"Movies?" Anya placed her index finger on her chin as she asked.

"It's like television but the screen takes up the whole wall in front. You'll see it. I believe they are showing three movies in different genres," Alexander explained as they proceeded to the department store exit which has it on every floor.

"Should we go to the bookstore first before we go to the movies or whatever that is? Tiffania asked, crossing her arms as she spoke.

"It's fine with me. I believe the screening starts in thirty minutes. So you better be quick. Although I have reserved a seat for us, the movie will still start at a strict time."

"Wait? Do you mean that even if we have not arrived yet at the theater, the show will still start?"

"Yeah, you just repeated what I said but in a different structure," Alexander shook his head as he sighed. "So, should you want to buy a book, you better do it fast and don't browse long."

"Okay, I won't take long. I know what I need to get anyways so it'll be done in just five minutes," Tiffania raised an OK sign and started towards the nearest bookstore with them following right behind. Meanwhile, as they headed towards the bookstore, Alexander shifted next to Christina, who was walking gracefully while carrying the paper bag with the items she bought earlier in the department store.


"Christina, I am wondering, why would you buy such expensive accessories when you already have a lot of them?" Alexander inquired.

Christina glanced at him briefly before sighing, as if Alexander should know the answer.

"I never really wanted to buy a necklace in the first place. I have a lot of them indeed and don't need a new one. But, didn't you say that we should enjoy the spirit of shopping in department stores? If I didn't go along with that plan of yours, that'll defeat the purpose of us coming here. We'll only end up looking and browsing," Christina explained.

"So it wasn't because of a sense of avarice but merely because you wanted to gain experience?"

"Well, maybe," Christina shrugged her shoulders. "The fact that there is a store that sells everything makes me want to return for more. I can't say but I have been frugal from the start. The accessories and dresses that I have in my room are gifts from relatives and from our parents."

"I see, I can vouch for that," Alexander said, smiling. Christina wasn't telling a lie. According to Alexander's memories, she often declines expensive gifts from their parents but they'll insist and so she ends up receiving them.


"Well, consider that thing as a gift from your brother. And I insist that you take it," Alexander chuckled and before he even realized it, they arrived at the bookstore."Anya you want to come with me? I'll get you a good storybook," Tiffania offered.

"Really? Okay," Anya's hand got off Alexander's hand. He startled for a second and reflexively tried to reach for it. But, seeing that the department store was rather small and doesn't have access points other than its entrance and exit, there was nothing to worry about.

However, even knowing all that, Alexander entered the bookstore. The rest waited outside, including Rolan. It seemed like there was no perceived threat inside the library so he didn't come along and instead guarded the entrance.

Inside the bookstore, there were no people other than the clerk and the three of them. Books with different genres and themes were displayed on their respective shelves. Tiffania hummed as he read the title of the hardcovers of the book displayed. She picked it up and showed it to her brother.

Alexander gave her a prompting nod, indicating that she can have it. Though she really doesn't have to ask for permission. She can take as many books as she wants.

Most of the books she picked up are at a technical level. She took four books before proceeding to shelves where story books are displayed. Anya ran on the aisle as she scanned the titles on each shelf in search of something interesting, while Alexander kept watch. Soon after, she decided.


"I'll take that one," Anya pointed at the book. Alexander walked over to her and looked at the book.

"Ah, Peter and Wendy huh? I haven't seen that one so It will be a fine addition to our collection."

"We'll take it then," Tiffania grabbed the book and placed it on the cart where the other books she picked were stacked up.

"Is there something you'd like to add, Anya?" Tiffania asked.

"Hmm…Aside from Peter and Wendy, I have rested almost everything displayed on the shelves. So I think that one would do," Anya said.

"Okay then, let's proceed to the clerk," Tiffania pushed the cart and handed the book over to the clerk for her to scan it.

Alexander pulled out his card from his wallet again but he was stopped by Tiffania's raising her hand."It's okay brother. I have money here. You don't have to pay for it with your card," Tiffania said as she pulled out her wallet from her purse and paid her the 2,000 rubles. The highest denomination in ruble currency.

"Uhm…Your Imperial Highness, we don't have change for this." The clerk pointed out. "Do you have a smaller bill?"

"Let me check," Tiffania checked her wallet and searched for a smaller bill. Unfortunately, all of her bills are 2,000 rubles. "I'm sorry, that's all I have."

"You can use my card, you know?" Alexander extended his hand as he offered his card.

"And wait for like, ten minutes to process the transaction?" Tiffania snorted as she shook her head. "I thought we had a play to catch up…Oh, I mean movie."

"Well, you have no choice, Tiffania. You don't have a small bill. None of us do. So take my card," Alexander said.

Tiffania sighed and looked at the clerk. "You can keep the change,"

The clerk's eyes widened from Tiffania's generosity. "Is it really okay? You only need to pay 100 rubles…"

"It's fine with me," Tiffania said again and smiled politely, causing the clerk to give up. "Thank you."

The clerk bagged the book in the paper bag and handed it to Tiffania.

"Thank you for shopping, please come back again," the clerk bowed her head as the exalted people in the bookstore exited the bookstore.

"It's finished? It really took five minutes," Christina commented.

"Well, you have to praise her for keeping her word," Alexander put the card in his wallet. "So, let's head to the theater. I'm sure it's full."

"What do you mean full?" Tiffania asked.

"Oh, we are not the only ones who are watching the movie."

"What's the name of the play we are going to watch anyway?" Christina asked.

"Romeo and Juliet," Alexander answered.
