
"Is everybody here?"

"Yes, Young Lord." The man wearing a scholar's robe replied to Raven's question.

Raven nodded back and proceeded to enter the room after handing over his entry pass. The doors closed behind him.

As soon as walked inside the room, the people within turned silent. They all watched his movements, seemingly in awe or excited to see him. A thin smile appeared on Raven's face as he stood over the platform and looked at his current audience.

"Welcome everyone, I'm glad to see you here." Raven didn't waste time and acknowledged their presence. "I'm pretty sure that most of you are already aware of who I am but for those who doesn't, simply call me Raven. I'll be guiding you today and our topic is Runic Inscriptions."

Raven gestured for everybody to be seated and thus they did. He then placed the stack of books on the nearby stool and began his class.


"Before we get started, I'd like to inform you about our current situation so that you can understand why we are holding these types of lectures and sessions." Raven said, "As you know, we are faced with threats of the devils increasing amount if reproduction. In order to prepare for the worst, the sect decided to seclude itself in order to protect people outside from being harmed. As members of the Ancient Elysium Sect, we are bound to our duty to ensure that no devils will harm humanity."

"It is due to this that I hope that all of you would take these lessons seriously and carefully hone your craft. The better your capabilities are, the better you are at handling the responsibilities handed over to you, and the better our chances can get against our enemies. I hope that you pay close attention to the topics I'll discuss over the next six hours."

The matter about The Exiles aren't propagated well in the sect. Everybody knows of their existence but the matter of them possibly waging war against them within the next couple of years are details privy to only a select few people. What they do know is that the devils within the pagoda are still running rampant, and to prepare for a massive battle, the sect has to do what it has to do.

The people inside this room understood all of this, in fact the reason why they attended this lecture is because of that.

Seeing as they were taking his words seriously, Raven was gratified. Now the impact of his lessons would be much better in this kind of environment. "Alright, we'll begin our lessons." Raven smiled and proceeds to start his lecture. "Runic Inscriptions refer to the high-tiered Inscriptions that can 'impose' a 'condition' to a certain item it's inscribed onto. Runic Inscriptions can be used offensively, defensively, or even act as an auxiliary tool. In order to understand Runic Inscriptions more, I'd like to brush upon the basics first."

Raven lifted a finger his energy began forming several shapes.


"As I said, Runic Inscriptions are just inscriptions that are high-tiered. In order to create a Rune, you must condense multiple inscriptions at once, from what I know a minimum of ten inscriptions are needed for form a single Rune. These are the basic ones out there."

Several runes then glittered around Raven, displaying their forms. They were large enough for everyone to see. Nobody's surprised though since they were all aware of these runes so far.

"…now, the common mistakes that Inscriptionists do whenever they are drawing Runic Inscriptions comes from their anxiety. Most inscriptionists focus on speed, causing the quality of the rune to drop and for the arrays and/or formations to turn out as failures. In order to fix this, one must be patient. Work at a constant speed and do not rush the project. Another way is to improve your Energy Control, both of which are basic knowledge that everybody knows but for some reasons, tend to ignore when it matters the most."

"The more you do it like, the more likely it is to become a habit. Bad habits lead to seemingly unsurpassable bottlenecks. Some of you might be facing this now so my advice is to back to your basics. Draw each rune you know in a disciplined manner while also following the basics. Who knows, maybe that's just what you needed to surpass that bottleneck that have trapped you for years"

"We went on a tangent there…so, going back to the topic in hand, these Runic Inscriptions are what is needed to form Runic Arrays and Runic Formations. All of which, when combined or arranged in a specific manner, will cause some mystical effects to occur on the object of focus."

"Arrays/Formations are mostly used to protect an area, sometimes it could serve as an offensive tool in a form of traps, however if Runes Inscriptions just amounted to that, then why even bother learning it? Just pick up a weapon and meditate on laws, those could do better than Inscriptions when it comes to attacking or defending."


"This is a common misconception that even expert Inscriptionists fall for. Arrays/Formations doesn't just attack or defend…it can support, it can isolate, it can imprison, it can transport people to other places, it could reveal secrets, it breach the distance between worlds, heck it could even reveal Heavenly Wisdom, so long as you're capable. The applications of Runic Inscriptions are endless, think, be bold, experiment, discover, and find out what's best for you."

Raven then looked at the inspired people who's listening to him and he announced…

"For the remaining period, I will be demonstrating how to create basic level formations. I will show you the areas where you can focus your improvements on in order to raise your skills are Inscriptions. Of course, you will also have some hands-on experience. After each demonstration, you will create the same arrays that I will demonstrate and unless it's up to my standards, you won't leave this room. Understood?"

"Yes, Young Lord!!" The Inscriptionists replied.

"Very well, let's begin with…"


Eight hours later…Raven released a sigh after seeing the last student exiting the room. The lecture about Runic Inscriptions this time took longer than he expected, originally it was supposed to only last for six hours, however the students were a little to fired-up so he ended up extending the class for two more hours.

This wasn't really something to be depressed about though. In fact, Raven was gratified that they were passionate about the lecture. The more interactive they were about his lessons, the more satisfied Raven gets.

Well, for his students, Raven's lecture were too valuable. Even the laziest person on any of his class will end up getting infected by Raven's passionate attitude when it comes to teaching. Additionally, Raven was akin to an omnipotent being when he's teaching, he has never been stumped by any questions that his students asked. In fact his answers were always on point and concise, allowing them to understand the lesson better.

He never left anybody confused about something, he was also considerate to the, taking initiative to ask them if they were confused about anything so far. This is why the environment whenever Raven's lectures happens are always vibrant and active.

Raven has the correct amount of strictness and consideration. Though he has to admit that he's a little more biased in his lectures about Runic Inscriptions since this was the path he was following so far.

Once the lecture was over, Raven was cleaning-up the room by himself when he suddenly received a voice transmission from Henry.

'Raven, come down to the entrance! There's an emergency!'magic

The urgency on Henry's tone was something that Raven rarely heard so it caused him to feel a little nervous. Nevertheless, he didn't waste time. He picked up his stuff, took out the Brush of Wisdom and drew a rune that opened up a portal leading to the entrance.

Step inside and exited at the entrance of the sect, there he found Henry, Logan and Charles with their weapon's out and alert.

"What's happening?" Raven asked, but before anybody could answer him, Raven felt something closing in real fast.

Raven snorted and threw a full powered punch, twisting his body and targeting the invisible presence behind him.


His fist landed square on the invisible opponent's face, causing his target's head to pop like a balloon.

"We have intruders!!" Henry finally managed to reply, "They're invisible even to us, we need your help."

"Leave it to me." Raven nodded, he wanted to ask them how this happened but now's not the time. Raven drew a couple of runes which released a brilliant glow. The runes combined into a single large rune which Raven threw above his head.

"Reveal everything that's hidden! Rune of Revelation!"

The Rune of Revelation released a strong fluctuation that covered a wide distance. Everything that was hit by the fluctuation was revealed, especially the invisible intruders.

"Hmph!!" Charles snorted coldly when he saw the intruders who were gaping upon seeing that their invisibility were neutralized.

He turned into a streak of red light and when he reappeared, all of the intruders were skewered on his spear with horror coloring their faces.
