Chapter 212 - The Making Of A True Leader  

For a minute there Rudra grit his teeth , why did they choose to attack the sectors under Neatwit , those sectors had no reinforcement centres . Sending troops as aid was impossible .

He was really frustrated , things seemed to get worse and worse by the second. He had hit the lowest point in his career as a guild leader right now , just when things seemed to be in his control , something unexpected would happen .

It was at this point that an unexpected memory flashed in his mind. He was playing with his little brother max , who had asked him a new math riddle he had learned in first grade.

Rudra had thought hard and logically about the problem , but he could not solve it , it was hilarious as little Max kept laughing and teased his big brother to not know something soo simple.

Finally the answer to the problem was soo simple and out of the box , it just needed to be approached with a bit of creativity . That day Rudra had learnt that not everything had to be done logically , sometimes creativity could be the solution to a problem.

As this memory flashed across his mind , he calmed down , the face of a innocent smiling Max with one teeth broken flashed in his mind.. He smiled , he was back in control of his emotions.


Rudra thought ' That's right , why am I thinking about reinforcements , agreed that it is the logical approach to this problem , however since it won't work let's try a creative approach '.

Thinking about it for a while with a calm mind , Rudra realized a crucial detail! A single district was currently filled with members from hundereds of guilds , and lots of solo adventurer parties who were here to farm EXP.

The battlefield was not a Warfield where there was only allies and enemies . Here there were bystanders , strangers and other parties present too and the only way to recognize an Elite was by the guild robes and insigna. If the members just discarded the guild robes and insigna they could just blend in as a solo adventurer group , this was especially true for the districts Neatwit was incharge of , it's structure composed of parties of four guild members , they could easily disguise themselves as small adventurer groups!

Rudra grinned ..... This plan was brilliant , such a simple solution to a seemingly complex problem , he would make sure to hug little Max once he went back home and buy him tonnes of ice-cream that kid was a lifesaver.

Rudra said " Relay the command to Neatwits unit , remove all items carrying the guild insigna and blend in as solo adventurer parties , let's see , how long they take to sniff our members out , and how many groups they piss off in the process ".

The spy nodded and immediately acted upon the order, he was inwardly highly impressed by the guild leaders strategy , it was commendable. He felt reassured , the leader was someone with vision , with him at the top of the guild , it was only a matter of time before they rose to even greater hieghts!


The information about the attacking enemy had already long reached Neatwit. He was worried sick , as he had no methods to deal with the 20,000 troops without leaving the areas assigned to him and retreat completely

But that would only mean , that Lower merits would be farmed by the guild. As the archballistaes would be destroyed as well as the guild would loose a strategic location for farming merits. He was hoping Rudra found a solution to this problem .

When the information spy relayed Rudra's instructions to Neatwit , Neatwit just laughed for one full minute. Such a simple method.... Yet he knew he could have never thought about it.

He quickly passed the information as within next 20 minutes all the Elites had removed all identifying items and began to fight as solo adventurers.

The members from Eternal Rebels swooped in street by street and passed straight by the Elites , not having a single clue it was them.

A few of them guarding the archballistae also created a ruckus about how the Eternal Rebel guild members were asserting domination and bullying solo adventurer groups.


The small spark soon turned into a massive flame , as Elite members disguised as solo adventurers began calling out the passing Eternal Rebels ..... Little by little the actual solo adventurers started to get riled up , as fights started to break out in some parts.

Then a third rate guild party somehow lost a member in the croosfire between a scuffle . And little by little the fights became more and more profound and began to break out with everyone.

Everyone was already pissed at the Eternal rebels for holding the number one spot , hence when the chance came , absolutely everyone started attacking their members like hungry wolves.

Things did not go well for the 20,000 troops sent by Edge then , as although they entered the sectors to hunt the Elites. Not A single one made it out Alive , even the existing members in those sectors who had been fighting there since the start had been killed by the public outrage because of their association with the Eternal rebels guild.

The tables had turned because of a simple event , as the predators became the prey , the numbered became outnumbered and the strategy that Edge made to disrupt other guilds backfired into him loosing his members for nothing , causing the Elites to gain back the merit point lead and shorten it to only 110 K points!

The Frozern thorn guild had suffered losses as they had chosen to fight the Eternal rebels head on , in the clash of those two guilds both lost lots of members , causing even the Frozern thorn to slip in the rankings.

Finally with 34 hours into the event the merit board was ....

Merit board rankings :

) Eternal rebels : 310000 + (100,000)points

action 2) True Elites : 300000 points

) Frozen thorns : 290300 points

) Twisting serpants : 271004 points

) Eternal darkness : 122594 points

) Elementals : 107150 points






) Seed of life : ELIMINATED !

) pizza lovers : ELIMINATED !

) here to stay : ELIMINATED !





) never say never : ELIMINATED !

/// Bonus chapter for hitting the powerstone target! Good job all ! ///
