Chapter 170   The Chief Constable Is Confused

Tang Zhan could never have imagined that this piece of metal he owned was a spiritual treasure worth more than his total value. He would never have thought too, that all the treasures he had struggled to collect over the years would eventually fall into Zhang Han’s hands.

If Tang Zhan had been given another chance, he would... kill him before Scorpion came to the restaurant!

The cause of this disaster was due to Scorpion crushing a remote control car!

“Master, what is its name? What are spirit treasures?” Zhao Feng asked curiously.

“Spirit treasures...” After some deliberation, Zhang Han answered.

‘Spirit treasure’ is an all-embracing concept, which refers to a lot of treasures in the world and ranges from the first stage to the ninth stage. For example, in the Cultivation World, first-stage spirit treasures are very common, just like the gold here; almost every cultivator has some. Second-stage spirit treasures and third-stage spirit treasures are also quite common, which belong to the lowest level.”


“The second level is from the fourth stage to the sixth stage. The spirit treasures at this level are acquired by chance. While the Seventh-stage spirit treasures to ninth-stage spirit treasures only belong to masters, the value of the spiritual treasures in this stage can’t be measured. In Cultivation World, the Ninth-stage spirit treasures are extremely rare. There are only a few legends about them.”

Zhang Han gave Zhao Feng a brief introduction.

Zhao Feng was a bit confused and didn’t know what he meant.

This was quite normal. It took Zhang Han many years to understand these concepts, let alone a few days for Zhao Feng. It was good enough that Zhao Feng understood the meaning of “cultivation”.

“Master, how do you assess the cultivators’ strength? Are they all immortals?” Zhao Feng asked.

“It’s difficult to become immortals. Cultivators have to go through nine stages called Qi Refining, Building Base, Innateness, Elixir, Yuan Ying, God Transformation, Shadow Refining, Integration and Accomplishment. After these nine stages comes Du Jie. Only those who experience this stage will be qualified to become immortals.”


Zhang Han was lost in thought when he said this. He looked at the sea in the distance, half narrowing his eyes, revealing a spiritual temperament.

“What is an immortal? One’s life is as short as a cycle of four seasons spent by plants. Some lives are full of smiles and tears, while others are totally bland. Some immortals possess great power or wield significant authority. Then there are others who only want to live forever. These people who live a free and unfettered life and pursue longevity are regarded as immortals.”

“Ah? What do you mean...” Zhao Feng’s eyes widened and he appeared to be in a daze.

“Ha, ha, ha...” Zhang Han shook his head with a chuckle and said, “Since you haven’t reached this level, you don’t need to understand. All you need to know is that you have embarked on a road to pursue immortality.”

“Well.” Zhao Feng nodded his head. He could not help looking at the metal in his master’s hand and asked, “Master, which level does this piece of metal belong to?”

“It...” Zhang Han glanced at the metal in his hand and smiled faintly, “It is called Tianlan Gold and belongs to the second-stage treasures.”


“What type of function does it have?” Zhao Feng asked again.

“It has very pure assimilation energy, which can be used for cultivation. More importantly, it can increase the essence of some herbs.” Zhang Han said as he walked to the thunder yang tree. He held the Tianlan Gold and pressed it against the trunk of the tree. The spiritual force in his body continued to converge on the Tianlan Gold and the remaining pure Yang water in the pool below the thunder yang tree.

In a few seconds, the small amount of pure Yang water was absorbed by the thunder yang tree. In the interim, the energy of the Tianlan Gold continuously assimilated and nourished the pure Yang water.

More than ten seconds later.


In the pool on the lower side, streams of light blue water poured from the roots of the Thunder Yang tree, as if someone had turned on several taps to the maximum, all at the same time.

Soon, the whole pool filled up. Zhang Han had communicated with the Thunder Yang tree at the expense of a lot of spiritual force. Its roots vibrated and expanded the area of the pool to 10 square meters, which made the water depth decrease a little.

After more than 20 seconds, the pool filled up again. However, this time, the water flow was cut off and the palm-sized Tianlan Gold had already played its biggest part.

The water in the pool at this point was called Yang Qing Water, which was an evolution of pure Yang water and was very much like a second-stage spirit treasure.

Yang Qing Water was more effective than pure Yang water. Pure Yang water improves people’s fitness, while Yang Qing Water could be used for people to practise cultivation. For instance, if a person who was badly scarred drank Yang Qing Water, he would soon get well. It could cure the insidious disease caused by the overtaxing of his strength!

And it certainly had many other functions. For example, the new livestock could be eaten in one day after drinking Yang Qing Water. It did bring lots of benefits. However, it had no effect on perfecting people’s skin. Drinking pure Yang water had no effect on the skin.

After all, it was not meant to be an effective medicine for beautifying faces.

As for other functions, no unnecessary details need to be given. When Zhao Feng saw the metal in Zhang Han’s hand turn into powder, he was taken aback and quickly asked this question.

“Master, why did the metal change into powder?”

“Its energy has been used up.”

“Ah? How was it used up? I didn’t see you do anything.” Zhao Feng said, scratching his head.

“Only by using this tree as a medium can the energy of the Tianlan Gold be absorbed so quickly.” Zhang Han replied.

