
"...Squad 6, Squad 8! What the heck was that? Stop gawking in there and move! Raise those damn weapons! Don't tell me they're just for show!?"

"Squad 12! Exercise moderation damn it! Keep flooding the channels with energies and you'd just blow yourselves out! Squad 16 and 18! Come on!? I saw you guys wolfing down some food earlier, where did all of that go? Put some damn power behind your strikes!!"

Logan's beastly roars echoed across the massive training field. His three-set of arms were folded in front of him as he stood ramrod straight with piercing gaze that sends shivers to the disciples practicing below.

Behind him were Henry, Theo and Raven, sitting at a round chair and enjoying some food and tea. They watched with great interest and amusement as Logan took the role of the strict and scary training officer.

"Ahh...look at him go. Placing him in this position was truly the correct decision." Theo muttered causing Henry and Raven chuckle.

"One might say that's he's currently in his element." Raven nodded in agreement.


"I hate to admit it but he's clearly better at this compared to me." Henry nodded as well, "Truly a fresh and inspiring training officer."

'I can hear you lot, you do know that right?' Logan told them via voice transmission. 'Also, don't speak too loud, you're distracting the little buggers.'

"Aww, look at him. He cares so much about his little students..." Theo whispered in amusement, causing Raven and Henry to chuckle even more much to the annoyance of Logan.

'If you guys have nothing better to do, then don't bother me or stay quiet! I'm doing my damn job here, you unreasonable fellows!' Logan roared at the via voice transmission again.

'Woah take it easy there, coach. Don't mind us, we're just here to relax anyway.' Henry replied through the same way but it just irked Logan even more. "Pay attention to your opponent's next move you dolts!! Don't think that just because you landed a hit, they're going to die! They can defend and counter-attack. Analyze the flow of the battle and plan your next move! Observe your opponents, memorize their pattern and plan a way to defeat them as soon as possible! How many times do I have to tell you this!?" Logan roared towards the disciples once again, causing them to visibly panic.

'Damn it, you guys' presence are just really bothering me. Can you all like, I don't know, disappear or whatever? Let's talk later when I'm done here.'


'No can do, Sir.' Raven replied, causing Logan to sigh in defeat. 'I'm here to observe this remember? As for this two, just endure it. Them doing something like this shouldn't be new to you anyway.'

'Yes, you're right. It isn't the first time I experienced this, but it doesn't mean that I got used to it. I'm still irritated.' Logan relied yet his gaze never left the situation below.

'Oh come on, stop whining. This isn't a big deal. Just endure it a little but more.' Raven replied as he as well paid attention to the situation below.

Logan can't argue with Raven so he did what the guy said and endured the distracting presence of the three people behind him.

The training exercise continued below, Logan would occasionally let out loud roars, giving some strong and rough advices to the disciples fighting below him. The training exercise lasted for three hours before Logan announced that they're done for today.

As soon as the announcement was made, the disciples deactivated the formations and simultaneously collapsed on the ground panting and exhausted. Some of them can't even move a finger due to how exhausted they were from the hellish training Logan put them on. Majority of the students were definitely cursing Logan within their minds calling him nicknames such as: Demon Officer, Son of a Bitch, and so on...


Moments later, Logan jumped down at the ground level with Raven on tow, seeing the Heir of Chronos with him, the disciples panicked and immediately stood up to pay respects to the Young Sect Master. However because of their exhaustion, some of them stumbled on their feet or just couldn't stand up properly.

"It's fine, no need for formalities. Catch your breath and just lend me an ear will you?" Raven showed a refreshing smile that seemingly invigorated the disciples. This allowed them to at least sit back up and gather their remaining focus in order to listen to whatever he has to say.

"You did well, considering the fact that the Formations you are using haven't been around for long. That being said, there's still many rooms for improvements. I would like to point out some in order to help you use these new toys more effectively."

Raven gingerly picked a random formation that was on the ground and activated it. Numerous runes lit up and the formation transformed into a construct that looked similar to what the disciples were using before.

"Alright, let's go back to the basics of this formation." Raven formed a stick from his energies and used it to point at a certain area of the Formation Construct beside him. "This Formation is driven by five people at once, meaning that it combines all of your strength into a single entity."

"In order to improve the fluidity of your actions, don't just pay attention to the movement of your opponents, pay attention to the thought process of your teammates as well. Your minds are somewhat connected when you use this Formation Construct, that is also the reason why it is advised that the most experienced person in the ground becomes the 'Driver' of the construct."

"Remember you guys are a single entity once you're inside the construct. Be sensitive and always pay attention to even the smallest hints you can take. Just like what Logan had been telling you so far, observe and adapt. The faster you end your battles the more of our enemies you can take down."

"Also, I mainly put a pole-arm as the main weapon of the construct since I thought it's going to be better due to it's unique shape. You can either study some basic pole-arm techniques to help you adjust to this or you can request for a weapon change, whatever it is, communicate with your teammates, make sure to reach a consensus where everyone's willing in order to minimize the friction.""The people you work with are your allies, you are safe. You can lower down your guard and ask for their opinion, broaden your mind and horizons. That's the only way you can improve and be of more help to the upcoming war. Also, always keep Logan's advice in mind, don't feel butt hurt because if his mean tone, take it with a grain of salt and reflect. This will help you a lot. Am I clear?" magic

"Yes, Young Lord." The disciples replied in unison.

"Very good, now you all may return and rest. Be on time tomorrow as well." Raven dismissed the disciples and each of them paid respects to them before leaving.

Once the training field was empty, Logan and Raven returned to the upper floor to join Henry and Theo.

"Wait, as I thought something's amiss." Logan said as he sat down, he then asked: "Where's Charles?"

"He's with Elder Flame right now, for some reason the Flames of Olympus required his help." Theo informed as he rested his back against the chair.

"Eh? Why him? Shouldn't it be you?" Henry was confused.

"I don't know either. You know Elder Flame, he can be quite pragmatic sometimes. If he wanted to tell me, then he's going to tell me. That's just how he is." Theo grumbled as he took another sip of his tea.

The mention of Elder Flame got Raven thinking...

'Yeah, I haven't met this Elder Flame in person yet. I only saw the Flames of Olympus once and its when I received the Cleansing Flames for the first time. Should I visit him?'

"Raven, if Elder Flames wants to meet you, he'll call for you." Theo said, shocking Raven from his stupor. "No offense but even with your status, Elder Flame won't make an exception for you."

"Wow, was I really that obvious that I want to visit him?" Raven asked.

"Not really..." Theo commented, "But I can somewhat tell since I was the one who brought up the topic and you went into your 'planning mode'."

" 'Planning mode?' "

"Yep." Logan nodded, "You see, whenever your planning something to do, it's either for the benefit of the sect or the demise of our enemies. You are making quite a face whenever you do it you know."

Raven turned to Henry with an inquisitive gaze and he saw the latter sigh and nod softly: "It's precisely what they say."

"It gives us the shivers you know?" Theo commented while smiling wryly, "Specially when you're planning someone's demise, your expression turns into something scarier than Logan's poker face."

"Oh!" Raven clenched his chest dramatically and said: "How painful! I'm hurt! How could you say such thing!? How can this be!?"

"Hey! The fuck was that for?" Logan was offended causing cheerful laughs the rest.
