Chapter 70 – Gloom Cave  


Yang Feng’s gaze fell on the four corpses and he chuckled: “You truly have tenacious life forces, you actually didn’t die! Pierre, Anya, the both of you are actually alive, that’s really beyond my expectations.

Two of the corpses slightly moved, Pierre’s complexion was pale as he got up and wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth – he very decisively knelt in front of Yang Feng and said loudly: “From hence forth, Pierre is willing to make an oath and vow loyalty and devotion towards Sir Yang Feng, vow loyalty and devotion towards Sir’s family for generations, I ask Sir to take me in.”

Anya’s beautiful face was petrified, she covertly glanced at Eunice to the side – she also made a prompt decision, directly knelt before Yang Feng and said loudly: “Anya is willing to make an oath and vow loyalty and devotion towards Sir Yang Feng, I ask Sir to take me in. No matter what’s Your request, Anya will comply.”

Pierre and Anya, the both of them were very clever, they knew that they heard Yang Feng’s secret, they were currently in a life threatening situation. The only way to live was by becoming Yang Feng’s underling, only then might they be given an opportunity to live.

Pierre and Anya, the both of them knelt on the ground and lowered their heads, they had their muscles stretched taut, with cold sweat flowing down their backs, their hearts filled with fear.


“Put on these headrings and necklaces! The headring can detect your thoughts while the necklace is packed with a bomb! Once you have any harmful thoughts towards us, the necklace will blow up your heads. Of course, you may choose not to put them on.” Yang Feng watched Pierre and Anya kneeling on the ground with a smile that wasn’t a smile, waved his hand and 2 mechanical bladed robots walked over with two sets of black necklaces and silver headrings.

Yang Feng wasn’t convinced by their oaths, as far as he was concerned, technological means were still more secure.

Pierre, without saying anything else, took the black necklace and the silver headring, and immediately put them on.

Anya hesitated slightly, then clenched her teeth and put on the necklace and the headring.

“Stand up!” Yang Feng said lightly.

Only then did the two stood up, their backs chilly.


After some time, the moon emerged.

Moonlight was spilled on the earth, then a mysterious power slowly pulled it towards the huge crevice, finally congregating into a beam of moonlight that was absorbed into the crevice.

Eunice suddenly said: “We can enter now!”

Yang Feng nodded slightly, took the lead and walked towards the crevice.

The Liquid-Metal Robots possessed by Eunice and Shi Xue also walked towards the crevice.

The closely packed beast-type bladed robots, gunner robots and artillery robots, they also followed behind Yang Feng into the crevice.


Gloom Cave was a place that might contain peerless treasures like Aurum Blood. As long as they get Aurum Blood, Yang Feng might then make a breakthrough once again, smash the restraint of his soul aptitude and have some hope in promoting to a level-1 Warlock.

Under the shine of the moonlight, in that deep and unmeasurable crevice, there was a ladder congregated from the moonlight. That ladder congregated from the moonlight was directly suspended in the air, as if the link into an unknown space, it ended in the air.

Yang Feng waved his hand, a beast-type bladed robots immediately stepped forward, walked one step at a time on the ladder congregated from the moonlight, suddenly it faded away at the end of the moonlight ladder.

<There’s an unknown energy field interference. According to the data analysis of the current database, the energy field is estimated to be a Warlock’s life energy particles and other energy particles forming the field interference. Long-distance data link failed. Do You want Your current spirit vessel become your main one and form a new close-distance command center around it?>

A string of massages flashed through Yang Feng’s mind.

Yang Feng ordered: “Alright! Let my current spiritual vessel be the main one and form a new close-distance command center around it.”

<Understood, initiating the remodeling of the smart microchip. Completion time, ten seconds.>

A mechanical gunner robot came from the side, holding 10 high-energy batteries and pressed them against Yang Feng.

Connectors extended from Yang Feng’s body, directly plugging into the high-energy batteries, absorbing the energy of the 10 high-energy batteries.

The smart chip in the head of the Liquid-Metal Robot possessed by Yang Feng was quickly remodeled.

<The remodeling was completed.>

A beep sounded and Yang Feng could clearly perceive the data from the surrounding 765 level-7 primary battle robots.

Yang Feng said with slightly wrinkled eyebrows: “3796, if I enter the relic like this, won’t that force field interfere with the radio wave signal? When this body enters the remains, it won’t be immediately paralyzed, right?”

<It won’t! Master, you are my Host. Your soul had already been transformed and strengthened, it already has the properties of xizu. No matter the distance nor the place, you can always posses a robot and go on an adventure. Other people, even if they posses the same technology, they still won’t be able to do this. Eunice and Shi Xue, as long as they are within a range of 20m from You, they can then also be shielded by Your soul and use the mechanical bodies to enter the relic.>

Only now did Yang Feng feel relieved and immediately walked towards the moonlight ladder. He walked along the moonlight ladder, just as he arrived at the bottom of the ladder, almost at the same time as he took a step into the air, his eyes suddenly blurred and he strangely appeared inside a dark passageway.

In front of Yang Feng stood the bladed robot that was the first to enter.

The two women followed the mechanical legion and one at a time entered the Gloom Cave’s passageway.

A bladed robot switched on a searchlight, illuminating the passageway.

There were shelves on either side of the passageway, specifically used to carry magic lamps.

However, there were currently no magic lamps on the shelves, obviously they had been already taken away by those that entered before them.

Yang Feng carefully sized up the surroundings and found out that behind them was also a long passageway leading who knows where.

Yang Feng said with slightly creased eyebrows: “In which direction should we go?”

Eunice’s eyebrows creased slightly as she carefully sized up around them: “Across this passageway, there is a fork in the passageway. Each fork has a mural, there’s a transportation array at the end of each head mural fork. We can leave this place trough the transportation array. The lion mural fork is the path that leads towards Gloom Cave’s headquarters. The dark elf mural fork, nobody managed to come back alive from there.”

“Let’s go.”

Yang Feng and his party followed the passageway.

After walking for several kilometers, only then did they crossed the passageway and arrived at a square. That square was extremely clean, as in licked by a cat, there wasn’t a single blemish.

On the other side of the square, there were three forks – a life-like mural was engraved above each fork. The three murals were distinguished by the head of an enormous golden lion and the head of a beautiful and alluring dark elf.
