
"...so in short, I would need Divine Energy for this formation to work. We have to get rid of this corrosion as soon as possible."

Inside the temple of the Flames of Olympus, the Sect Master and the Grand Elder along with their wives arrived due to Raven's call for assistance.

It didn't take them long at all and as soon as they appeared, Raven explained the situation to them.

Alwina - the Sect Master's Wife, looked at Elder Flames, causing the poor entity to flinch. She then sighed and said:

"Look here, you should be reporting these things right away. Now your little cover has been blown."

"That's right, Elder Flame." The Sect Master agreed with his wife's words. "This is an emergency. You shouldn't be impartial when it comes to these kinds of matters. It concerns the lives of millions."


"Yes, it is indeed my mistake. I'm sorry." Elder Flame meekly replied as his flames became smaller.

"Well then, when do we start?" The Grand Elder asked.

"Hold on just a bit, I'll draw the formation first." Raven replied.

Without wasting any more time, he took out the Brush of Wisdom and began drawing runes. As soon as he began, the temple began shining with golden and silver radiance. As the lines intersected, the profound mysteries of Runic Secret Origin began forming mystical runes that arranged themselves in orderly fashion in front of Raven.

Everyone was dazed with the unparalleled beauty of this phenomenon. No matter how many times they see Raven doing what he's best at, this impression never gets old. What surprised them is the sudden appearance of blurry, ancient Constellations. As soon as these constellations appeared, the Runes fused to the nodes of each constellations, seemingly bringing them to life.

Numerous fluctuations suddenly appeared. Everyone was shocked to feel the lively elements rushing around them, from the basic elements to the mutated ones, each of them made their presence known by the releasing a distinct fluctuation that solely belongs to them.


All of a sudden, their surroundings changed. Previously, they were inside a temple but now it was as if they were in space. Surrounding with an endless velvet blanket filled with silver sparkles. Six constellations appeared above them, revolving around the Last Seal.

"This...this is..." Elder Flame was gobsmacked. It wasn't just him. This phenomena was so strange and mystical that the rest were speechless as well.

Raven's hand turned into a blur as he finished drawing yet another set of runes. Another constellation was summoned and this time, it appeared directly on Elder Flame's body. The runes that Raven drew flew on to the nodes of the constellation inside Elder Flame's body. As soon as they did, Elder Flame felt an inexplicable rush that made him cheer out loud unconsciously.

"This...this is...Extreme Yang Illumination!!! The first light and the Father of Primordial Fire! What the hell!?"

Elder Flame's mouth was ajar when he realized this. How can he not? The Extreme Yang Illumination is also known as the First Light to exist, it was the raw and purest form of Yang Element. It is also the one that gave birth to the Primordial Fire and it was the Primordial Fire that gave birth to the First Sun! Elder Flame is a Sun Rock that cultivated 100 types of Flames but none of the flames he has could even hold a candle to the Primordial Flame.

Hell, none of his flames could even reach the temperature on the Sun's surface. Yet now, this kid just drew the constellation of his ancestor on his body, this was just absurd.


"Don't get the wrong idea, Sun Rock." Raven snorted, waking Elder Flame out of his stupor. "That constellation is only temporary. Also, it doesn't contain any essence. In short, just a piece of skin. Even if you try your hardest, you won't be able to use that to you advantage. I'm using this for the sake of saving the sect, not for you."

Elder Flame was disheartened but he didn't dare to show it. He felt a little embarrassed so he replied: "O-of course! F-for the sake of the sect! Who said that I was entertaining any ideas?"

But in reality, he felt that it was a shame. magic

Raven shook his head and drew a ritual circle on the ground. It didn't take him long to finish that. Once the ritual circle was made, he pushed it down and it expanded on the floor. Now, it would seem like they are standing on top of a ritual circle instead.

"There's spots on the Ritual Circle. Elder take the bigger spots, Fire Keepers at the smaller spots. I'll be here to control the formation. Sit down on the spot and release as much energy as you can. We're doing this in one go."

Everybody nodded and went to their positions, Raven then looked at Elder Flame and said: "You're crucial to this so focus. Once the ritual begins, I will be directing the Divine Energy to the Extreme Yang Illumination Constellation within you. Use everything, and I mean everything, convert them into the First Yang and pour everything on the Chains of Order."

"The First Yang will resemble the Cleansing Flames so the idiot downstairs would probably use its acting skills again. Focus on eradicating the corrosion on the Chains of Order, you can give it hell afterwards. Don't mind the shaking, the Temple has been fortified.""Remember, getting rid of the corrosion is the priority. Whipping is next. Don't get it mixed-up." Raven's expression became cold as he continued: "If you dare mess this up. I will paint the Illusive Yin Silhouette and the 1000 Poisonous Winter Fury on you so that you'll suffer for the longest of time. Am I clear!?"

"Sir, yes Sir!! Corrosion is the priority and whipping is the next! Understood, Sir!! I'm ready, Sir!" Elder Flame saluted while shivering from head to toe. It would seem that Raven's threats were strong enough to cause this.

The Elder chuckled at this since they understood why Elder Flame is scared. Standing at the opposite side of the Extreme Yang Illumination is the Illusive Yin Silhouette. The latter is obviously the enemy of all light source, even more so for a piece of Sun Rock. Additionally, 1000 Poisonous Winter Fury is the enemy of all flames. If Raven can paint the Extreme Yang Illumination on Elder Flame, he obviously could do the same for the other two.

Indeed, he knows how to pick the right words to curb Elder Flame's fickle attitude...

"Good. Let's begin. I'll trouble everyone, please release as much energy as you can."

As soon as Raven gave the signal, all participants began releasing their energies. Divine Energies were released by the Elders and the others participated as well.

Raven drove the formation and begin collecting all the Energies around. With a gentle wave of his brush, he directed them all to Elder Flame who converted everything to produce the First Yang with the help of the constellation painted by Raven to him.

At the very core of the Sun Rock, a small plume of flame appeared. This flame was small, it's not even as big as a candle flame. The more one looks, the more this flame looks like a light instead of a flame.

This was the First Yang. An existence that's even rare for Divine Realm to see nowadays. Despite the sheer volume of Divine Energies used to create this, the result only amounted to this little. Still, Raven was disheartened, he feels quite the opposite actually.

The participants were still giving it their all, Raven and Elder Flame used everything without any spare to feed it to the small white plume of light. Slowly but surely, the First Yang became more and more stable as time went on.

As soon as the flame became as big as a candle flame. Raven called-out to Elder Flame and said: "Do it."


Without any hesitation, Elder Flame controlled the First Yang and poured them to the Chains of Order. The flames were distributed evenly, coating each chain in pure white light. Each time the white flames passed, it would seem that its tempering the chains.

Slowly and carefully, Elder Flame controlled the flames. The supply of Divine Energy wasn't stopping so the flames won't be snuffed out.

The flames wrapped around the chains and crept towards the corrosion. When it came in contact with the corrosion, the First Yang suddenly became ferocious as if it met it's mortal enemy. It burned even more ferociously and incinerated the corrosion.

The chains began shaking, it was due to the shaking of the chained-fellow downstairs. It was watching at years of its hard work burned under the white flames. The prisoner shook the chains, trying to snuff them out but failing miserably.

The tantrums became fiercer and fiercer but no matter what it did, the flames weren't affected. It began thrashing around in a frenzied state, wanting to rip apart the Last Seal but it discovered that it was unusually sturdy today. The chained prisoner could only watch as the First Yang made contact with it's skin and immediately enveloped its entire body.

