Krune checked if he could feel the gate, and sure enough, it didn't take long for him to find its exact location.

"Alright, use your concealing Runestone Formation here. If you have anything that can help conceal the flow of elements and spiritual energy, use that too."

Yusa nodded and immediately started to work. She didn't have a Runestone Formation for the second thing Krune asked, so she made two Three Stars ones on the spot. After more or less thirty minutes, the new Runestones were ready too.

"Alright. Krune charges the Illusory Concealing Runestone Formation while Shinja charges the Spiritual Concealing Runestone Formation. I will charge the Elements Concealing Runestone Formation."

They took the Runestones and started pouring spiritual energy. After a few minutes, all Runestones activated, and everyone once again disappeared. Krune looked around and asked.

"How long will it take for them to run out of energy?"

Yusa pondered a bit and said.


"Considering that they are midair, they have to cover a more significant range. So I would say that two to three hours at most."

Krune nodded and started to concentrate. Not long after, the elements began to gather in a single point together with significant amounts of spiritual energy. Suddenly, a small explosion of spiritual energy happened, and a gate appeared. Krune's group made sure to prevent that wave of spiritual energy from rushing outside the concealing formation as well.

"Let's go!"

Every one passed through the spatial gate and soon appeared inside the Rainbow Sect. Hasik had noticed Krune's presence the moment that the other gate appeared, and he couldn't help but feel relieved. He then immediately sent a message to Krune.

"There is a teleport formation right beside this second gate. Use it to teleport directly into the inner city."

Without wasting any time, Krune and the others stepped on it, and with a flash of silver light, they disappeared.


Back in the inner city, everyone was already waiting for Krune's group, which included Ruik, Lakin, Cassy, and several others.


As soon as Krune appeared, Lakin came forward and hugged him! Krune wasn't the only one, though. Cassy did the same thing with Shinja, which please her very much.

"Alright, alright. We can catch up later."

Krune had teleported directly inside the Order Hall, so he could already see the illusory figure of Hasik on the illusion formation.

"I believe you already know what is happening outside, right?"


Hasik nodded.

"Yes! Although I can't confirm how many they are, I can tell that they have been trying to open the gate for quite some time already."

Krune nodded.

"What happened here? The gate hasn't been found for thousands of years. But suddenly, as soon as we come back, there is an entire army trying to make its way in."

Hasik pondered a bit about the things he knew and then said.

"I can only say that someone specialized in divination is probably involved. It is like you said, it shouldn't be just a coincidence that the bumped on our dimension. Most likely, the fact that the sect's fate started to change after you became the Legacy Disciple released some destiny ripples that were detected by him or her."

Although everyone was puzzled, that wasn't important now.

"Doesn't matter, do you have any idea what we should do now? Or could it be that they won't be able to enter to start with?"

Hasik shook his head.

"If they wanted to force their way in, they would have done already. This dimension has been in existence for far too long. It wouldn't be able to stop several Divine Soul Realm cultivators from forcefully entering. But that is also one of the reasons why they haven't made a move yet."

Hasik then continued to explain.

"If they use force to break into this dimension, there would be a very high chance that it would collapse. In that case, anything inside here would be torn apart by the spatial forces. That means they wouldn't get anything in the end."

"The second reason would be the fact that they don't know that there is someone inside, let alone a lot. If they find it out, they might force their way regardless of the risks. But I reckon they will notice it soon."

Krune was alarmed.

"Why is it?"

Hasik looked in the direction of the second gate.

"When you opened the second gate, the situation changed again. That gate hasn't been opened for thousands of years too. So the explosion of spiritual energy released by its aperture has generated a few more destiny ripples."

Krune couldn't hold his curiosity anymore.

"What are those destiny ripples?"

"Everything in this universe has an action and a reaction. Those reactions cause an invisible force called destiny energy to move. You can also call it fate. Those able to perceive that destiny energy are called seers. Of course, being a seer is risky. That's because they are using a force ruled by the heavens to find their answers. So they are always in danger of suffering backlashes."

