July 15th, 1935. The atmosphere in the cargo hold of the Bogatyr was tense. The Special Forces team who had conducted operations on the Belgian Congo were on their way to the air base in Dakar. Captain Vasili, their leader, stood apart from the rest, his eyes fixed on a small family picture in his hand. It depicted his wife holding their daughter, with a woman standing next to her - Gang Eun-Ae, the noblewoman who was once commander-in-chief of the righteous army in the Choson Empire.

Vasili couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he looked at the woman who had once led an army into battle. Now, she worked as an advisor to the king in military affairs, despite the controversy surrounding her position as a woman. But Vasili knew that if their country was to catch up with the western powers and prevent any attempts of invasion of their homeland, they needed to be radical and progressive, leaving behind traditional values that hold them back.

As the plane rumbled on through the night, Vasili's thoughts drifted back to his time in the Congo. They were tasked to capture the head of the arms smuggling individual named Ralf Hietela, who was once a Ruthenian General serving in Finnish territory. They were late to arrive on the site, giving time for Ralf Hietela himself and his associates to flee.

Vasili gritted his teeth at the memory, his mind painting vivid images of dragging Ralf Hietela out of his hiding place and bringing him to justice. This man was the only obstacle standing between him and his family, and he would stop at nothing to see him pay for his crimes.

Lost in thought, Vasili was brought back to reality by one of his men approaching him.

"Captain, the prisoners are not changing their statement," the man reported.

"Thank you for the effort, Ivan," Vasili said. "It looks like we are going to hunt for Ralf Hietela in the vast desert of the Sahara. Did you receive any instructions from the command?"


"Not yet, Captain, they'll tell us once we land in Dakar…" Ivan trailed off as he noticed Vasili holding a picture. "You really have a good family, Captain."

Vasili's attention then turned to a small family picture he held in his hand, gazing fondly at his wife and daughter. He carefully placed the picture back in his pocket, planting a tender kiss on it before doing so.

"Yes, I do have a wonderful family and I have been doing my best to get back to them as soon as possible. But this Ralf person is infuriating me. How long until we land in Dakar?"

"Two hours," Ivan replied.


After two hours, the Bogatyr landed at the air base in Dakar. The Special Forces team emerged from the cargo hold, blinking in the bright sunlight as they stepped onto the tarmac.


The prisoner that they captured in Belgian Congo followed behind, their necks and wrist chained and linked together as they were being escorted to a bus that would take them to the detention center.

Vasili surveyed their surroundings, taking in the hustle and bustle of the airbase as they made their way toward the command center. The deafening roar of fighter jets and the whirring of helicopter blades filled the air as they approached. The sun beat down mercilessly upon them, causing beads of sweat to form on their foreheads.

As they walked past a row of parked fighter aircraft, Vasili couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the skilled pilots who flew them. The jets were sleek and aerodynamic, their engines still hot from the rigorous training they had undergone that day. He wondered what it would be like to soar through the skies at supersonic speeds, to feel the rush of wind in his face as he performed daring aerial maneuvers.

Meanwhile, soldiers were jogging around the airbase, shouting out chants and carrying out their duties with military precision. Some were lugging heavy crates of ammunition, while others were performing maintenance on the aircraft, their overalls stained with grease and sweat. Despite the heat and the physical exertion, they maintained a sense of discipline and professionalism that was awe-inspiring to witness.

Vasili was briefly distracted from the chaos around him as he noticed a group of soldiers who had stopped to salute as they passed by. He returned their salute with a nod of his head, feeling a sense of pride in the respect they showed towards him and his team. As they continued walking, Vasili wondered where will be sent. Of course, it will not be in Dakar, it will be in one of the territories that are in the Saharan desert. It'll be a long search for them but he was certain that the Foreign Intelligence Service will have something for them.

Entering the headquarters, the heat from the outside was suddenly replaced by a chilly blast of air conditioning, and Vasili felt a shiver run down his spine. The interior of the command center was starkly different from the frenzied activity outside. The silence was almost palpable, broken only by the occasional murmur of voices and the soft hum of machines. The walls were lined with maps, charts, and photographs, all meticulously arranged and annotated.


He noticed the staff working in the facility, they are blacks, formerly Senegalese who have become Ruthenian citizens after going through a rigorous and stringent immigration process. There was a lot of debate that sparked about Africans becoming Ruthenian citizens, but Vasili, couldn't care less whether a person wanted to be part of the Ruthenian Empire. For him, as long as they are not doing harm to the country he is serving, they are welcome to become a citizen and contribute to the growth of the country.

Vasili's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a door opening. A man in a military uniform walked in, saluting as he approached.

"Captain Vasili, I am General Nikolai. Welcome to Dakar," the man said, extending his hand.

Vasili shook his hand, returning the salute.

"Thank you, General. My team and I are fully prepared for our next mission," Vasili replied with a firm and confident tone.action

"Excellent," Nikolai responded. "The Foreign Intelligence Service has informed me that Ralf Hietela and his associates were last seen in the Gao region of Mali, and it is believed that they are hiding in one of the small villages there."

Nikolai handed Vasili a folder that contained photographs and maps of the area. Vasili studied the contents closely and nodded his head in understanding.

"Understood, General. What time is our egress?" Vasili inquired.

"Your team is scheduled to leave tomorrow at 0600 HRS, Captain. You have a day to rest and acclimate yourself to the new surroundings here in Dakar before you embark on this mission," Nikolai replied in a calm and professional manner.

Vasili's concern was evident as he spoke up. "Enjoy, General? I apologize, but I thought our priority was to capture Ralf Hietela immediately. Shouldn't we be leaving now?"

Nikolai understood Vasili's sense of urgency but also knew the importance of proper preparation and rest. "Calm down, Captain. Your team has just arrived from a long flight from Belgian Congo. It's important that you all get some rest so that you will work efficiently and effectively in the field."

Vasili nodded, realizing that the General had a point. Fatigue and lack of preparation could be detrimental to their mission, and the safety of his team and the success of the mission were his top priority.

"I understand, General. We will take the time to rest and prepare ourselves for the mission," Vasili replied with a tone of determination.

Nikolai smiled and patted Vasili on the back. "Good to hear, Captain. I have no doubt that you and your team will complete this mission successfully. You have already proven yourselves in the Congo, and I have full confidence in your abilities."

Vasili felt a surge of pride at the General's words. He was determined to not let Nikolai and his country down.

"Thank you, General. We will not disappoint," Vasili responded firmly.

Nikolai nodded, then turned to leave the room. "I have other matters to attend to. Good luck, Captain,"

Vasili watched as the General left, then turned to his team, who were gathered around him. "Alright, everyone, listen up. We have a day to rest and prepare ourselves for the mission. I want everyone to get some rest, but also make sure you are ready for tomorrow. We are going to be operating in a dangerous area, and we need to be on top of our game. Understood?"

The team nodded in unison, their expressions serious and determined. They knew what was at stake, and they were ready to do whatever it took to succeed.

Vasili smiled at their response, then dismissed them to go rest and prepare. As they left the room, he took one last look at the folder in his hand, studying the photographs and maps of the Gao region of Mali.
