actionChapter 32 – Eudorax  


Eudorax still had a very important task in coming to the Black City, which was to spy on the city. Under the spying gaze of the Warlock’s Eye, the scenes of the surrounding several kilometers entered his eyes.

At this moment, the entire Black City was still in the remodeling stage, with a permanent defensive fort being built on every street. Each permanent defensive fort contained three anti-aircraft cannons, three battalion cannons, one multiple rocket launcher, and six 12.7 millimeter heavy machine guns.

The entire Black City was like an enormous military fortress littered with all kinds of cannons and artilleries. Eudorax’s scalp became slightly numb at this sight.

With his strength, a cannon couldn’t wound him in the slightest. However, with 100 or 1,000 cannons firing simultaneously, he would be blasted into tatters if he didn’t escape.

As he observed the Black City via Warlock’s Eye, he mused: “Unless His Excellency Dean personally steps in, it will be very difficult to capture the Black City even if Sir Scarlet Hands Blitz attacks with a team. It seems like the Steel Lord did indeed obtain a part of the inheritance of the 6th Warlock Dynasty’s mechanical legion.”


After crossing a number of streets, Eudorax’s group of two entered the Warlock tower and then arrived at the main hall on the 3rd floor.

“I am the Steel Lord Yang Ye! Welcome, Eudorax. Please sit.” Wrapped in synthetic human skin and adorned with artificial eyes, a brawny man formed by a liquid metal robot sitting on a throne smiled lightly at Eudorax.

Beside Yang Feng’s avatar Yang Ye stood eight level-7 battle robots – four level-7 bladed robots, two level-7 gunner robots, and two level-7 shielded robots respectively.

The eight level-7 battle robots going all-out to defend him were enough to let Yang Feng quickly escape the scene if attacked. The eight level-7 battle robots were supposed to be 5- to 6-meter-tall giant robots. However, in order to be able to act freely within the Warlock tower, they were shrunk to 3 meters tall during manufacturing. As a result, their fighting prowess was weakened by a lot, but they still possessed the frightening strength to kill level-7 life forms.

Eudorax took out the agreed upon contract and handed it to Allen: “Hello, Yang Ye! I am the Warlock College Antalya’s Eudorax. I’m happy to meet you. This is our agreed upon contract, please sign it if everything checks out.”

Allen stepped forward and handed Yang Feng’s avatar Yang Ye the contract.


After carefully reading the contract and finding no loophole, Yang Ye signed his name on it.

“Eudorax, what do you think of these two golems?” Yang Feng’s avatar Yang Ye waved his hand and two level-7 bladed robots stepped into the center of the main hall.

Eudorax carefully looked at the two level-7 bladed robots.

The two level-7 bladed robots didn’t have human shapes. Rather, the upper body was in the shape of a human, yet it possessed eight arms equipped with long alloy blades as well as a number of insect-like compound eyes and a serrated maw on its head; its lower body was in the shape of a tiger-like beast with a very sharp lance-like tail.

Yang Feng’s avatar Yang Ye snapped his fingers, and the two level-7 bladed robots started fighting frenziedly.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!


Ear-piercing sounds of metal clashing echoed in the area. The two level-7 bladed robots, as if extremely savage mechanical battle beats, fought frenziedly and unscrupulously, looking dazzling to the eye.

“So strong! The fighting strength of the two golems is comparable to that of pinnacle level-1 Warlocks!” Eudorax watched the two level-7 bladed robots fighting with a grave look in his eyes.

After they fought for more than 10 seconds, Yang Feng’s avatar Yang Ye clapped his hands, and the two level-7 bladed robots stopped immediately.

Yang Feng’s avatar Yang Ye looked at Eudorax with a smile on his face.

Eudorax uttered unhurriedly: “Amazing! The fighting strength of the two golems is comparable to that of pinnacle level-1 Warlocks.”

Yang Feng’s avatar Yang Ye smiled and asked: “How about I give you these two golems?”

Eudorax pondered for a moment before replying decisively: “Okay! However, what do you want in return?”

With their fighting strength comparable to that of pinnacle level-1 Warlocks, the two golems were very useful to the level-2 Warlock Eudorax. The golems were convenient for dealing with a large number of enemies or exploring some dangerous areas.

Yang Feng’s avatar Yang Ye smiled, clapped his hands, and his true body slowly walked in.

Yang Feng’s avatar Yang Ye pointed at his true body and said unhurriedly: “This is Yang Feng, my only kin. He wants to practice cultivation and tread the Warlock path, but his talent is too poor. I hope that you can take care of him when he cultivates at the Warlock College Antalya.”

Yang Feng put his right hand on his chest, bowed in salute towards Eudorax, and said: “Well met, Sir Eudorax! I am Yang Feng, Sir Steel Lord Yang Ye’s nephew.”

Eudorax was a genuine level-2 Warlock, and he was a level-2 Warlock from the Warlock College Antalya to boot. He was very strong. Yang Feng didn’t want to be discourteous in front of such a formidable Warlock.

Eudorax looked at Yang Feng, and his eyes radiated dark green light that enveloped Yang Feng.

Yang Feng immediately felt his body sink, and he was practically unable to breathe, move, or think. His life was within Eudorax’s grasp. His body spasmed, and fear spread from the deepest recesses of his heart all the way until his limbs.

This terrifying feeling lasted for 10 seconds before fading away. Drenched in sweat, Yang Feng gasped for air, and his legs shook like leaves and his eyes flickered with fear.

His heart was filled with fear: “So strong! Is this the strength of a level-2 Warlock? So formidable!! That’s an extraordinary life form who exceeded the limitations of humans for you! Only when facing them can you really feel their terror.”

Eudorax frowned, muttered for a while, and then said unhurriedly: “Yang Ye, your nephew’s soul aptitude is only at inferior level-1. With such a soul aptitude, just becoming an Apprentice Warlock will be very difficult, let alone an official level-1 Warlock. Even if he joins the Warlock College Antalya, it would still be very difficult for him to become an official level-1 Warlock.”

Yang Feng’s heart sunk. Eudorax was a level-2 Warlock from Warlock College Antalya, a level-2 Warlock with a powerful inheritance god knows how many times stronger than a wandering level-2 Warlocks without an inheritance. Since Eudorax said that it was very difficult for him to become a level-1 Warlock, then it really was very difficult.

Yang Feng’s avatar Yang Ye said firmly in a deep voice: “He is my only kin in this world. Whatever the cost, I will help him become an official level-1 Warlock. The Blue Mirage Banshee Elixir can alter a person’s soul aptitude. So long a he can promote to a level-1 Warlock, then no matter how many vials of the Blue Mirage Banshee Elixir it takes, I will get them for him.”
