Chapter 1654   The Big Secret Realm

“Palace Master, you are too straightforward.” Zhang Han felt a little helpless.

“Since my dad said that he would solve it, he will do it. Don’t worry, Palace Master,” Mengmeng muttered.

The young girl was beautiful, charming, lovely, and lively. She appeared invincible.

Immortal Master Waterheaven smiled. “How should we resolve this? I’m not sure even if you don’t tell me.”

“Let me tell you something.”

Zhang Han thought for a moment and took the lead into the palace.


When everyone was seated, he smiled and said, “After Lil Beast recognized me as its master, I could feel that its combat capability was very horrifying. It’s only a little away from the eighth tier. In three years, it will make a breakthrough and reach the eighth tier of the Tribulation Stage, and its combat capacity will advance by leaps and bounds. It will also get to defeat some Grand Masters of the Holy Lands.”

“How is it supposed to fight them? It’s still far from being a match for them,” Immortal Master Waterheaven said worriedly. “If it dies…alas.”

“It won’t. Lil Beast can fight those Grand Masters for a year.” Zhang Han smiled mysteriously. “Because after it breaks through to the eighth tier, its defense will be almost invincible in the Cultivation World, unless it encounters some mysterious supernatural powers.”

“But it just so happens that the Grand Masters of the Holy Lands know all kinds of mysterious supernatural powers.” Immortal Master Wuluo let out a long sigh. “Their strength is too strong. Many of them have lived for more than 10,000 years.”

“Speaking of mysterious supernatural powers, I’ve obtained the supreme martial arts heritage, such as thunder, demonic Qi, power of stars, and spiritual force… I can defend against all kinds of supernatural powers,” Zhang Han said.

As he spoke, his mind moved slightly.


From time to time, electric currents flickered in front of his body. It was demonic Qi, then the power of stars, spiritual force, and so on. Except for thunder and demonic Qi, all other abilities came from the Cosmic Extreme Tao Figure.

Zhang Han didn’t show the Extreme Purity Immortal Body, which was more profound. Even if he did, others wouldn’t understand.

“Defend. If we can really defend against them, we can think of a way to escape.” Immortal Master Waterheaven narrowed his eyes.


Immortal Master Wuluo’s expression was slightly cold. “It’s just Holy Son Yake. We can’t draw out the Grand Master of the Dongruo Holy Land. If we can, with the defensive power that Hanyang mentioned, we can find a way to kill Yake.”



Immortal Master Waterheaven said seriously, “Then let’s focus on Lil Beast’s breakthrough. Can it really break through in three years?”

Zhang Han thought for a moment and said, “I need some metal resources. A nice treasure land will do.”

“All right. Wuluo, send some men to pay attention to all the secret realms and treasure lands that appear around. If there is any high-end one, we will go there in person,” said Immortal Master Waterheaven.

“Yes, Palace Master.”

Immortal Master Wuluo withdrew and made the arrangements.

At the same time, some people from the Dongruo Holy Land arrived and suppressed Immortal Master Waterheaven.

The news spread throughout the Highest Clouds Palace.

Some of the core elders and protectors didn’t think that there was anything wrong with it. They had followed Immortal Master Waterheaven for a long time and were on good terms with him.

As for the new protectors or disciples from other regions, they were all in a state of panic.

“Heavens, what an eventful period.”

“One wave after another comes. What can we get from the Highest Clouds Palace now? Our treatment is different from before.”

“The Highest Clouds Palace has been short of resources since a few years ago. Now Holy Son Yake, who is from the Dongruo Holy Land in the Seventh Mountain, has taken action and left no room for us to survive. We’d better think about what to do next.”


Many people communicated with each other.

Everyone had to plan for their future.

However, since they had joined the Highest Clouds Palace, they would not be able to leave easily.

It was clear that even if the Holy Land would only attack the headquarters of the Highest Clouds Palace in the Seventh Mountain, they wouldn’t go all out. After all, the Highest Clouds Palace had a lot of businesses that were spread all over the various regions. The Holy Land wouldn’t put in that much effort and wouldn’t hold that much of a grudge against them.

But if those disciples and protectors left before the matter was settled, no matter which sect they joined, others would think, “People like you join a sect when it’s doing fine and leave when it’s in trouble. No sect would be glad to take in disciples like you.”

Although no internal disciples had left yet, in fact, they all had their own ideas.

Elder Wuluo had already guessed something like this, but he didn’t take any action.

He needed to stabilize the morale of the troops, which would depend on the result of the fight against the Holy Land three years later.

At the same time, Zhang Han began to watch the news of various secret realms appearing every day.

The Highest Clouds Palace was as expected of a sect with a lot of intelligence.

The secret realms discovered found every day were enough for Zhang Han to explore for a while.

However, he didn’t fancy any of those secret realms.

Some were too far away, and he couldn’t get there. The close ones were basically low-level secret realms, and the probability of a treasure land appearing was low. However, there were also many people in this area who were undergoing their tribulations. Zhang Han’s Thunder Body could eat a lot there.

In the blink of an eye, more than two years passed.

Immortal Master Waterheaven had gotten a lot of metals. Zhang Han had devoured the Thunder Tribulation. Plus, there were five treasure lands, which made him merely one step away from the eighth tier.

“Dad, when will you make a breakthrough?”

On this day, Mengmeng and the others were sitting on the sofa in the hall of the small palace. Seeing Zhang Han coming, the young girl ran over and asked, “There is still half a year left before the three-year limit.”

A drop of kindness deserved a fountain of gratitude.

It was the style of many members of Mount New Moon.

They wanted to protect the Highest Clouds Palace. Now the key was whether Zhang Han could make a breakthrough or not.


