Chapter 831: 12 hours each - Part 3  

Raphael said, "In Elizabeth's case, she had been misguided and had lost her path. You did too, Calhoun, but you changed in Madeline's presence. Your values are more humane, or should I say that the traits of your mother that had disappeared have appeared again. At some point, we are all put through trials, and sometimes it doesn't matter where we started but only the end matters."

He had always kept a close watch on Calhoun when he was a demon and even after he had gone back to Heaven. He had noticed the subtle changes in Calhoun while some of his traits continued to persist.

Everyone could change. Most of the mortals often didn't go to the depth of the things, unlike the angels and the archangels in Heaven, who looked beyond the person's character.

"I would have never guessed that you were an archangel," chuckled Calhoun, and Raphael smiled.

"I was surprised when I returned to Heaven, but I am glad that Madeline was able to return," replied Raphael.

"Are you going to stay here for some more time or will you have to return soon?" questioned Calhoun.


"The balance in the world has changed now. It isn't like before along with the demon and the angel dynamics," said Raphael, "I think this time, I am going to be here for as long as people exist."

While Calhoun and Raphael were catching up with things each of them had to speak, Vladimir appeared in the corridor and caught sight of Raphael.

"Look who we have here," commented Vladimir while being followed by his servant Odin.

"I must say, the demon aura looked more appealing on you than this angelic one. I have a couple of spare positions that are waiting to be filled. You are more than welcome to join me, little brother."

Calhoun smirked at the Devil's effort of trying to recruit people in Hell.

"Good evening, Vladimir. It is good to see you again," smiled Raphael, and Vladimir rolled his eyes. "Have you gone and met Constance in Heaven?"


"You're going to meet mother?" Calhoun's eyes snapped at Vladimir.

"It was a deal between one of the archangel's and me, that they would see to it that for a whole day I get to spend time with her in return for helping them," came the nonchalant words from Vladimir, when in truth he was excited to see his daughter. He had decided to save the day when he would get some free time from looking after his great-grandchild, but the little one had kept him busy.

"Switch it with me," came Calhoun's sudden words and Vladimir's eyebrows furrowed hearing his grandson demand.

The last time when Calhoun had gone to Heaven to bring back Madeline, he hadn't got a chance to even glance at his mother, who resided there. He knew the Devil loved his mother dearly, but being her son, he wanted to see her too. There were many things he wished he could do, but he hadn't been able to, as he was incapable when she had passed away.

Calhoun was Vladimir's grandson, but the Devil wasn't ready to give away the rare and precious opportunity of spending his time with his daughter. It wasn't every day he was invited into the Heavenly realm.

Raphael, who stood listening to them, proposed, "Why not split the day?"


A sigh escaped from Vladimir's lips, "Alright. You can take the first half and I shall take the second half."

Calhoun's eyes sparkled, and a grin appeared on his lips.

Raphael pulled out a gold card from his pocket that had twelve hours written on it, "This card will allow you to pass through when you want to visit her. Vladimir has already been allowed to visit her once, so I don't think you would need one."

"How exciting that we have everyone here. By the way, Cal, soon you shall have a grandmother," stated Vladimir.

"You are back to building castles in the air," taunted Calhoun.

"She has agreed to go to have dinner with me in the castle. It is only a matter of time before she falls for this Devil," one side of Vladimir's lips pulled up into a smile.

Calhoun wasn't sure how to view the family tree that was growing right now.

Raphael, his friend who was once a demon, had turned to be an archangel, who referred to the Devil as his lost brother. With Raphael's interest in Beth and the love that was growing between them, it was only a matter of time he would join his family. Then there was Helena, the Head of the High House, to consider her as his grandmother would possibly be the strangest thing.

Calhoun had left the two men's side and was on his way to Madeline. Reaching the room, he noticed Paschar holding the child in his arms while sitting next to Madeline while Beth was sitting in the chair.

"Have you decided on a name for him?" asked Paschar.

"I hope it is none of the existing names that we already know of," Vladimir appeared in the room with a sizzle of fire so that he could have his own time with his great-grandchild.

Paschar stood up before handing the baby to Madeline, only to be taken by Vladimir in eagerness. The archangel stepped away from his daughter, and soon he noticed Raphael arrive at the room. Madeline turned to look at Calhoun, who smiled at her before coming to sit next to her.

"If you haven't thought about any, how about Thomas?" said Paschar.

"If we are proposing names, then I would like Beezlebee," chimed Vladimir.

"My grandson is not going to have a demon name," Paschar narrowed his eyes.

Vladimir huffed, "And my great grandchild is not going to have an ordinary name."

Beth, who was quietly standing in the room, couldn't help but laugh while disguising it as a cough on seeing the two elders glare at each other. Everyone was amused, watching Paschar and Vladimir fighting to be part of the baby.

"Actually, Madeline and I have decided on a name," said Calhoun so that the Archangel and the Devil would not fight over the names. He put his hand around Madeline's shoulder and had her lean against him. "It is Morven. Morven Hawthrone."

"Strangely, the name reminds me of spiders. I wonder why," hummed Vladimir. He then looked down at the baby he held in his hand. "Little Morven."
