwing himself at the jaws of the Demonic Beasts? Additionally, Little Tiger gave them a choice. He didn't force him to follow him, he made a suggestion. So why would his instincts scream at him this way? He didn't understand but right now, as he follows Little Tiger, he felt like he was making the right decision.

Whether this will come around a bit him in the ass is something that he decided to worry about in the future...


As for Rosa...well, she allowed herself to be dragged along. She hadn't said anything so far even since the whole spectacle unfolded. She just watched and reacted. Similar to Fatty, all logic told him that it would be best to stay away from Little Tiger because he's in danger and going with him will endanger herself too but her instincts also told her otherwise.

Rosa can't really decide for herself so she just allowed something to decide for him, and Fatty stepped-up to the plate. If she dies today, then she could just blame Fatty in the afterlife in order to justify her vanity but if this turns out to be the correct move, then she wouldn't mind marrying Fatty in the future.

At least, that's what she's thinking currently.

Fatty who's dragging Rosa along stopped when he saw Little Tiger stopping. This was when Fatty noticed that they weren't in Little Tiger's hideout.

"Hup!" Little Tiger adjusted the carcass on his shoulder and raised his hand. All of a sudden, Fatty saw Little Tiger waving his hand, causing a bright ripple to appear in front of him. Fatty was dumbfounded but it didn't end there...

He saw an invisible film, parting in front of them. Revealing an astonishing sight for Fatty and Rosa to gawk at. Little Tiger looked at them and said: "Go in..."

Fatty and Rosa was hesitant at first but in the end, they couldn't keep their curiosity in check. They stepped inside the place and the moment they did, a feeling of unprecedented comfort flooded their entire bodies.

Rosa's cheeks turned crimson in no time, Fatty was shameless groaning in pleasure. Little Tiger rolled his eyes and closed the entrance behind them.

After a couple of minutes, the comfortable sensation stopped and the two woke-up from their stupor. They felt their bodies sticky and sweaty, a rosy complexion was visible on their faces as they panted like they just run circles around the tribe.

"W-what the..." Fatty was puzzled, confused and utterly bamboozled. Rosa felt the same as well.

The two of them saw Little Tiger standing in front of them, arms crossed and grinning."Done moaning in pleasure?" Little Tiger snickered, causing the two to be flustered.

"Tiger, w-what...what the hell is..." Rosa looked around, feeling overwhelmed.

"Calm down, and listen to me carefully. I don't like repeating myself." Little Tiger's expression turned serious.

"Since you followed me, I wouldn't mind letting you two in. After all you guys are the only one's who treated me like a human being in this tribe. That being said, aside from the two of you, I won't allow anybody else inside this place. Not even your other friends, I own this place so you two will follow my rule. Understand?"

"You own this place?" Fatty was shocked and confused.

"Duh, how do you think I was able to let you in if I don't?" Little Tiger raised a brow.

"B-but...how?" Rosa asked.

"I will refrain from answering that. All you need to know is that; (1) I own this place, (2) your safety is guaranteed here, and (3) so long as you don't betray me, I will lead both of you to a glorious life."

Fatty and Rosa were gobsmacked when they heard that proclamation. Little Tiger sounded extremely domineering and cool but they still couldn't help but doubt his words.

"That's good and all but you're not putting the Berserker Tribe Leaders on your eyes..." Fatty ruefully said.

"Of course! Why would I put those clowns in my eyes? They're unworthy of that." Little Tiger snorted. "On the contrary, it is you who worship those clowns too much, they're not Gods and they will never be. They're just mere frogs at the bottom of a well, that's all."

"How can you say that!?" Rosa exclaimed. "Don't forget that if it weren't for them, the tribe won't be safe! Even if you hate, you shouldn't denounce them so much."

"Am I really denouncing them?" Little Tiger sneered, "Without them the tribe wouldn't be safe? Don't make me laugh, the Demonic Beasts that wanders around our tribe only happens once in a blue moon. How was it that they were able to show off numerous carcass of demonic beasts every month if that was the case? Well, what made you think that they're distributing Demonic Beast Meat in the first place? Have you even seen a demonic beast before? Did you witness them personally killing it and taking it to the tribe? Did you ever see them slaughtering demonic beasts in front of you?"

"..." Neither Fatty nor Rosa was able to say anything.

"You didn't right?" Little Tiger sneered, "So let me ask you this again? How sure are you that what they're distributing, truly is a demonic beast meat?"


"You can't be so sure right? How can you know? You're not Berserkers so you're not allowed to know - this is what those clowns tell you, no? 'But wittle twiger~ you're not a verserker too sho how can you kwnow!?' Well, my dear friends, I happened to infiltrate their houses and did you know what I found?"

"Let me tell you!" Little Tiger snorted loudly, "Those clowns that your worshipping, they are devouring real demonic beasts. So much so that they don't even spare the bones. As for the meat they giving us? Hah! Those are just regular cattle and poultries, smoked so long that their colors started changing."

"Still don't believe me? That's okay. Just think about it this way...didn't those clowns told us that we only need to demonic beast meat in order to become Berserkers since that's what happened to them? If that's the case, then why are we still not Berserkers yet? We did the same process didn't we?"

"Just think about it...."
