
Inside the Cultivation Eden…

Raven could be found sitting in a lotus position. His eyes were open yet they were dull. He stared an empty space in front of him while his mind ventured somewhere his body can't follow.

Surrounding Raven was a curtain of mystical lights that caused the space to twist and distort in more ways than one. His aura was unstable, sometimes it would appear vast and heavy while other times it would shallow and weak. Nevertheless, Raven is at a very special and sensitive state and he's not allowed to be disturb by any means or else he would lose this lead.

Raven's consciousness remained blurry, it was as if he's in the middle of falling asleep. He currently being exposed to many things but due to his drowsy state, he couldn't grasp them all properly. He can't even remember hints of it. Nevertheless, it would appear as if he truly didn't need to…

Inside Raven's body, the numerous dark golden runes earned by his physique thanks to his attunement with laws, melted down and acted as beacons, resonating with the profound sea Raven's consciousness is currently exposed to, this allowed new dark golden runes to condense within his body. The newer runes were more profound and brighter compared to the runes that melted earlier.

A strange feeling rose on Raven's chest. It was faint at first but as time went on, it became stronger and stronger until it became uncomfortable. Nevertheless, thanks to Raven's physique, he was able to endure this state without feeling really burdened.


He didn't feel any pain, in fact he truly can't feel anything at all but this doesn't mean that he could endure it for a long time. Nevertheless, Raven was functioning via instinct and he nearly achieved his goal.

Time passed some more and eventually, Raven's aura bloomed without any warning. It covered a wide area, spanning for miles and miles, his aura was almost as big as a country. Mystical phenomena's occurred within Raven's area of influence...

At first, it was like thing were breaking and then flaking away, the remnants were being carried by an invisible wind. Faint dark golden runes rose up in the air, twisting the space and time, even the very fabrics of reality itself, aside from runes there's also lotus flowers emerging from the underground, replicating the same phenomenon as the rest.

Unknowingly, Raven suddenly lifted his head, looking above him with that still and dull gaze. Despite his inactivity though, the surroundings went into a tumultuous change.

Everything within Raven's vicinity staring turning into dusts which was scattered by the wind. His aura wildly fluctuated and the phenomenon around him became even weirder. His body was releasing a dark golden glow and his aura was spiking the more time passed. All of a sudden, the aura of Destruction exploded from his body, turning his surroundings really chaotic. Every element around him could feel a threat, things were materializing in an out of existence, Raven silhouette included.

Out of nowhere, an invisible force lifted Raven off the ground. His previously dull and empty gaze suddenly became torches radiating with dark golden light. Raven's aqua-marine hair was rising due to the intense aura he's flaring.


After all of this, Raven's area of influence turned more corporeal with him at it's center. What's weird is that it became somewhat unstable. At first it was just a dark golden glow covering a very wide area. Then it turned black and white for a few seconds before returned to dark golden. After that, it became even more unstable and kept changing from dark golden to black and white each second.

The intense fluctuation became frequent until a loud crack sound and the domain became split in two parts. The other half was dark golden and represent Raven's Destruction Laws. The other half was black and white, representing his Spacetime Laws.

Raven's situation just turned incredibly dire at this point...magic

In the Divine Realm where geniuses are scattered everywhere, it is no surprise that some people can wield two or more Laws. Although it is rather hard and more time consuming to cultivate two laws at the same time, it's still doable. In fact there are a lot of people who became well-known in their lives with this achievement.

That being said, even if it's doable, it doesn't mean that it's easy. Moreover, it poses a lot of risk, especially if the two Laws one gained enlightenment of mutually contradicts each other, the most common of which were Fire and Water Laws.

In Raven's case, Destruction Laws and Spacetime Laws aren't really considered as contradicting laws. The very fundamentals of each Law shouldn't really complicate one another especially if it's wielded by a genius that can exert complete control over them.


That's not really the problem here though...

The reason why Raven's current situation is precarious lies on the fact that both of Destruction Laws and his Spacetime Laws are advancing to their 3rd Concept.

His Destruction Laws are currently achieving the Pulverization Concept while his Spacetime Laws were reaching the Parallelism Concept. Both of this happening at the same time is rather problematic and risky.

Even with Raven's numerous thought process thanks to his Avatars, it was still somewhat hard to digest everything in order to pacify the raging sea that's drowning Raven down.

The Avatars are already hard at work, yet the volume of things they needed to settle down was only increasing at each passing moment. Still, they have to try their best and catch-up or Raven would became retarded due to mental overload.

Thankfully, Raven's body was strong and could handle stress for a long time. This gave the Avatars some hope but it was still hard to catch-up to it.

The insights were like tsunami waves drowning Raven. The profundities of each law restrained and complimented each other in a strange way, but this only paralyzed Raven even further. "Oh dear...quite a commotion isn't it?"

A faint voice echoed within Raven's domain. A silhouette manifested out of nowhere and began walking towards Raven with eased steps.

It was difficult to judge whether the silhouette was that of a man or woman, the voice wasn't helping either since it sounded both at the same time. Nevertheless, if there's anything obvious about this silhouette, it would be the fact that they're currently smiling in a well-mannered way.

The silhouette clicked their tongue and shook their head, still wearing a friendly smile as they approached Raven...

"Destruction and Spacetime. How impressive..." They said softly. "The domain's completely divided in two, meaning that both laws are comprehended in its most profound level that it's manifesting completely in reality. His foundation couldn't be anymore solid."

The silhouette paused in front of the unconscious Raven and raised their right hand. All of a sudden, the domain twisted as if it was grabbed by an enormous hand. Everything stopped as if time was perpetually frozen still.

Then the silhouette pointed a finger up and the twisted domain began shrinking into a sphere which condensed at their fingertips. Raven's body was still immersed in the sea of profundity, yet his facial expression visibly eased-up.

The silhouette paused it's actions and inspected Raven closely. After a while, they let out an amused sigh and said: "...this brat can't use his gifts properly...oh well I've made an exemption for today, what's another one while I'm still out anyway?"

After saying that, the silhouette pointed the sphere towards Raven's chest, more precisely at his core that's usually hidden from view. They then pushed the sphere onto his chest and the sphere was them gobbled up by Raven's core.

"...there, that should give him a clue on what he's missing out." The silhouette smiled in satisfaction. They then took a couple of steps back and waited for the results which happened shortly after.

As soon as the silhouette pushed the condensed domain inside Raven's core...his soul felt like it was ascending...

It was a profound feeling, truly. It was as if an invisible shackle or burden was lifted off of his chest. Raven's face eased-up even more, he felt free and unrestrained.

Suddenly, the berserk aura Raven was releasing became tranquil. While he's still levitating off the ground, compared to what he looked like before and now, a wide-range of things changed.

The most important part is that his core began transforming, as for what that entails to him, no one can say right now. Raven would have to wait for him to eventually understand what's going on but from a single glance, it was good a thing.

"Hoho...this greedy kid." The silhouette teased, "I just saved your bum and you're telling me that you'll abuse this state of yours? I mean, well good luck with that."

The silhouette then began walking away, humming a cheerful tune with in a joyous mood.

"Well, the kid's smart so he'll eventually figure this one out. All I did was to keep him safe and give him some clues about how he should utilize his actual gifts instead of neglecting and wasting them... "

The silhouette disappeared from view but before they completely faded, their voiced echoed nearby...

"I'm looking forward to the day that we actually meet...9th."