Zhang Han thought for a moment and said, “It should not be too late. In half a year, I will find a good treasure land or a metal place, and then I can make a breakthrough.”

“I’m afraid that such a secret realm will not appear.” Yue Wuwei took a light breath, and there was a hint of worry in his tone.

“There hasn’t been a big secret realm in the Nine Mountains Region or the areas near the inner ring for 50 years.”

Zhang Han said, “According to the previous probability, there will be a big secret realm in each area every 30 to 50 years. If we are lucky, we may encounter it. If we are unlucky, I’ll keep devouring the metal step by step…”

Zhang Han had always sought stability. At this time, he also analyzed all the conditions.

But before he could finish his words-


Immortal Master Wuluo flew over at an extremely fast speed, looking quite excited.

“Hanyang, Hanyang!

“This is it!

“A big secret realm with high energy has appeared. It has reached the highest level. Some of the Holy Lands on the Seventh Mountain, Eighth Mountain, and Ninth Mountain have been alarmed. They have sent people to the big secret realm, which is located at the border area between the Eighth Mountain and the inner ring.”

Immortal Master Wuluo’s tone was full of surprise. “Is this level enough?”

A big secret realm in the Star Sea meant that there would be a lot of cultivation resources. It was very likely that there would be treasure lands or even Profound-grade treasures.

There was no doubt that since the secret realm could alarm some Holy Lands, it must have the highest level of energy with some treasure lands and some Elemental Sources.

Zhang Han’s eyes lit up. “That’s great enough!”

“The Palace Master’s spaceship has been launched. I’m here to pick you up. There’s no time to lose. Let’s go. It’ll take us a month to get there at least,” Immortal Master Wuluo said.

“Let’s go.”

Everyone got up one after another and flew out of the small palace. They took the aircraft, boarded Immortal Master Waterheaven’s spaceship at the space station, and broke into the secondary space before they headed for the nearest Space Shooting Planet.

“Hahaha, there is always a way out. There’s finally a big secret realm.”

Immortal Master Waterheaven smiled and said, “Hanyang, if you can make a breakthrough, we will be qualified to talk to Holy Son Yake about this matter.”

The status of Holy Son Yake was high, but his power was actually limited.

Immortal Master Waterheaven had the feeling that once the Highest Clouds Palace displayed some powerful strength, Holy Son Yake would retreat. By then, it wouldn’t be a big deal to give him more resources. After all, the Highest Clouds Palace earned money fast.


Zhang Han nodded slightly, and his indifferent attitude imperceptibly influenced the atmosphere.

Immortal Master Waterheaven and Immortal Master Wuluo also felt this confidence.

“It’s true that the Holy Son, Yake, does not have such great power. What’s there to be afraid of? We’ll just fight him.”

“This secret realm can’t be underestimated.”

Immortal Master Waterheaven said seriously, “When I got the news, I heard that 37 Holy Lands have sent people to the big secret realm, and the leaders are all super experts, who are all at the Peak Stage of the Tribulation Stage.”

At this time, Zhang Han smiled faintly.

“There are nine tiers in the Tribulation Stage, but they are often tacitly divided into ten phases. After the ninth tier, it is the Peak Stage. However, there is actually a big gap between the Peak-Stage Tribulation Stage cultivators. It depends on the mastery of supernatural powers, occult arts, and the number of trump cards one has. It can be said that the more trump cards one has, the stronger one will be. At the same time, there are also some Peak-Stage Tribulation cultivators who just know a few moves. Therefore, the gap is not small. It’s just like the situation between the major Holy Lands. The Holy Lands are also like the pyramid. Many Holy Lands are low-level, and some of them are not even powerful as super sects. I’ve learned something about the Dongruo Holy Land, and it’s below average.”

“But, that’s a Holy Land, after all.”

Immortal Master Waterheaven grinned with a strange look on his face.

“Oh, Hanyang, are you too arrogant?”

He had never seen Zhang Han fight before. He thought Zhang Han was at the eighth tier of the Tribulation Stage and even might not be a match for Holy Son Yake. “How could he say that in such a calm tone?”

“The spaceship has arrived on the Space Shooting Planet.”

The crowd took the first Space Shooting Planet.

The Palace Master of the Highest Clouds Palace was qualified to enter the inner passageway.

People had to line up while taking the normal passages, and there were only a dozen spaceships in front of Zhang Han and the others.

They waited silently. It was almost their turn.


A batch of spaceships appeared.

“They’re from the Supreme Thunder Sect, a super sect.”

“Those people are from the Xuanyuan Sect, which is also a super sect.”

Immortal Master Wuluo took a light breath and said, “It seems that we have to wait in line for a while.”

The strong were respected, and the weak had to give way to the strong. This was also one of the major Space Shooting Planets.

The fleets from the two super sects cut in line. Zhang Han and his companions waited for three hours before they took the first Space Shooting Planet.

They flew quickly through the secondary space and soon arrived at the second Space Shooting Planet.

They had to wait for a few hours for every Space Shooting Planet. But generally speaking, the flight time was shortened a hundred times.

However, the closer they got to the secret realm, the more forces were lining up.

“On our route, we have encountered 56 super sects. It seems that there will be at least hundreds of super sects and many Holy Lands fighting over the big secret realm in the Strangepeak District. We may not be able to get anything.” Immortal Master Waterheaven felt a lot of pressure.

For the first-rate forces, such a big secret realm was just a way to get some minor benefits.

While the Holy Lands and the super sects enjoyed great benefits, others would only gain small benefits or even nothing.

“Well, don’t worry. My dad is very lucky,” Mengmeng said. “Every time he goes to a big secret realm, he can get a lot of treasures.”

“Hahaha, is that so?” Immortal Master Waterheaven smiled and shook his head. He didn’t seem to believe it.

“How is it possible to always find treasures?”
