
"Hey, did you just increase the heat?"


"I'm pretty sure you did."

"I'm pretty sure I told you I didn't."

"Did you really not?"

"Yes, I didn't."


"Are you lying?"


"Hey! It's getting hotter though!? You're lying aren't you!?"

"God fucking damn it Ellen! You're holding me in your palms! If I did increase the fucking heat, then I would've incinerated your hand! Stop asking questions!!"magic

"Geez, you didn't have to curse. I was just asking." Ellen pouted as she her shoulder slumped on her seat.

The small bird that Ellen held snorted in annoyance and didn't bother saying anything back. It just closed it's eyes and tried to calm itself down since if it doesn't, then it might just end up doing what Ellen was accusing of it.


Both of them are currently resting in a very peculiar place. This place is called the Vermillion Bird's Spring, in truth however it's the mouth of a huge volcano.

A scorching heat blanketed the whole place, bright orange magma flowed onto creeks and crevices, leaving only small platforms to stand up on. Anybody who came here will always get the impression that the heat was slowly increasing which is why it is no wonder why Ellen's reacting like this.

This place is extremely hot, not even those who practice Fire Laws are exempted from this hear, practitioners of Water/Ice Laws would suffer even more in place since they'd be recognized as an enemy.

Despite the horrible heat of this place, Ellen still ended up going. She just can't pass up the opportunity to do so. Like they always say; great opportunities lies within the depths of a great adversity. The Vermillion Bird's Spring is a very dangerous area, many people lost their lives exploring this place since ancient times but those who managed to survive experienced great boons that transformed their lives. Currently, Ellen and her familiar - the small fire bird she's holding onto, were taking a dip on magma. Yes, these two are treating this place as a hot spring. Such a dangerous act will make a lot of people think that Ellen had lost her marbles but in reality, this is the correct way to do this.

The opportunity she's looking for, lies on the depths of this spring. Meaning that she'll eventually have to dive down anyways, so there's no difference on doing this now or later.

"...it's getting harder to concentrate." Ellen said softly as he brows were pressed together while her eyes remained close.


"If you have the time and mental capacity to complain, use it to focus instead. You'll hurt yourself if you're not careful. This isn't normal magma."

"Don't sound so ominous! You're making me nervous!" Ellen complained once more as she took a deep breath and tried to focus harder.

'I was just reminding you, tch.' The familiar inwardly complained but it focused as well.

Even without Ellen vocally complaining, the small fire bird could feel the tiny maws anxiety gnawing at her heart. It didn't want to break Ellen's focus and concentration since it's really challenging to maintain it at this state.

It had to be known that Ellen didn't erect any protective film of energy on her body. She used her delicate naked body to confront the magma directly despite knowing that it's not a normal one.

What they're doing isn't simple. The process wasn't flashy, it didn't even have any signs of occurring but it's definitely happening. Ellen's currently devouring the Heat Essence of the Magma to increase the temperature of her own flames while also pushing her naked physique to adjust to the heat of the surface magma.

The Vermillion Bird Faction gave her some known information about this place. One thing that she has to look out for is that the heat will increase the deeper she goes. It was certain that she will have to dive deep into this place and she has some stuff to save herself in case of emergency. Additionally, this place has some unfriendly locals that won't hesitate to attack her, therefore she needed to be on guard.

'I can't let this place defeat me!' Ellen strengthened her resolve, 'I need to become stronger, more stronger than I currently am! I can't allow Raven to always bear the burden! I can't be left behind!'

Ellen gritted her teeth as she recalled some unpleasant memories. In order to achieve their goal, she has to persevere.

'My current goal, is to reach the core of this place and increase the potency of my bloodline! Failure is not an option!'


"Gahahaha!! Bring some more liquor! Come on! Don't be shy! I'm paying for it so enjoy yourselves to the fullest."

"Ooooohhhh!!!" The crowd erupted into a boisterous cheers and laughter as they celebrated.

The man of the hour laughed madly as he downed another mug filled to the brim with expensive alcohol. His cheeks were flushed and his heart pounded in sheer ecstasy as he flirtatiously fondled the breast of the woman who's sitting beside him. Her flirtatious looks, coquettish attitude and lovely but faint moans caused the man to obscenely smile.

"H-hey...no fair. Me too."

A meek voice sounded to his other side. He looked over and saw another voluptuous woman rubbing her assets to him, crying for his attention. His manly pride bloated upon seeing this so he laughed and said:

"My bad, gorgeous. Come here, I'll give you a big sloppy kiss." The man leaned over and did what he just said, pulling the woman closer and fondling her ass as he did so. *Whistles!!*

"Damn, Boss! A beauty left and right!? So formidable!" One of the thugs whistled and commented, causing a commotion within the pub.

"As expected from the Big Boss. You're making us very jealous though!"

"Hey! It seems that this island will experience some strong earthquakes later. Brace yourselves people."

"Gahahahah, you buffoons got some big talk huh! Wanna die?" The big boss pulled out from kissing the gorgeous babe beside him and reacted to the jeers of his men. "But you're right though, there'll be some earthquakes later so go get some babes for yourselves too! We're going to rock this island tonight fuckers!!"


"So you two best be prepared as well." The Big Boss winked at the women beside him, causing them to feel flustered. The one on his right felt a bit shy but didn't object it. The on the left though...

"Mnnn~, Big Man wants to bully me~" Her voice was laced with seductions and temptation. She bit her lips and moaned as she boldly grabbed the big boss' thick arms and placed on her most private area.

The Big Boss' eyes widened but his mind was influenced by alcohol and obscenity that he didn't hesitate to get a good feel of that part of hers.

"Hoh? I like this a lot...wet and slippery already..." the Big Boss had this wide and obscene grin on his face. He leaned in closer and asked: "Do you want me to bully you now?"

"Mmhmm~" The woman coquettishly nodded her head eagerly at the invitation. "Bully me a lot, please Big Man~"

"Gahahaha." The Big Boss couldn't take it anymore, he grabbed the prostitutes and slipped out of the party to fulfill his desires, the women were let out surprised gasps but they giggled afterwards.

Once they reached the room, the Big Boss slammed it shut and he threw the women in bed. He licked his lips as he saw them slowly peeling off their clothes. His eyes were so focused on them, intent on not missing out even the slightest blemish on their provocative bodies.

The man also began taking off his clothes, he was dead set on releasing all of his pent up frustrations that he didn't even noticed that someone entered the door.


"Hn? What!? What are you screa-aaarrggghhhh!!!!" The man howled in pain as he brought his hands on his crotch only to find it missing. His eyes widened in fear and disbelief as he saw blood pouring out like a broken dam. He continued to how in pain but a voice suddenly interrupted him.

"Tone it down, geez. You didn't lose much anyway, only three inches of useless flesh."

The voice sounded cold and apathetic. The Big Boss turned his head only to find a man with a crimson colored hair leaning on the beams of the windows while wiping the blood off his sword with a towel. The man wasn't even looking at him.

"Who are you! You're going to pay for this!!!" The Big Boss mustered all of his remaining strength to summon his weapon to avenge his cut-off member but not even two steps forward, his torso slid-off of his body.

Even in his death, he remained confused. He could only glare at the man with resentment as he lost the light on his eyes.

"All people downstairs are dead. Whether you leave this place as is or you rob them clean of their wealth before doing so doesn't concern me."

The crimson haired man said to the prostitutes before grabbing the head of the big boss and disappearing like a ghost.

As he travelled back to his home, the crimson haired man muttered: "This should be enough for the next promotion. That should get me more resources then."

"...I should visit Anne before going back though.. It's been while, anyway."
