“Pete! I need a clean here!” Aqua shouted from across the tavern.

I groaned from where I was cozied up in front of the fire. “Do I need ta? Ask Rosie!”

“She’s busy!”

“Get Kirk to just store it!”

“Just get up, ya lazy bum!”

“Fiiine.” I heaved myself out of the cozy chair and made my way to where Aqua was standing over a big spill and a mess of pretzels.

“[Spot Clean].” I grumbled, envisioning the mess as I did so.


The ‘mess’ vanished with a *whorp* and a flash of light. I walked over to the bar and with another *whorp* the mess was deposited into the garbage can sitting under the bar. It was my newest Milestone for completing the More Brews Quest/Milestone. It was super handy, but threatened to turn me into a lazy slob. It even did laundry!!

[Spot Clean] - You seem to have an obsession with cleanliness, let the Gods help! When you use [Spot Clean] you can clean one cubic meter and place the removed material into a dimensional storage space. You can store up to one cubic meter of Matter, and can eject it at any time.

This ability can be used once per minute.
