Chapter 36: Unexpected Events Often Occur (時時有意外)  

In this life, Zhuang Laoyan wasn’t afraid of anything, except scholarly people who thought themselves better than others. Actually, this wasn’t the thing she feared the most. The most frightening thing was meeting people who pretended to scholarly and well-read.

“Master, has your honored self heard the recent rumors in the palace?”

During the evening meal, Zhuang Laoyan slowly sipped fresh fish soup with tender bamboo shoots. She watched as Yunxi approached her with a smile. And she wiped the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief. “What rumors?”

“This slave has heard that after your honored self left the bamboo forest, His Majesty had originally wanted to give Zhaorong Xu a new residence; but because he noticed how fond she was of the bamboo forest, he changed his mind.” Yunxi could not help but reveal a bit of amusement in her voice. “Who knows if Zhaorong Xu still likes the bamboo forest right now?”

The corners of Zhuang Laoyan’s lips quirked upwards just a hint. She was pretty sure that the emperor could not stand Zhaorong Xu’s scholarly and untouchable act. And that was why he had used the bamboo forest to deal with her. “Who spread this rumor?”

“The whole harem already knows this. Many people are enjoying this joke.” Yunxi washed her hands. Approached Zhuang Laoyan to pick some food and place it into her bowl. “In the first place, this slave thought this Zhaorong Xu was a dull person. Many in the harem should be discontent with her. There are numerous people who were waiting for her to make a fool out of herself.”


“True learned women would arouse envy and hatred from others. Women who pretend to be scholarly, on the other hand, inspire disgust from others. In the imperial harem, these two types of women would live complicated lives.” A faint smile bloomed on Zhuang Laoyan’s lips. “It doesn’t matter which category Zhaorong Xu falls under. As long as the joke is about her, the members of the harem would be happy to see it.”

“What ‘true scholarly women?’” said Tingzhu with a snicker. She had entered the imperial palace earlier than them, and had served a different master before. Naturally, she had heard many rumors regarding the harem. “This slave has heard that the father of this Zhaorong Xu is only a prefecture magistrate. Ever since His Majesty caught sight of her graceful bearing in the rain, she had on this perpetual sorrowful appearance. If it weren’t for the fact that her appearance is only slightly inferior to that of Lady Shi of the West¹, one would fear she would also have to pretend to be ill.”

After hearing Tingzhu’s words, Zhuang Laoyan truly sighed. This Zhaorong Xu didn’t have it easy. To pretend to be a scholarly woman, one must have a thick face and a lot of mental endurance. magic

That night, Feng Jin did not yet flip a nametag. After going through all the proposals and memorials, he browsed some other books.

Gao Dezhong approached him with a tray. In a low voice, he said, “Your Majesty, Zhaorong Xu of Changtian House has sent something over.”

“Oh?” Feng Jin flipped to the next page. Without lifting his head, he asked, “What is it?”


“A sachet that has the fragrance of bamboo,” replied Gao Dezhong softly.

Feng Jin grunted in acknowledgement. The hand that was flipping the pages of the book stilled. He glanced up at Gao Dezhong, and the latter quickly drew nearer a few steps.Lying on top of the tray was indeed an exquisite little sachet. It was bright yellow, a few realistic stalks of bamboo embroidered onto it. A glance, and others would think it real.

“To have green bamboo leaves embroidered upon bright yellow fabric doesn’t look very good.” Feng Jin shifted his gaze back to his book. “Store it away.”

“Understood,” said Gao Dezhong lightly, before retreating outside. He glanced at the sachet upon the tray. He knew that this sachet would never see the light of day. Once he was outside the hall, he handed it to a eunuch next to him. “Store this away. Make sure not to drop it on the ground.”

“Understood,” said the young eunuch, carefully receiving it and sparing no time in retreating.

The palace would never be in lack of a joke. And it would never be in lack of sudden occurrences.


If the rest of the imperial concubines were still laughing at the joke of Zhaorong Xu, Consort Xian definitely would not be able to laugh right now. That was because the Third Prince, who had yet to turn one year old, had fallen seriously ill. His fever ran high. Even his cries sounded like the mews of a kitten.

Let’s not talk about anything else. Third Prince had only fallen under her care not long ago. If something truly happened to him, her future proved uncertain.

The Imperial Academy of Medicine² sent four imperial physicians over. But even with the four of them, they could not diagnose him. It stressed Consort Xian so much that she wanted to have them beaten.

“Her Majesty, the empress, has arrived!”

Once the empress arrived at the inner chamber, she caught sight of Consort Xian’s appearance of urgency. And she knew that Third Prince’s illness was serious. She could only question the imperial physicians that had just paid respects to her. “What’s wrong with Third Prince?”

“Reporting to Your Majesty, Third Prince’s high fever would not subside. One would fear…” The leader of the group of imperial physicians paused. “That the high fever would harm the brain.”

The empress understood what the imperial physician meant. Whether they could save this Third Prince was unknown. Furthermore, whether the fever would turn him into a fool was even more uncertain. Frowning, she said, “This palace does not want to hear such words. This palace wants Third Prince to recover smoothly, understood?”

