Unlike the central district of the Undercity, where most of the surface dwellers resided during the storm, the true nature of the place revealed itself only in the outskirts. Here, the streets were narrow, and the absence of any natural light made the alleyways appear menacing. The frequent cries and shouts from all around further enhanced the haunting atmosphere.

“Let’s keep moving, master. We can’t afford to attract any attention,” Ash said after noticing that his master had stopped once again.

Zeke hesitated. He was watching the scene of two children fighting. It wasn’t some innocent scuffle but a life or death struggle from which, in all likelihood, only one would walk away. The fight had attracted the interest of some Korrovan citizens, who formed a circle around the spectacle and bet on which of the two would win.

This scene could very well be the slogan for this miserable place: Welcome to Undercity, where misery is a commodity.

Zeke had previously thought he knew poverty, but he had to revise his opinion several times already since coming here. Every step away from the central area revealed a new horror he was not prepared to face.

Maybe it was because this place was hidden from sight, deep beneath the earth, or because they weren’t fully human, but something was different. This was nothing like the slums of Magusburg or Tradespire. There, the people were poor and might even starve, but that was the extent of their misery. The rich and powerful didn’t usually go out of their way to make them suffer.


Zeke finally tore his gaze away from the scene and began walking again. He caught up to Ash, who was waiting just a few steps ahead. The two were wearing hooded robes and masks covering their faces. In any other place, they would stand out in such a get-up, but it was just the opposite here. None of the ‘visitors’ to the outskirts of Undercity showed their faces.
