Chapter 74 – Enlightenment Fruits  


“Enlightenment Fruits! It turned out to be such a legendary treasure!! I must get it!!” When Yang Feng heard Eunice’s remark his eyes flashed, he then looked at the fruit tree in the center of the botanical garden, his eyes brimming with excitement and greed.

Yang Feng could only become a level-3 Apprentice Warlock by taking a shortcut, that is, by purely using a variety of precious elixirs. His learning ability, as compared to that of the geniuses of this World of Warlocks, was simply too substandard. Even with the power of the smart chip, he was merely able to record a variety of knowledge within the smart chip – understanding it and applying it at his whim was simply impossible.

Once he eats an Enlightenment Fruit, Yang Feng’s learning ability would then skyrocket, reaching the standard of those geniuses of this World of Warlocks – hence forth, his studying speed of all kinds of knowledge would increase geometrically.

The reason why Warlocks were extremely strong was because they wielded endless knowledge. The stronger a Warlock was, the greater was the knowledge that said Warlock wielded. Only then would one have endless means to deal with a variety of formidable beings from different planes.

Eunice forced down her excitement, her beautiful eyes flashed with a touch of anxiety, she looked towards Yang Feng beside her and said: “Enlightenment Fruits can only be stored in boxes carved out of sapphires. The moment they enter in contact with containers made of other materials is the moment when they’ll vaporize.”


The majority of extraordinary plants could be stored in glass containers. However, there were also a lot of precious extraordinary plants that had distinct harvesting methods, once one was slightly inattentive, then those extraordinary plants would be ruined.

Yang Feng’s eyebrows slightly wrinkled, eyes radiating ill intent as he stared at Eunice, then said in a deep voice: “There were still such precautions, teacher Eunice, the extraordinary botany that you imparted me with was not complete!”

Eunice quickly replied: “No, what I imparted you with was the basic extraordinary botany. The basics don’t contain the harvesting methods for such treasures like Enlightenment Fruit. You must know that in the World of Warlocks, knowledge is the most precious asset. Free knowledge can’t contain the good stuff. The extraordinary botany that I’ve previously imparted you with was already ample when compared to the information imparted to many teachers – otherwise, you wouldn’t recognize the Enlightenment Fruits.”

Yang Feng carefully thought for a moment, then checked the memories of Black Cottage’s Master’s Bonney, he found that what Eunice said was true, the extraordinary botany that she imparted him with was far beyond that what Bonney wielded.

Yang Feng said faintly: “Once we return, I will require all of your knowledge.”

Eunice’s complexion changed repeatedly, she hesitated for a while before clenching her teeth and saying: “Alright!”


Yang Feng’s mind moved and 3 bladed robots immediately moved towards the location of the Enlightenment Fruits.

Suddenly, 20m in front of the tree fruit, a palm-sized strange plant – looking like a sunflower with six petals – it at once turned extremely large, it’s bud suddenly opened, revealing beast-like teeth and saliva dripping down – it ruthlessly bit at the 3 bladed robots with a lightning-like speed.

The 3 bladed robots couldn’t resist it in any way and were bitten by the treacherous plant, their bodies broke apart and a variety of components were sprayed on the ground.

Ear-piercing chewing sounds came from that strange plant, Yang Feng immediately lost contact with the 3 bladed robots.

After swallowing the three bladed robots, only then did the treacherous extraordinary plant shrunk and adopted a sunflower-like appearance.

Eunice looked at the treacherous extraordinary plant and remind: “Anima Demonic Rattan Carnivorous Flower, this extraordinary plant has a terrifying offensive speed and power – even Level-2 Warlocks, as long as they reach their attack range, then they’ll also be instantly gobbled up by them. If level-3 Warlocks aren’t careful, then they also might be instantly killed by them. Their only shortcoming is that their attack range is too short, merely at 30m. As long as one is outside their range, then with a level-1 elemental offensive spell such as Fireball, one can kill them.”


“Attack!” Yang Feng waved his hand and ordered.

Two gunner robots instantly adjusted their muzzles, accompanied with flashes of fire, Anima Demonic Rattan Carnivorous Flower was bombarded by countless vulcan cannon shells.

The sunflower-like Anima Demonic Rattan Carnivirous Flower seemed to have detected mortal danger, it suddenly enlarged into a demonic rattan, more than 20m long, up to 2m thick, with countless sharp thorns and beast-like teeth.

The countless vulcan cannon shells bombarded the trunk of Anima Demonic Rattan Carnivorous Flower, blowing open fist-sized cavities, large amounts of white mucus was spilled from its trunk.

The Anima Demonic Rattan Carnivorous Flower madly twisted itself, issuing traces of beast-like roars.

After several breaths of time, the trunk of Anima Demonic Rattan Carnivorous Flower was smashed to pieces under the terrifying shelling.

bladed robots quickly stepped forward, brandishing their alloy blades, chopped the Anima Demonic Rattan Carnivorous Flower and its terrifying bud into pieces.

After killing that Anima Demonic Rattan Carnivorous Flower, the 3 bladed robots then walked towards the Enlightenment Tree in large strides.

Suddenly, in the surroundings of the Enlightenment Tree, an enormous flower blossomed, it was up to 10m tall, the crystal ball in the middle of its bud instantly burst, resulting in an extremely terrifying dragon might, a dragon breath capable of burning everything immediately shot from within the crystal ball, shooting towards the 3 mechanical bladed robots.

In the blink of an eye, the 3 bladed robots were directly turned into ashes as they lacked the power to resist the dragon breath.

At the same time, nearly half of the botanical garden was wrecked by that dragon breath and turned into a piece of charred land.

Eunice’s tender body shuddered slightly, her beautiful eyes flashed with a touch of fear as she whispered: “Dragon breath! It was actually dragon breath, that’s too horrifying!”

Dragon breath was a dragon’s breath attack. An ordinary adult dragon possessed terrifying battle prowess comparable to a Great Warlock’s. An ancient dragon even possessed a terrifying strength comparable to that of a Starry Sky Warlock. The dragon breath of an ordinary adult dragon was capable of inflicting heavy injuries or even kill a Great Warlock rank expert, its destructive power was boundless.

If one went to pluck the Enlightenment Fruit without preparations, even if it were to be a Great Warlock rank expert, being the slightest bit inattentive, then one also would be directly killed by that dragon breath.

Yang Feng saw half of the precious botanical garden being destroyed, creased his eyebrows and ordered 3 mechanical bladed robots to go pluck the 9 Enlightenment Fruits.

To seal a dragon breath was extremely difficult – this time, the 3 bladed robots smoothly collected the 9 Enlightenment Fruits from the Enlightenment Tree.

Just as the 9 Enlightenment Fruits were successfully plucked, the precious plants within the entire botanical garden suddenly collapsed and withered. The Enlightenment Tree also instantly withered and condensed into a blue-crystal-like seed.