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Whether Third Prince was of sound mind wasn’t important. What was important was that the Third Prince did not die right now.

“Your Majesty, the empress.” Consort Xian wiped the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. “This concubine is useless and did not watch over Third Prince properly…”

“It’s normal for young children to fall sick and get hurt. Don’t blame yourself.” After a few consoling words, the empress said, “Have you informed His Majesty?”

“Just now, this concubine sent some people to inform him,” said Consort Xian, never once stopping in wiping her tears. The corners of her eyes, which originally were moist, now were red and swollen. “Perhaps they have not reached Qianzheng Palace yet. If His Majesty comes, how would this concubine… What should this concubine do?”

Seeing this appearance of Consort Xian, the empress sighed. She consoled her once more and told the imperial physicians to work hard in healing Third Prince. Her gaze fell upon Third Prince, who was still lying on the bed. Her face was full of worry, but her gaze was clear.

Everyone knew that the emperor wasn’t too fond of Third Prince. His birth mother’s identity was also humble. After she had given birth to him, she passed away, leaving behind this child who had no one to rely on. Now he was almost a year old, yet he still did not have a name. It was evident that the emperor did not have much hope for him.

In spite of this, he was still one of the three princes. Originally, he had been raised well, but after he entered Consort Xian’s hands, such a thing happened to him. At that time, even if the emperor did not punish Consort Xian, she wouldn’t be able to muzzle the many mouths of the imperial harem. The empress averted her gaze from Third Prince. Her tone grew heavier as she said, “Heal him well. Do it diligently. Third Prince must recover.”

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Consort Xian has spread the news that Third Prince fell ill. Many imperial physicians have already been summoned to examine him,” said Gao Dezhong quietly. “Her Majesty, the empress, has already rushed over.”

“What did the imperial physicians say?” Feng Jin’s expression froze. He set down the book in his hands and had the servants help him dress.

“The imperial physicians said that the Third Prince has fallen seriously ill. It’s difficult to rid him of his high fever. If the fever doesn’t subside, he might lose his life,” said Gao Dezhong, voice growing softer. Noticing that the emperor’s expression became colder, he lowered his head even more. “Consort Xian is so anxious that she is in tears.”

Grunting in acknowledgement, Feng Jin glanced at Gao Dezhong. “Make for Ruanming Palace³.”

Third Prince’s illness spread through the palace like wildfire. Even the empress dowager learned about it. Although she did not have much of a grandparent-grandchild bond with him, the empress dowager still made a trip to Ruanming Palace.

The highest-ranked masters of the imperial palace all visited Ruanming Palace. The other masters that had some status also paid a visit.

Once Zhuang Laoyan had heard the news, she thought, “so this was what it was.” Then she thought Consort Xian was truly unlucky. She received such a thankless job, and now that something occurred, there was no way she could explain herself.

“Master, should we go take a look?” Tingzhu asked softly. “This slave has heard that all the masters with some status have gone over.”

Zhuang Laoyan peered through the window, outside pitch black. She yawned. “Prepare the sedan for Ruanming Palace.”

Which of the women paying a visit to Ruanming Palace truly wanted to visit Third Prince? One would fear that their desire for excitement eclipsed their desire to see him.

Sitting on the swaying sedan, Zhuang Laoyan looked at the palace maids that were leading the procession and holding a lantern to light the way. She took a deep breath, and raised her head to gaze at the sky lit with the light of the full moon. The full moon was actually out tonight.

Once she had arrived at Ruanming Palace, Zhuang Laoyan stepped off the sedan and followed a palace maid with a lantern. Zhuang Laoyan gave her a light smile. As she started up the stone steps, she caught sight of an inconspicuous woman kneeling at the side. She appeared to be no more than twenty years old. Her hair was arranged simply, with only two hairpins holding it together. Coupled with her pale face, she seemed to be in a type of pitiful and sorry state that could not be put into words.

Zhuang Laoyan did not stop to look at her, continuing her way through the front doors. The palace maid in front moved to the side. Zhuang Laoyan glanced at Tingzhu, and the latter approached her to support her hand. She softly said, “Master, the road is slippery. Be careful.” Then she said even softer, “The one who was kneeling was the elder sister of Third Prince’s birth mother, CairenKong.”

Zhuang Laoyan nodded. A lesser seventh-rank cairen did not have the qualifications to see a master of the consort rank whenever she wanted. The only exception was if she were summoned. Judging by Cairen Kong’s appearance, perhaps she worried for Third Prince’s safety.

“Chongyi Zhao has arrived!”

But in this imperial harem, no matter the type of love, it would still be tainted with the desire for benefit. Even with this Cairen Kong, Zhuang Laoyan was uncertain whether she truly cared about Third Prince’s welfare, or if she was using this chance to gain a bit of the emperor’s notice.

In a place like the imperial harem, those who believed in affection were fools.

First of all, Feng Jin roasting Zhaorong Xu’s handmade sachet XD

Another child is sacrificed in the fights among the concubines. Anyone have a guess who it is?

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