Chapter 73: Huo the Abnormal II

He tossed the pen forcefully, “Hey secretary,” as he leaned against the back of his throne, “If you want to look at Ms. Lu, how about you just look right into her face as long as you want?”

“Umm…Eh?! Uh! Uh! My apology, president, sir, I’ll b-be heading out to work now!” The little random secretary scurried out of his office like a rabbit from the wolf. It almost felt as if she was an ex-marathon runner.

Huo Yunting shifted his sight upon Lu whose head remained lowered since an hour ago.

He raised his brows, “Lu Zhaoyang, if you don’t want to be paying the hospital bills before your retirement, you better be moving your neck from time to time.”

That was when Lu Zhaoyang dramatically swang her neck and stretched her arm like a princess, yet with zero expression. She then returned her previous posture of The Thinker.



You’re welcome??

Later in the evening they both returned to their house, where Lu finally got to taste her favorite fish soup, though she could not help but send doubtful glances towards Huo Yunting from time to time as the soup was served.

The heck is wrong with this man? When was he the good cop?

“If you want to say thank you, you got to use your mouth right.” Little glances were caught by Huo Yunting immediately, “It always seals the deal.”

With one hand holding the soup and the other holding his cheek, he lifted his index finger a few times.

Don’t get so full of yourself!


Like a wild alligator, she, with a slam on the table, sent herself up to Huo Yunting to get a slam dunk at the man so she could snatch that bowl. She reached her hand out and Huo did not even bother to dodge. The attack was nullified as he pulled his devilish smile with his squinted eyes again, “Oh I see, I always knew you are a person who likes to do work with their hands rather than the mouth. Alright, you can work with both on me tonight.”

The words shocked the basketball player as she quickly retreated her hand.

Work? Hand? Mouth? I don’t want to work on anything tonight!

And I know you’re a man who would not eat his words!

“Alright, the Choo Choo Train is here,” Huo smiled seductively, as he moved the spoonful of soup right to her lips.

And the nurse-and-patient game lasted for few days, that Lu almost imagined herself to be actually handicapped.


She had to be given private care by her beloved president at his own office. During mealtime, she needed not to move her hands, she was not allowed to.

Huo Yunting suddenly became an angel that he took decent care of her, and even rejected the few drinking offers to accommodate her needs.

Alright, Lu Zhaoyang, the devil can’t become an angel overnight. He MUST have a plot. I mean, he’s the person who blew up upon a simple tease from President Du and he’s also the person who almost permanently banned President Du away from his business life by refusing to see him in one bit.

I mean, it’s a major project that benefits his company eventually. He can’t be saying no to money.

What are you planning?

Huo the abnormal.

Huo Yunting remained as the kind nurse as he sat right next to Lu, with a filled spoon.

Lu Zhaoyang blocked her own mouth, with words written on her palm:


Huo pulled a smile, “Get closer, I’ll tell you.”

Lu Zhaoyang was desperate to know the truth behind the abnormalities of Huo Yunting. The suspense had held her for the past few days. It would be the only solution for her to ask him straightaway.

“Yes…Lu…” He reached his lips to her ears, “I’m taking care of you so your tongue gets healed faster, so I could claim my missing bed quota for the past few da- HISS!”

Huo Yunting could feel spiking pain coming from his feet.

Did Lu just stomp on his feet?

Lu glared at him and snatched the bowl away from the pervert.

You should be glad that I’m only stepping on your feet and not elsewhere!

I knew you can’t be this nice out of a sudden! For pete’s sake, are you a virgin in your previous life? Because you look so needy in your current life!

Ugh! Why do I even know this pervert?

Seeing his woman slurping the food angrily, he was charmed, he smiled, “Don’t get choked okay?”

PLEASE, choke me dead!

I rather be choked to death by soup than your d-

“Ah! H-h-h-h-h-h-hot!”

Lu’s body stiffened as she placed her bowl down, with teary eyes upon him.

She was not choked.

She was scalded!
