Chapter 265 - [Bonus ]The Flag Bearer  

Rudra accepted the invite , and was transported into the collosseum.

The collosseum was the stage for the opening ceremony , as well as the battleground for the one v one battle. Built like the traditional roman collessuem where the Roman gladiators fought ,it was a beautiful marble structure in its peak architectural glory. It housed a total audience of 200,000 strong , as tickets were sold with in game gold currency. The tickets were sold at 100 gold a ticket , and only about 120,000 were released to general public. While the rest were reserved for various officials of countries.

The Arab sheiks , the Korean dictators , the presidents of the republics and the prime ministers of the democracies , all stood along with their respective goverment officials in their designated country booths on this monumental occasion.

The atmosphere in the crowd was electric , this was the VR Olympics , and the world leaders were present under one roof here.

Alongside president Shinzo Abe , for the first time ever , Ethan Grey was present inside Omega , as he kept feeling his hands , and pinching his skin , feeling shocked at how real it felt. He was impressed at the technology and Marvelled at what Cuber corporation was able to achieve , however his admiration for the game ended there , he was a businessman , and he liked the playground called the stock market . He was not interested in the artificial world.

After 2 minutes time , the large drums started to rhythmically beat. Trumpets were blown in between the beats , and a rhythmic sound of feet marching to the beat could be heard.


The march had began , one by one countries started to enter the grand structure , and inside the arena. The order was alphabetical , hence countries whose names started with A , came first.

About 20 minutes or so later , it was finally Japan's turn. Rudra raised the flag , his arms bent at 90° , as his posture was perfect and exuded his charm as a commander.

Rudra shouted in Japanese " Nihonjin wa hidari kara kōshin o hajimemasu "

Aka ' Japanese start marching from the left '.

Being a non native , he had worked very hard to deliver this one line with confidence and exuberance.

Upon hearing his command , the troop started marching from the left leg , to a rhythmic movement of left right left.


Karna being right behind Rudra holding the plack , while the rest marching in files of three , the Japanese national team entered the Grand collessuem under the gazes of the world leaders.

The pressure was real , the moment they entered the arena , sharp glares and discerning gazes landed on the members , a invisible pressure weighted on everyone.

Rudra felt it too , the pressure that those in leadership could exert , was not to be taken lightly , his palms started to get sweaty ,while some in the file started having beads of perspiration form on their foreheads.

Rudra knew he had to do something in this situation as he said with calm" Yasashī otoko" aka Take it easy men.

Hearing the group leader , the rapid heartbeat of the group calmed down , as they controlled their breathing to calm their racing hearts.

When the marching group passed the booth where the Japanese president was seated. Rudra tilted the flag 45° towards the president , while the others quickly gave salute , with one hand plastered to their forehead.


The entire japanese booth too was on their feet returning the respect with a salute of their own.? Well everyone except Ethan Grey Ofcourse , who was taking a selfie with the saluting group with his tongue out making a yolo sign.

A thin smirk formed on Rudra's lips when he saw Ethan Grey acting like a goof , as his words rang clear in his mind. He knew what he needed to do . He was ready to take on the responsibility of bearing the hopes and hate of the nation.

Finally after about 2 minutes of March , the national team reached their designated spot , Rudra placed the National flag in the designated spot , where the hole was in the ground , and fell to second place in the file , with Karna now being the one at the front with the plack of Japan raised high.

Once halted Rudra looked around in the arena , murderously glaring at everyone who dared meet eyes with him. The flag bearers of other countries had it worst , as Rudra looked at them as if they were worthless punks. Just like how the rich look down on the poor and the hunter looks down on their prey , Rudra mocked them like they were inferior creatures with his eyes and smug facial expressions.

Not a single word was exchanged , but the surrounding teams already hated Rudra to the core.

About 10 minutes later , the United Kingdom team marched in , and passed japanese national team.? Karna looked calmly as edge passed him , at first glance it seemed like a normal passing by , however Rudra and Karna who were watching closely saw the audacity of edge in full display.

The guy had his middle finger propped out when he passed the Japanese national team , quickly closing it once they passed them . It was a clear provocation.

Rudra creased his forehead , he was furious at the punk , Karna on the other hand was calm and collected , he would not fall for cheap anger , he would show his frustration in the battlefield.

Just a bit later team USA passed by , Rudra was giving his standard cold looks to everyone , even though USA was a ally , when he saw Adam.

Adams eyes widened in joy , as his face looked like he was struggling to hide his smile. Rudra could immediately hear a ' Brooooooooo ' In his mind , just how Adam talked.

Rudra facepalmed himself . The buffoon made him break his serious character. Rudra chuckled , what will he do about all the friendly idiots he might meet in the course of the competition?

/// A fan has written a cool song on discord about the novel , the beat of the song is there in the discord , and although I won't attatch the song in the chapter , as it will cost you all an extra coin. I will add it in author's notes , soo those of you that want to read the lyrics can do so.

If you like it please show appreciation in the comments ///