"You probably remember that one of the ten major cores is the destiny core, right?"

Everyone nodded.

"The destiny core itself is directly connected to this destiny energy, so it's easy for the users to partially or entirely hide from the heavens. It will depend on what they are trying to find answers for, though."

Krune and the others finally understood.

"But isn't the Rainbow Sect considered something extremely important in the heaven's point of view? Regular seers shouldn't be able to find its entrance or location, right?"

Hasik shook his head.

"The old Mohie Sect has long since left the stage of the big powers, and this dimension might even be the very last remnant out there. It sure would be extremely hard in the past. But not now. As long as you are willing to pay the price, a seer should be able to divine its place."

"The reason they couldn't notice its presence before was simply that this dimension did not react in a long, long time. So there was no destiny energy generated to start with. Of course, it should have been extremely hard for someone to notice the reactions that it caused in the destiny energy. So I can only say that whoever did was amazingly lucky to be around when that happened."

Krune sighed.

"Or better, we were unlucky instead."

Hasik didn't deny that notion. His face then turned serious and said.

"Anyway, let stop it here. Nothing will change, even if I say more. The main issue is that they will soon find out that someone came inside. The several powers outside will think that someone between them found some secret passage to get in. At that time, everyone there will go crazy and will throw caution to the wind; they will immediately break the dimension shell apart to get in as soon as possible."

Krune and the others nodded.

"Is there a way to take this dimension away?"

Hasik shook his head and sighed.

"If you were at the void breaking realm, you could use the central dimension formation core to compress it and then take it away. But we, of course, don't have this privilege."

Krune pondered a bit about what he knew as Formations Master.

"What about just a small part of it? I would use a formation like the same that is used to make spatial rings. Since this dimension is already formed, I would only need to compress the part that I want into one spiritual equipment. Then we leave the rest for everyone outside to play with."

Hasik started to ponder about it.

"If it is just a tiny small part, I guess it might be possible. But we have a problem, we would need a lot of spiritual energy to force the compression."

Krune smirked when he heard that.

"We, of course, don't have that many spirit stones."

He then raised his hand, and purple lightning started to run around it.

"But, I do have an idea of how to give it a good kick to make up for the lack of spirit stones."

Not only Hasik, everyone else looked at Krune as if he was crazy!

"Are you mad?! If you use such a volatile force like the tribulation lightning, you will instead break the compressed dimension straight away. Everything inside will be torn apart by the spatial force!"

Krune just laughed and said.

"That you don't need to worry about."

With Little Light inside his core, how could the Tribulation Lightning ever misbehave? Krune then focused his attention on his Elemental Core and said.

"Which means, I'm counting on you, Little Light!"

"Hmph! Using my power to save this bunch of ants, you can keep dreaming."

Krune then smiled and said.

"Is that so? It's such a pity, I was considering 'upgrading' the way I address you, but I guess Little Light is still the best then."

Krune picked Little Light's interest straight away.

"You mean it?"

Krune immediately confirmed.

"Of course, you should know me good enough to understand that I've never gone back on my word."

If Little Light said that that name didn't bother him, he would be lying. But he was feeling conflicted about being controlled like that by Krune. After a few moments of silence, Little Light finally agreed.


Krune then returned his attention outside and asked.

"Now comes the main issue. What will we use to hold this pocket dimension?"

The surroundings became dead silent in a second.

"Right! How could we have forgotten that? Just what kind of spiritual equipment would be necessary to hold a dimension? A simple spatial ring would definitely not be able to!"

Everyone then looked at Hasik, only he might have something good enough for that.

"Unfortunately, whatever spiritual equipment left behind had already lost its power. The only reason that the training facilities and formations still work is that the puppets keep them in good condition. But they aren't skilled enough to maintain high-level equipment."

Krune then asked.

"What level of spiritual equipment would we need to keep the pocket dimension inside?"

Hasik pondered a bit and then said.

"A one Silver Star equipment should barely be able to do it."

Everyone got puzzled, what the heck is a one Silver Star equipment?