“Isn’t it an ordinary tree?” Zhao Feng quivered. He walked forward and touched the thunder yang tree carefully.

“No.” Zhang Han smiled and said, “Its name is Thunder Yang tree, which is a fifth-stage spirit treasure.”

“Puff... Ahem, ahem, ahem...” Zhao Feng suddenly choked on his saliva. He hurried back two steps, stared at the Thunder Yang tree and said in surprise, “The fifth stage? Master, you have a fifth-stage spirit treasure. Erm...”

“You are making a fuss over nothing” Zhang Han shook his head and said, “Originally... I had sixteen ninth-stage spirit treasures.”

“The ninth stage!” Zhao Feng was totally stunned. He looked at Zhang Han and asked in a low voice, “What’s your actual strength, master?”

“Early stage of Qi cultivation.”

“Qi cultivation?” Zhao Feng was confused. He subconsciously said, “Isn’t Qi Refining the lowest level? So how can you obtain a fifth-stage spirit treasure? How could you once have sixteen legendary ninth-stage spirit treasures?”

Although he did not know the strength represented by a certain stage, he was sure that one at the lowest Qi Refining Stage could not get fifth-stage spirit treasures.

“That’s because...” Zhang Han said calmly, “I used to be at Du Jie Stage.”

“Puff...” Zhao Feng almost spat out a mouthful of blood.


Police headquarters of the Southern District.

When Chief Constable Dong Xiangchuan learned of the occurences in Tang Zhan’s mansion, he was extremely startled.

“Send me the video information immediately.” Dong Xiangchuan frowned and stopped his work. Then, he hung up.

He turned on the office computer and logged on. Two minutes later, a video was sent over..

Dong Xiangchuan opened the video and played it. When he saw Zhao Feng getting out of the panda car, intact, his eyes were filled with joy.

He continued to watch. When he saw the intrepid bulky guy storming his way into the mansion, following Zhao Feng, Dong Xiangchuan’s face changed completely.

“Where did this fierce man come from?”

Dong Xiangchuan murmured in surprise.

When the big guy and the guards of Black Water started a shootout, a close-up shot appeared. He had the scene blown up and slowed down and he could clearly see several bullets hitting the bulky guy’s body and head. However, the bullets only seemed to be a bit squashed on the inside. The skin of this man seemed to be very resilient and completely fended off bullets.


Seeing this, Dong Xiangchuan could not sit still any longer. He suddenly stood up, paused the video, closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to get over the shock. Then he continued watching the video.

The shooters found the situation getting rough and they wanted to run away. However, a big dog suddenly shot out from the side.

A dog?

Dong Xiangchuan frowned. Seeing the dog biting into a guard’s neck with its sharp fangs, he could not help but gulp!

“How is that possible?”

Dong Xiangchuan could accept the invulnerable bulky guy, but he could not believe that there was a dog with such fast speed and sharp teeth.

After a moment’s silence, he continued to play the video.

Troop defeats were like a landslide. The more than a dozen guards of Black Water had no intention of fighting and waited to be defeated. The video lasted until Zhao Feng and the intrepid bulky guy entered the mansion. A few minutes later, Dong Xiangchuan’s frown deepened when he saw the two men carting away the valuable gold, antiques and other treasures!

Zhao Feng was once the ace of Special Forces. Why was he doing this?

He took away everything even though he knew they were stolen loot?

But he did not know that Zhao Feng was forced to do this. Political power grew out of the barrel of a gun. He was the most wasted talent in Mount New Moon and had no authority to make any decisions.

At the end of the video, there was a report of casualties from the rich district. Looking at this information, Dong Xiangchuan suddenly felt a massive headache coming on!

This was a super-class criminal case and could no longer be a case under the jurisdiction of their police department. It involved so many forces!

He kneaded his temples and sat on the chair for a long time, his thoughts drifting far away.

After a moment’s silence, Dong Xiangchuan raised his head, sighed and directly dialed a number, using the phone on the desk.

“Instructor Liu, I...I’d better tell you the good news first.” Dong Xiangchuan gave a wry smile and said, “Zhao Feng isn’t dead.”

“What? Is that true?”

“Yes, he showed up and wasn’t injured, but... he caused a catastrophe.”

“What happened?”

“He brought a strong man who was about two meters tall to Tang Zhan’s mansion to seek revenge and this action took a heavy toll on lives. It is already a serious criminal case. Moreover, we found that the helper he brought was invulnerable. This involvement is up to such a stage that I can’t hide it and will be reporting this matter to the Security Bureau.” Dong Xiangchuan answered slowly.

The person at other end of the line fell silent. Dong Xiangchuan clearly realized that after he said the guy was invulnerable, the other person had gulped loudly!

“Is that true?” After a while, the voice could be heard.

“I swear it is the truth. There are a lot of monitors in Tang Zhan’s mansion, and the whole story has been recorded.” Dong Xiangchuan answered truthfully.

“You’d better hush this matter up for a day first. I’ll return to Hong Kong tomorrow. Just wait for me!”

“Ok.” Dong Xiangchuan sighed. After thinking for a while, he said, “Well, I’ll look at Tang Zhan’s account book first. Let me see how many people are part of Tang Zhan and his evil deeds!”

